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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Can we keep the blood sports on the Ozy's thread?? This is supposed to be a fluffy Fred about saving life not murder!
  2. Yea he spends a lot of time sharking. Threshers are not around all year I believe.
  3. I bet we get more than Threshers around our way. Just ask @JDP
  4. You have sharks available near where you store JG, why do you need another boat to chase them down the SW? If you want to scratch the jumbo mack then just charter, just like we are this year.
  5. @Odysseyyes dogs can be left for 8hrs or so. Our dog did it quite a lot. Rehoming centres just won't entertain it though.
  6. I've looked on gumtree and yeah people do advertise their dogs for rehoming. Cheeky fuckers still want £1k though.
  7. yes he is, but they wont allow a person who works more than 4 hours a day to adopt. Makes you wonder just how they adopt out any dogs.
  8. Stop swimming against the tide mate and give in to the obvious!
  9. I did txt Ryan and suggest that for his credibility your head be removed. Otherwise he may get mistaken for a wet wheels boat.
  10. @JonC is being modest with his choice of photo. That tope weighed more like 35-40lb. And it was not very happy. Twice I though Jon was going to loose a chunk of his elbow.
  11. The boat pics were taken as we left the harbour. The others with the fish were as the tide slackened and it eased off a bit. No photos were possible in the in between times. Both hands were needed to steady yourself. It wasn't Un fishable rough, but it wasn't comfy either until around 1pm
  12. I meant the thing growing out the left top side!
  13. No need to thanks me Pete. All I did was book a date. You did the hard work by being there!
  14. Looks like you're having a bit of a funny hair moment there Jon.
  15. Must have been a typo! What would you guestimate it at?
  16. Lovely fishing there @Dicky. And a lovely early season bass too. Well done! 👍🏻
  17. I arrived at Poole for around 17.30, parked my van on a friends driveway, then got a lift to the B&B. The room was pleasant and clean, but paper thin walls. I lost count how many times @Andy_B got up in the night! I went out and got myself settled in the Prince Charles pub, just infront of the TV to watch the mediocre football. Just finished my first pint and @captin slows old outlaw turned up looking white as a sheet and puffing out of breath. I thought he'd maybe just rolled of a tart, but apparently it was all the exercise walking the marathon distance from his hotel. I bought us a beer and we waited whilst Pete showed me Jon's birthday present! @JonC and Jody (spelt right Jon?) were next to arrive, I'm sure he waited for me to finish at the bar before he came in and offered a drink!! Andy.B was next to arrive, and he made his introductions. Which was a good thing because we didn't know what he looked like, he could have been anybody. Anyway it was nice to put a face to a name!! We had a couple of beers and food from Wetherspoons then headed for bed. I'm sure the food in Wetherspoons was a bit off, because the next day I was feeling green most of the boat journey. Ive never been seasick, and I still don't think I was that day because Monday I was not great and today only back to 85%. Maybe I've got @GPSguruitus?? Anyway, with a stiff easterly breeze we started the day drifting Poole harbour entrance for plaice..... nothing. Then we steamed out for around 1/2 hour to a small wreck. That's when the fun started. We had Stainless Steve on board with us, turns out he's an England match angler and a close friend of Pete. Steve pulled in a couple of 50lb conger, then not to be out done I hooked a beast which bit off my 40lb trace. Yes I know 40lb is light but then we didn't expect to be anchoring a wreck and I was under prepared. A quick change to 150lb hook length soon saw me into another eel, this one around 25lb. I also had a couple nice big pout, but they were just a bit too big to use as live bait. The seagulls enjoyed them though. Then Jon got into a couple of fish, his best being a tope of around 12lb. And an undulate of maybe 8lb. @Andy_Bhooked something enormous that he just couldn't get up off the sea bed. I'll let him tell his stories though!! Pete blanked...... again!!! But put a brave face on it poor sod. We upped anchor and went to try some mixed fishing under the watchful eye of the Jurassic coast. Nothing much happened. So last roll of the dice was a return to the harbour for some more plaice drifting. I caught nothing, but others did. Again they can tell their own stories. After 11 hours on the boat we headed home and I finally managed to eat something. If Jon's lad had known I had food, I'd probably of not got a chance to eat it!! He's an eating machine that boy! But pleasant company with a humour just like his dads!! Ryan the skipper really did work his socks off to try and find us some fish, which he did. It wasn't prolific by any means, but still a great day on a top boat with mediocre company!! 🤣 Here are a few general shots from the day.
  18. Saintly Fish


    That's funnier!! A+
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