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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Two old builders that like to do things the traditional way. And yes, decent nails not screws. 90mm
  2. I keep mine together then lay them out in the wheel house when not on the boat. When we are on the boat they all go in the roof mounted holders and in the gunwale mounted ones too. like this... and this....
  3. Neither will this. I'm replacing decking that we laid 15 years ago. So that's not a bad return. For the cost of the deck boards I can do this twice for the same cost of composite boards. We are using concrete this time to stop the supports rotting and wicking up to the boards. If we do get some rot this time I can just replace individual boards.
  4. Cross beams have baton running along, then the deck runners are notched out to the size of the baton, laid on top then nailed and glued in place. All mounted on concrete posts
  5. Great report and fishing. Well done. You mentioned weighing the blonde later in the day, how did you keep it alive, or did you dispatch it and eat?
  6. I'm labouring to save a few hours of hold up.
  7. We expect to see floating picks by Monday!! 🤣 don't do an @Geoffor @captin slows old outlaw and take years.
  8. Wow sounds like you got lucky steve. Now you do have an almost new rod for not a lot of dosh. Fair play to the seller for chipping in.
  9. 2 stroke offers a lighter engine to hang off the transome with more power. For an aux I'd go 2 stroke all the way. Either way, Tohatsu is a good choice.
  10. Don't suppose your self employed Jon? If so, you could always get a new Tohatsu 2 stroke as an aux engine. I did it, got a new 5hp 2 stoke for my tender, think it was £1200 iirc.
  11. That's a peacock! Incase you were in any doubt.
  12. I didn't mean his holiday chums. I meant more fish!! But you knew that.
  13. 4/10 (was going to be a 3, but I felt sorry for you).
  14. Very nice, what fish is it, and where are the others??
  15. Pretty sure that's why he put it up?
  16. Ok, credibility restored!! 👍🏻
  17. For normal fishing I use 25/30lb Saratoga braid. Good quality and cheap on eBay.
  18. Well, you can add that to a long line of fish you haven't seen over here yet either!!
  19. Only when yore on board!
  20. @Josh what curry did you have? plain Nann? Really ??
  21. Already left you a review mate!
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