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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. You have been reported for poor behaviour and laziness @GPSguru🤣
  2. Must be nice to have your own wood!
  3. Or the Winston Churchill look a like, front and centre with the yellow tie?
  4. Well done Malc, good for you 👍🏻
  5. So, which ones you ? my money is on the guy with the Union Jack waste coat!!
  6. This ain't the best photo, but gives an idea. He's pretty skinny atm and will need to be slowly fattened up a bit.
  7. He is a two year old Montenegrin mountain hound cross.
  8. So after two delays because of the governments new rules on the importing of commercial dogs (yes rescue dogs come into that category), Friday we collect our new family member!! We are all very excited and nervous all in one. Leo is sitting his SAT's this week so Friday will be a great reward for all his hard work!!
  9. Sounds like a very civilised day out in a very picturesque location. 👍🏻 Your host was very gracious letting you be top angler on the day too!
  10. You need to crop them slightly before posting. Pics that are too big generally turn sideways.
  11. Predictable. But you are an Essex boy, so bling and pizzazz is in your nature.
  12. YES........ the football match fav. Original drumstick flavour of course!!
  13. As we returned he was just about fully upright, engine running and departure imminent. That sort of grounding surely cannot do the boat much good though.
  14. Ok, so not a real fruitful day TBF. We left Hamble at 8am and sped to west lepe in good spirits. The sky was blue and the sun shone, low wind speeds. First thing we noticed was a grounded sailing boat at the mouth of the Hamble. Matey was onboard and looked rather chilled about it all. As the ebb was in full flow he either did it on purpose (?) or fucked up somehow! Any way we got to the mark hoping for bream and hounds. We ended up with 8 dogs and an 8oz bream. 6 dogs and a bream to me (in your face son🤣)!! Leo was fishing 2/tu rods today too, and doing all his own bait for a change, I helped with the nippy crabs however. Dog fish are a pain, but they do get cuteness points.... That was it, we moved back near Southampton to Hillhead hoping for some decent hounds, but 3 hours later and 8 crabs..... nufink. Lovely day with the boy again (they always are), got a bit of a tan and had some haribos. What more could one ask for??
  15. I was in a queue at a newsagents and there was a little girl wanting to buy a cream egg and it was the last one. She offered it to the rest of the queue but everyone refused. The egg was 70p but she only had 48p. "It's my favourite and they taste really nice" the shopkeeper replied " sorry but it costs 70p" . So I stepped forward and paid for the egg. She was right it tasted really nice.
  16. We were looking forward to a trip up to Essex to fish on Janie, but after the invite @JonC uninvited the SLT. So, Leo and I are off to Lymington this morning to see what we can catch!
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