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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Not just Christmas, anything in London sux
  2. Very nice indeed @Tony. It looks far too smart for fish guts though!!
  3. Yep, and @Andy135 purposely bent them to his advantage!
  4. That's about the size of it. They will get fed up eventually and do it proper
  5. This will be the 3rd time in a year that I've removed it and sent it tu them. Like yes say, it's a max payne
  6. Nice one Dave. Hopefully you got some good screen shots off your new fish finder to show us??
  7. You know how these things snowball. First it's a wire, then a battery and before you know it the whole boat has to be dumped and replaced because it makes more financial sense. Isn't that what you did with Jersey Girl?? Get rid rather than sort the list !!!
  8. I think it means you need a new boat and full replacement fishing tackle!!
  9. Best get the boat in the water first though Pete !!
  10. That dog fish sure looked like he was making you work for that photo opportunity!!
  11. Ooh, liar liar pants on fire. I said yes because otherwise there would be no evidence. Then you "accidentally" set it free before it reached the dizzy height of the gunwale.
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