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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. I'll have a week off work and stay in the marina at home then, I can get bigger bass than 5lb there 🤣
  2. Erm well, because I was only planning on going for a week?
  3. He's been constantly repairing it since October so the things not been on the road, I think Essex has been quite safe unfortunately.
  4. Madeira appealed because of its almost instant access to deep deep water, but yes it's expensive. Im 50 next summer so am considering a treat trip for myself, was thinking Norway but now thinking sun!!!
  5. What's the chartering like in Portugal Ian? Ever done it there?
  6. Anybody done any game fishing in Europe? Where's best to go and what time of year? Im thinking Madeira or Portugal? Any recommendations ?
  7. Well done for sorting out yourself. Sometimes it's just a simple thing over looked on set up! 👍🏻
  8. Would this site help?? https://www.gosport.gov.uk/article/1328/Public-Slipways
  9. If you're off to the Nab, surely there are better places further east to launch than Calshot?? You'll be burning a hell of a lot of fuel just to clear Lee on Solent etc!!
  10. Suppose it depends on where you moor your boat.
  11. Looks great. Now just need a pool. Maybe @Andy135 can by a dozen for his lake then we can go play there!
  12. The only ones who will call it a day will be the "lockdown buyers" who thought it would be a fun hobby. But as we all know, boating is a lifestyle not a hobby. Fuel is probably the cheapest part of owning a boat.
  13. And rest assured we will all help you spend !! 👍🏻👍🏻
  14. This can and does get one into hot water!
  15. To get the right boat you need to sometimes make a quick decision.
  16. Me and the first mate will be doing some fishing at some point over the weekend!
  17. If more interest, we could potentially accommodate one or two more. Non refundable deposits would be required however.
  18. Ok cool. We/I will come back with more details later. I have emailed the fish camp today regarding availability.
  19. I'm thinking of organising a small numbers trip to Norway in August 2023. I have one space left. Anybody fancy it? This is atm a theoretical trip. But if the interested parties are solid then it could get alot more serious.
  20. I do, and too much for some. @headlight??
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