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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. @Andy135the tech nerd will be along soon to supply a link to how to post pics on here! 👍🏻
  2. More a pet peev!! When you look at a pic on your phone you can edit it yeah? So cropping means physically reducing the size of the photo by a mm or tu. Then save and continue as norm!
  3. Please please please crop your photos before posting!!!! Nice leads btw.
  4. Buy a new boat and you will. but that'll never happen.
  5. I don't "polish" my prop. I do clean it with a drill and scrub pad. Then refit.
  6. Blimey that's some steep shingle!!!! #ffswhenwillpeoplelearn
  7. I have been nobbled, he threw my best rod and reel in the drink!!
  8. It comes with a few years of practise. And a low moral fibre.
  9. What did you think of the tach Gary?? It's a beauty ain't it !!!
  10. Yes he could, if he put it down as tools/equipment/office supplies. Who's going to check?
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