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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. I only use them In The solent where they are first class. It's something I'll never stop having.
  2. Hi Murray when was the raw water cooling impeller last changed? Have you removed it and inspected it? Have you checked all filters and other parts of cooling lines?
  3. Somebody only looked at the pics not the words!!
  4. 🤣 that'll learn yer
  5. Surely that should be 8 cows in a field?
  6. Well done Mike. Some lovely instagram tweaked pics there!!
  7. I had the same issue when doing my post. Had to change the file size a bit to get them to show
  8. Or do !! Cuz we didn't catch any dogs. Oh hang on, did you get one early doors?
  9. Some months ago @Andy135 and I (and Leo) were invited by @JonC to join him on Janie to fish the afore mentioned comp. Andy decided he'd rather go to a Frozen themed fancy dress party, so that left just Leo and I. we made the long 3 hour drive up to windy Essex coast via a couple of local favourite landmarks. M&S food court and KFC. Leaving Jon to shove down the remainder of his spagbol. Arriving at around 8pm Jon swiftly shepherded us away from his house and into his parents weekend flat (they were out btw), he then proceeded to help drink the Heineken before leaving us for bed and an 05.30 morning rise. @ 06.15 prompt Jon arrived and we followed him to the marina. On arrival he declared we probably could have had an extra hour in bed as we were a bit early. I guess that's the military man in him! Anyway we made our way out of the marina to gather with some of the participating boats. Then around 08.15 the horn sounded and we steamed off to Jon's chosen mark at a very tidy 18 knot cruise. By this time the false starts of the troublesome engine and the black smoke were a memory only. Leo started well outside of the boat cabin.. Where after getting up quickly got into some fish, starting with an 83 cm hound... And then another just shy of 80cm.. Jon got into a couple around the mid 70's and a couple of small school bass.. Other photos contained a bit of non sporting blood so I will not post those. All fish returned alive and kicking. Bacon rolls were cooked and served then we moved marks. No fish, we moved into shallower water (nowhere near the deep water that the other boats were in must add) and no fish. So, we had lunch. And Jon sat and contemplated where he'd gone wrong. Leo retreated back to his normal position inside with his phone... And I sat in the sun looking sad because I blanked... Even though the fishing was slow and hard work, Leo and I had a lovely time and we thank Jon for his hospitality and efforts!! Leo decided to show off his "I won the boat" jumper.. The end!!
  10. Attach a lazy line Steve and pull the anchor from the cockpit.
  11. As it's neutral we will allow this!
  12. None here either regardless of what some may want!!
  13. The comment wasn't aimed at you Pete. Put your joke back where it belongs you silly bouy!
  14. Yew scared him into removing it!
  15. Take the sail boat off your trailer and put it there!!
  16. This looks a bit more fit for purpose Steve!
  17. Well done on all front Mike. Don't suppose you found a large white bucket too did you?
  18. There you go @suzook12 I've sorted it fore yew!!
  19. Look exactly like the old one Steve!
  20. Good lad, you know it makes sense!! 👍🏻🤣
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