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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Yes it is, but fish do change colour to adapt and blend to their surroundings. Seeing as the BC is dark and dirty, this ray may just naturally colour to its surroundings. I've seen real bright red/orange cod in Norway that live in kelp beds of the same shade.
  2. I think @daio web is the first member to thread drift his own fishing report !! Is there a prize for that??
  3. If your posting pics from the phone (mines an iPhone), choose the option to "show selected size" at the bottom. Then choose a smaller size of photo. It helps to crop your photos by a small bit before hand too.
  4. Well now you've posted your first catch report there's no stopping you Dave. Now just learn how to post your pics 👍🏻
  5. Id say a blonde too. Although the colour is deceiving. Looks real prehistoric.
  6. Yep, I'll post them up when I get a chance.
  7. It may help potential buyers if you translate the Italian label!!
  8. Hi Dave, glad you finally got out to catch some fish. Sounds like you had a good day out. The garmin stuff is quite easy to get your head around, you just need to find the time to sit there and pootle about trying different settings etc. If you have any serious difficulties then the Garmin UK technical help line is very useful. The operators are knowledgable and helpful. For now though, if you can email me the pics I'll put them up for you. Thanks for sharing your report!
  9. Easier to buy a new boat!! I know of a nice one for sale!! 👍🏻
  10. Locked to prevent an on going debate.
  11. As this is "probably a view" most will agree with, we will let it fly this once. But no more, or I'll unleash @JonC. You've been warned!!
  12. Yeah, but all academic now Geoff. As he's sold it to some mug!!
  13. That's why I offered just that, for a USED item!
  14. Typical moderator bias here though. Allowing some to post jokes in the incorrect section whilst crucifying others for the same crime!! tsk tsk
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