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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Did you nick those trousers off the shelf at the local branch? Cant wait to get out for some decent fishing. Well done.
  2. He could have this for not that much more... https://www.garmin.com/en-GB/p/697228/pn/010-02365-50
  3. Why are you caravanning in your boat?
  4. I have the Garmin HD4k radome coupled to a pair of gpsmap 8410 plotters. It all works a treat. Maybe one of the more technical bods like @GPSguru (don't bother with @Andy135 he just copies and pasted from Google) can tell you if the garmin can be used with the simrad that you have? Or you could purchase a smaller garmin plotter and use just the ais and radar on that, then have the simrad as a stand alone??
  5. Unlucky Malc. Whenever I've fished for flatties I normally found them right behind the second breaking wave, this I put down to the waves churning up the sea bed.
  6. If you go to your own profile page you can PM people direct from there!
  7. It has been found. But you sent it to the Outlaws email account not to me by private message. Thanks though.
  8. Thanks Steve that's kind. But I've just this morning ordered one! Typical.
  9. Leo started on acoustic, and does still play it. But he doesn't like it, he only plays it so he can master the music theory and techniques for his electric. There is no way he will be contemplating playing acoustic for fun at the moment. It's hard to interact with people's comments when they don't really leave any!! It's early days and I'm sure regular content will get him more followers, he doing ok, 400 in 3 weeks is quite good. I'm more interested in how technically I can get his videos infront of people, I don't really understand the process of # and @ if I'm honest.
  10. I don't know much about the technical issues you're asking., but my question to you is this..... do you need AIS and radar? Do you go out in the dark much? Or in the fog? If not, then AIS transmit and receive will be good enough alone. The reason I say this is because I have both, and apart from one trip out in dense fog, I've never used the radar. Ok, so it is nice to know it's there but is it worth the cost? You could always add it later if you feel you really need it, but for now I'd just go AIS.
  11. You missed it. Go to the iplayer
  12. You got a link to that particular net Dave? Ive had a look and couldn't see one!
  13. I could yes, but have more important things to do!
  14. My Stainless Steve landing net is just too cumbersome and long to keep on the boat. So I'm going to get shot of it (pm if interested). But what good quality net should I replace it with? I'd like small enough holes that a smut can't wedge itself and a telescopic light weight handle. What's recommended??
  15. Nice going Steve. Good to see you back at it.
  16. You'll fit right in here then!! Welcome. Sorry I can't help with your spade, as I'm a lazy arse and buy my worm or just use fish baits instead! Worms = juice on my cushions.
  17. Well then he doesn't need to pay tax. He can't be running at a minus or he'd be outta business.
  18. Then he has less tax to pay because his profits are lower!
  19. There is a new David Attenborough programme on this Sunday. It's all about the UK marine life. Saw a good clip about BFT, looks well worth a watch!
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