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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Well I am looking for a new boat. Every penny counts!!
  2. Well done on getting the mackerel to lay still for 3 photos! πŸ‘πŸ»
  3. Looks nice. But the first photo (I didn't have my glasses on) looks like they are perched on top of a swimming pool!
  4. Yep another vote for this. It's a bit thicker than j braid for the strain, but not that bad. I use on all my reels that have braid.
  5. Glad you finally got to go out steve. I've only waited about 4 years for you to post a catch report! sounded like a good one.
  6. I recently joined the 'Owning Up to Flatulence Club'. It's not for the 'ain't farted'.
  7. Sounds like an eventful day out. Glad you got back safe and managed to tell the tale.
  8. You know the site rules Nick...... no pics, it never happened!!
  9. Nice one Gary, that was some monumental effort, she looks great though. AND... you got to go fishing!! Where's the catch report with photos??
  10. According to @suzook12transits are worse. I think Ford "hand-grenade" was the term he used
  11. @Geoff you've not been seen for a while. Is all ok ?
  12. Nice to see you made the effort ! No more excuses on orientation now. πŸ‘πŸ»
  13. @Andy135 I can't believe that after all these years, we still manage to find an insult or tu!!
  14. Ah, so that's why you never finish a bottle 🀣
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