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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Found it!! Not where I thought it was though.
  2. So I spent an hour and a half today sat on my boat tidying up shit that didn't need tidying, whilst the charts transferred. Got to 98% and got an error message saying I had insufficient space on the active captain card !!!! FFS I'd just got off the phone to Garmin and nobody mentioned a potential lack of storage! 😩🤬
  3. Don't forget the fake tan, silicone implants and an IQ under 80!
  4. Also I noticed that the new software update has completely changed the layout of the menu functions which is a complete PITA. After two years I was just getting used to the layout as it was!! 🙄
  5. Thanks Ian, it does. Last night I managed to down load 4.14gb of data from 4 squares stretching along the south coast and Channel Islands. This I will take to the boat and transfer to the plotter but will ring Garmin support before I do it! I love the simplicity of the Garmin instruction sheet that accompanies the card. Shame the reality is a polar opposite 🤣
  6. You download onto the phone, then connect phone to head unit and transfer the data !
  7. Well, I think I know where it is. But it's been there for a while and may not be where I seem to think it is! 🤷🏻‍♂️
  8. Gary, I think I have one of these triangles somewhere. If I can find it you'll be welcome to it!
  9. Chances are good that you will speak to them sooner than me Ian. So if you get any extra info please share! 👍🏻
  10. Easy tiger or you'll lose your AF!!
  11. https://www.garmin.com/en-GB/p/794484 This is it. I will have to find some time to sit down with Garmin tech me thinks.
  12. Exactly! You are wiser and more cautious now!
  13. Well that did sound like an exciting day. Even if for all the wrong reasons. Hey, lesson learnt and nobody got hurt, so not all bad. you caught some fish and had a day afloat, what's not to like??
  14. Ok, so I got my bargain basement vision + card on Thursday, went to the boat and changed over cards. Followed the instructions, ie connect to active captain then update. So, the charts look exactly the same and I've now lost my clear view imaging!! @GPSguru any ideas??
  15. Nice @daio web. looks very sea worthy. Are all your engine issues sorted?
  16. We have "screecher" owls in the trees in and around our garden. They are here every year. It's so lovely to hear them in the evenings. What do owl boxes look like? Can you post a pic or two of the ones you made. I might if I get time have a go at one. I believe they have to go up quite high??
  17. Bloody typical...... the week I decided to sub Fraser Forster he plays a blinder with 5 great saves to win saints the game!
  18. Good fishing, well done @Dicky
  19. Yes Pete you're correct me thinks. @Andy135 is slow, looks like I'm the only one of the SLT that gives a shit!! I must give him credit for ignoring me and my massive hints though!!
  20. He probably thought it was just the villagers burning another witch at the stake.
  21. Yeah we couldn't have asked for a better day. Even had to break out the factor 30!
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