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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Ive had an enquiry about getting a hoodie for one of our members. As these are normally done on a bulk order over a single, is there anybody wishing to renew theirs or order their first one?? If so, take a look at the hoodie thread in the merchandise section and let me know!
  2. Congrats @Jon cook. Looking forward to seeing some before/during/after photos! Don't be as slow as @Geoff and @captin slows old outlaw or you'll never see the water!! I agree with Andy about the auxiliary, in 12 years I've never had one and never needed one. Just keep the engine well maintained and your trolling valve shut!!!
  3. Nice report Nick with photos all the right way up!! 👍🏻 That ling looked lovely, as did the cuckoo wrasse that even made you crack a smile (grimace)!! Thanks!
  4. But TBF you're not supposed to sit on them, so that's a mistake of the user not the tank. And I'd doubt a small puff of fumes would cause any issue at all. Same with the pressure venting. Ive only seen a plastic tank swell when left in direct sunlight, or in extra warm places. The bilge of a boat is not a particularly warm place. But it's like everything on a boat, check and maintain and you should be ok! Plastic fuel tanks are fitted to boats all the time, ok so they vent outside, but I can't see a 20ltr portable giving any issues if well cared for.
  5. I'm not an expert but I'd think that a good conditioned air inlet valve will have a one way non return valve in it. So theoretically it won't cause an issue if regularly checked for soundness.
  6. That's not great. Can you not pass it on and put the £2k toward a new unit?
  7. I'm as much a plumber as you are an ageing handle bar moustache wearing dildo riding wrestler!
  8. That's rude. Jon was on his bestest polite behaviour and you flip him the bird!! Bloody pensioners, no respect, no discipline!!
  9. Why?? You have a whole David Lloyd centre in your garden!!
  10. Great fishing and a fish supper in the steam room after to relax. What could be better?
  11. Probably built in just fore yew!
  12. Yeah but seeing it in a tv screen is better than reading about it!
  13. Plenty of in depth videos on YouTube that go into these sort of things. Settings and what the results mean etc!
  14. I know the pirate boats are sturdy and well built, but aside from an extra 3ft, what does the change bring you?
  15. So what has caught your eye?? And have you told the Mrs yet?
  16. Screw that, I'd rather be fishing. Life's too short
  17. Very nice Ian. I thought you were too old now for making school boy errors like that? Shame. Seemed like a top day out though. Why do we not see Alan on here then? Are you like Bruce, and don't want your real friends to see what a cool bunch you hang out with?
  18. Well if you need any help we are an intellectually funny bunch!!!
  19. No the summer house is still standing just. It'll be gone by end of April though. Not a new shed either. But serviceable.
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