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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Thanks but I've sorted it. I had to reset the whole app and my account. But it reloaded in super quick time. The app must have just had a glitch.
  2. Ok so this is getting annoying..... I lost the relief shading chart from the active captain app. Before Garmin updated the latest software version it all was intact and worked perfect, since the update the relief shading tab has vanished. Having contacted Garmin support, I was advised to delete all maps/charts then reload with all setting options ticked. I have tried to do just this, but the App will not even allow me to delete the data. I start the process, but you just get that annoying circular loading symbol and nothing else happens. The photo below is after 30 mins of waiting. So, what next? Any ideas, because I'm starting to get sick of Garmin support, it has definitely gone down hill lately.
  3. Taking him to the boat tomorrow. 😬
  4. So Coopers kennel cough seems to have disappeared. So I walked him to Leo's school this afternoon to surprise the boy. Cooper seems to never have been on a lead before, so the journey took a lot longer than normal. But that's ok, I'd anticipated this and left 30 mins earlier than I'd normally leave. He was brilliant, nervous but soon got used to the traffic going past. Leo was made up and walked him home! Best buddies they are.
  5. So @suzook12, how the sale going??
  6. if you don't want to go that far, try east Lepe too. You'll get the same species but not so many bream. You'll need plenty of fresh bait as the water quality is not great atm, so get plenty of scent going.
  7. Ive suggested it before to you, but not heard you mention it. West Lepe bouy! Anchor half way down the channel drop off. Best 2.5hrs before and after change of tide. You can get hounds, bream, straps, rays, dogs etc.
  8. It's a non binary toy for the bad ass gender neutral kid who wants to be a gun totting life saving practitioner!
  9. I'm not really sure what @JonC is on about? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. I do my bit for fish preservation!! #nofishisharmedinanyofmyoutings
  11. That's weak. They will be made anyway, just cuz @Malcdoesnt buy them doesn't mean they will go out of business. It just doesn't make economical sense to strip and re ring a rod that cheap.
  12. Ok I'll check my schedule!!
  13. Shame. I think you're missing a trick 🤣
  14. Does that include deliver, installation and a years full warranty?
  15. For the cost of a GX2 rod (£50?), just buy a new one and save yourself the effort. Unless you have oodles of spare time and nothing to fill it with!
  16. Maybe @Andy135 could put up a post with screen shots of different sea beds, showing what colour means what ?
  17. I do, but bacon demands the continental touch
  18. Mayonnaise , it's the only sauce to have! Being a posh lad @Andy135id have thought you would know that.
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