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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Why don't you fish the winter? Is it lack of fish or what? Round here Feb, March and April is the time to be out of the water!
  2. It's just a chicken, what's the joke?
  3. You're such a liar. I've seen you in those trousers before!
  4. I'd imagine that LSD taste much like smooth hound (mind the nutters). They are very gamey in taste . Perfect as deep fried fingers
  5. Yeah but I didn't read the tech stuff just looked at the pics.
  6. I actually think it could. Especially for inboard engine replacement. Seems like one of these could be fitted without the need for a pod and sacrificing the swim platform. It's only the petrol side that'd put me off.
  7. Not enough to give a "funny" emoji though!!
  8. They don't have much liability at all if they write it into their contract. Most will have a disclaimer or tu. But yew do yore research b4 yew employ them.
  9. That was a fully comp survey though. A valuation survey won't be that much, mine was a pre purchase. BTW, GJW who I use for insurance agreed to up my boats value by 8% without a survey.!
  10. Thinking depends on how deep you want the survey to go. My last one was £850.
  11. @suzook12 you had a good week this week!!
  12. @Geoff your offer is extremely kind and generous. I'm sure somebody will utilise you and your equipment. However, as a long standing member I'd prefer to see you use your time to float and use your self build boat!!
  13. So is anybody going to make the effort to participate in this or shall we just let it all fizzle away??? If anybody wants to get together for a few laughs and some beer and maybe some fishing, put dates down that you defo can't do in June/July/August..
  14. It's nice that hotels these days think of the oldies and put in an assisted entry chair by the pool. No wonder you got your deck chair so close to it Malc!! Sun looks nice, and the beer cool. What's the tipple?
  15. Yeah but no but yeah but no but yeah but whatevvvver
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