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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. So that's why house prices in HW went through the roof and Weymouth went through the floor.
  2. Seems to me to be a bit of a needless gadget. Bait elastic wound round the top of a chunk of Mack or whatever then put on a hook is the same thing. Plus, I'd love to know just how many fish this guy looses whilst f'cking around baiting the thing up. He takes forever. Defo not a match man.
  3. Thanks, it wasn't what I was thinking of, but interesting all the same!
  4. It will be a summer trip Luke, we are not opening up the location to choices because it just causes issues. The location is set, just need @Andy135 to get off his arse and start organising something!
  5. So, after the success of our Outlaws charter trip, I think it had been decided by the SLT that Poole will be the venue for the next annual boat meet. @Andy135 has volunteered (press ganged) to organise the event. I believe it will be a full charter trip. Date tbc. Im sure Andy is all over it already and will report here soon with his schedule. But to kick it off, let's have some names of those that are wanting to join us!! Neil + Leo
  6. As Jon said, nice to meet you @Andy_B. You did pretty well in the end, even with your green gills. I reckon it was the food in Wetherspoons. I felt rough for about two days after as well.
  7. Yes, @Andy_B if you see a boat in the harbour called "Isla" please give the owner a knock and tell him where we are in the forum world. He's a much missed member from WSF.
  8. Any chance you can re do it for us Jon so we don't have to listen to the other bloke?
  9. Saturdays are northerly turning westerly. Will this not be a good direction for that area as it is here in the Solent?
  10. Ok got it. I got a 50% off code emailed to me so just wondered if it's worth the extra dosh.
  11. Anybody upgraded to this? Is it worth the annual subs?
  12. @Jon cook https://www.justfishingboats.co.uk/motorboat/warrior-195-diesel-/5599#photo-14
  13. Cod 3-4 squid tope mackerel flapper conger anything fishy dogs anything fishy rays as per previous post
  14. I use two sand eels and a slice of mack for rays. Bind them together with the fleshy side of the mack on the outside! Use plenty of elastic to stop the small fish biting all the flesh off.
  15. Great report Mike. Just one thing however, this is not a stinker size!! 🤣
  16. They are natural foods for fish. I don't shoot them for fun. And any I don't use I put back. As I do with all the fish I catch. Take your murderous ways over to the other thread!!
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