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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Yeah and he made a small child hold it to make it look bigger than it actually was...!!!
  2. Only way I'd ever manage it would be by utilising a needle, and tipping off. Even then the worm are so soft you'd have to have a 100% technique every cast not to obliterate them.
  3. Sounds like a fun weekend Ian, well done on the amount of fishies caught. 100 yards though?? With king rag? That seems impossible without the worms exploding at cast! What technique did you use to stop the worms from falling apart?
  4. Nobody to blame though. It's all in the weather!!
  5. Didn't I already make that point in post #5?
  6. I think we can let it slide seeing as we have no other reports to read!! Dont yew?
  7. Pretty sure this was their swan song last night. I actually enjoyed their style of rock more than Saxon. But Saxon had a slightly better stage presence !
  8. Nice one. You were quite lucky in the way that it all happened when the weather was so shit. You've not really missed much!
  9. There are not millions Geoff. There is a small percentage, it's just that the news casters exaggerate these things for ratings imo. I think you are correct about the lefty teachers however.
  10. I actually thought "the girl" looked a bit like you Geoff! 🤣 In your younger years of course! You are free to say what you want on here Geoff, the only request we have is "no politics". A conversation about what you feel is woke or about lgbgtq+ or what ever is most welcome.
  11. An enviable day that's fore shore!! especially seeing as it looks like I've forgotten what fishing is, dew to the whether !
  12. No, big boats are the way forward. Not backwards like @Andy135 and his SIB.
  13. A fishing trip would be great to hear about. Participating in my own one would be much better though !!
  14. Happy 2nd Birthday Outlaws... 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  15. Sorry I meant gingers and old people 🤣
  16. Yep who the fuck eats coconut anyway (except the gingers).
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