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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Leo was not impressed in the slightest Ian. He was happy I caught one, but so annoyed I did it without him. So much so that he insisted on me taking him there this weekend, until I reminded him that we are off to see Iron Maiden on Saturday! The shore caught record round here is 49lb. Not sure on the boat record.
  2. TBF though I was going to go there before he decided to join the trip. Bill just confirmed my plan was solid.
  3. Nothing quite like raiding the brains of those in the know!!
  4. I thought yesterday was a bank holiday so I kept the diary free and planned to go fishing. Then I found out it was just a normal day and you all had to work. So in the spirit of kinship and kindness, I went fishing for you all. The plan was to go after a new species, the stingray. I'd heard of a couple of spots that were capable of producing the odd one or two. So Sunday I went to the bait shop to see Bill the owner, I needed some weights and rag worm. We got talking and it came up that he was at a loose end Monday. So, I did what any decent guy would do and invited him to jump onboard Tarlach Too. I would have normally had Leo with me, but school was calling him... (much to his annoyance). The good thing about having a tackle and bait shop owner come fishing with you is that they have loads of the best freshest bait. Bill didn't disappoint. He bought along 4lb of large kind rag and about (from what I could see 40 peeler crab). We used none of the crab btw, didn't need to. We met at 06.30 and left Mercurys by 06.50. Headed to the mark and dropped anchor in 7ft of water right on the turn of the low tide. As it was a rising tide I let out a couple more meters of rope to soak up the extra depth as the day ticked on. The deepest we were in at the end was 3m. Bill started proceedings with a first drop bass of around 5lb, it quickly went back. Then I pulled in an LSD (oh fuck here we go was my initial thought), that was just 1 of 3 that we saw all day. My next bite was an impressive pull down and line started to exit my reel. I was convinced that it was a decent hound, but no. It was better than that... A 13lb stingray was on the deck, my first ever, and what a fish. It doesn't look very pretty due to the fact that the tail had been docked and a large tope mouth shaped chunk was missing from his left wing. Either the tail and added meat he would have pushed 14lb. Not to be out done, Bill landed a stinger too, smaller thank good at 6.5lb but spirited it was. And that's how the day continued. In total we had 7 stingray (me 3, but the biggest), we had more hounds than I remember, again the biggest went to me at 13lb also. All were double figures, and in 7-8 feet of water they went ballistic, so much fun. As the high tide eased so did the bites, we upped anchor and set for home at 3.30pm. Both quite knackered and full of high spirits. We hoped to get 1 or 2 stingers, but 7 was a red letter day. I'll be back. When I got home and told Leo all about it......... you can guess!!
  5. That's a shit. Hope Wednesday is a goer for you! 🙏🏻
  6. Nah, otherwise I'd be relishing nearly all his catches.
  7. Nice trip out Mike. I'm a bit bored of the red fish now though, can you target something more beefy next time ?
  8. Hi Malc i still have this cable sitting around doing nothing. PM me if of interest. The price would be far cheaper than anything you could buy. Also have a couple of battery boxes.
  9. Ahh @JDP so that's what you look like. I was expecting an @JonC lookielikey but standing on his head! Nice fishing as always sir! 👍🏻
  10. Very nicely described adventure you had there. Robson Green eat your heart out. But, why is the kayak name pixelated out? Is it a secret one?
  11. My humans took me on a boat thingymabob today. Ive never seen water before let alone a smelly diesel powered thing that miraculously floats on it. But I have to say I found it real fun!!
  12. Nice fishing Ian! I'm jealous of the gurnard. Maybe a pain for you, but I've yet to find one. Kyle has grown loads too since the last time he made an appearance!
  13. Yeah but no but yeah but no
  14. You're mean. #notrustthatsthelasttimeitakeyoufishing
  15. I was just letting others have some fun Geoff. The prize of excellence can't go to the same person every time.
  16. Blimey, you took your time Geoff!! I had it first look.
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