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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Nice, glad you had fun. But. No pics means it never happened!
  2. I'll have to have a look in my fish id book when I'm back on the boat later today!
  3. To change to a shaft and prop, would you not need to shift the engine forward? An outdrive engine sits at the far rear of the boat, where a shaft is more mid ship??
  4. This is a juvenile blonde, I don't see any white spots on the one I caught... https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=juvenike+blonde+ray&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj3tpSvj-r4AhUO-hoKHaUhDLQQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=juvenike+blonde+ray&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECB4QCjoECCMQJzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEB4QCDoHCCMQsAIQJzoECAAQDToICAAQHhAIEA1Q6hFY_CVg3ShoAHAAeACAAbgBiAGuCpIBBDAuMTCYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=AZLIYreyNY70a6XDsKAL&bih=629&biw=375&client=safari&prmd=sivn&hl=en-gb#imgrc=AA8MgDcGOtIAWM
  5. Hi @sean31264 welcome to the Outlaws. Congratulations on the boat purchase, sounds like you live in a pretty part of the world to enjoy the fishing? Please feel free to start a "project" post . We all love to watch boats being done up and improved, loads of photos too please!! 👍🏻 Ok forget that last part , I've just seen your project thread!!
  6. I don't think so, it didn't have the sporadic white spots that a blonde has.
  7. 10.08am on Monday I get a msg from @Andy135. Wanna come SPJ'ing on Friday aboard Jersey Girl? Well hell yeah, of course I do. 10.29am on Tuesday, I get dumped. Uninvited, call it what you will. So, having had my hopes and dreams dashed (I feel for you @JonC), I hatch a plan to go solo today. I decided to go a new mark, a relatively shallow spot that is 4m deep but if anchored correctly then a 8m hole can be fished into. I had to pick my way around a shallow bank that at low water only had 1m above it. I arrived for the last hour of the ebb, so I knew id be ok in the depth I anchored in. First drop, a squid and double frozen sand eel bait. This was on the floor for around 20 seconds when a spritely 3lb spotted ray took a fancy and landed on it. Well this was a god start. Unfortunately due to the N/NW 15-20mph winds and the lack of tide, the boat just would not stay still, and I was left one way, then right the other and so on. The bites dried so I moved. What a good idea that was. East Lepe was the next mark (didn't want to travel too far what with the cost of fuel), and it just goes to show that you don't need to go far from home to have good fishing. As soon as the tide picked up the fish fed, It was pretty relentless for the next 4 hours. I only stopped to listen the BJ give a speech. This mark produced 2 black bream to 1.5lb... 2 Lsd (no pics) 2 smoothound at 7&8lb respectively. The first one gave me a wound to remember as a thank you gift. 3 strap conger (one real small) biggest 5lb. And to top the day off a beautiful bass of The bass unfortunately was gut hooked, greedy fucker really ambushed the bait and took off like a train. He bled all over the deck and had to be dispatched. I don't usually keep fish, I do like to return alive, but this one just seemed destined for the Cobb bbq tomorrow evening. Shame my mate Andy never made it, but he does seem to have some kind of perverted allegiance to working...🤷🏻‍♂️
  8. @fishybuisnessthat is a nice plump sole. Rag worm did the trick for that one? Thats quite early for sole too I'd have thought.
  9. Good effort Ian. At least a decent meal was had by Kyle!! 👍🏻
  10. Try drifting the hockey stick for tope. punch in the numbers and have a look around the area on Navionics before you go.
  11. VAT @ 20% on everything will be charged at the border unless it is a UK registered boat and there is paperwork to prove this. And on everything I mean the boat and any transportation costs. Buying abroad is not cheaper when this is factored in, but you do have more choice there atm. But a word of caution, as in the UK the foreign brokers leave boats on their web sites long after they have been sold and moved on. So always make sure the boat is actually available before arranging to go see.
  12. 🤣I knew you'd be awake.
  13. here's a tip for getting your meaning across. Capital letter!! 🤣
  14. Will they be in the catalogue?
  15. That will leave a large gap in the market. I bet another leading company buy them up and continue the name.
  16. She looks pretty soggy to me! Trying to blow dry herself. 🤣 Cooper won't go anywhere near the water, but will ride the tender no problem .
  17. It's the best @JonCand I could get at short notice. We are actively seeking a replacement.
  18. Well yeah, but no, but yeah, but
  19. Shame Luke can't be arsed to crop and post straight still 🙄
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