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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. Saintly Fish


    An old joke. That was better when heard first time round. A- for effort.
  2. Unlucky @GPSguru, but on the lucky side you've caught it just as the temperatures outside are dropping!!
  3. Please lettuce all know if he's found Andy!
  4. Yes you're correct Jon. That is why we want to get a dog that is as young as possible, to minimise that risk. And also why we don't want a German Shepard or a Rottweiler (other large and dangerous dogs are available(and I'm not trying to be down on these breeds as I think they are lovely)). Hopefully the rehoming centres will have done their due diligence and assessed any potential candidates for behaviour issues!
  5. Thanks @Andy135. We are looking for something a bit smaller than a Labrador this time. A small to medium size. I like the look of spaniels but they are far to "active" for our family lifestyle. Every one Ive ever met just won't sit still, and that gets on my nerves. We all 3 have different ideas, so that's why a rescue centre we thought is the way forward. Keep an eye out then the right one will show itself to us one day. Trouble is we limit our choice with breeds and age. We won't a dog under 8-12 months old.
  6. A year on since the loss of our lovely Monty, we as a family have decided to start the process of finding another mutt for our home. we have decided to go down the rehoming route instead of buying a puppy. We are looking at young dogs preferably up to 6-8 months old. We are scanning all the usual dog homes, but if you know of a shelter local to you that has a web site please can you let me know what it is. We are prepared to travel to find the right dog. Thanks
  7. Sounds like there's some content in this story!! feel better soon, I'm not into propping up fishermen!
  8. Put down the bottle of JD that will help.
  9. I've just signed up to 900 mbps up and down full fibre through a company called Toob. I've been waiting 2 years almost for them to install the network in my area. Now it's done it's buy buy Virgin media. But, I also get my phone through virgin and Toob don't do landline. Hence the question.
  10. Anybody got any experience of this?
  11. That's not building silly, that's decorating. 🙄
  12. I think @Odyssey would like @suzook12 to build another. And I don't see why not, give that boy a bucket of rusty nails and a tin of black hammerite and he can make anything.
  13. Very sad to hear this news this morning. we were due to see them in June. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-60884259
  14. I spent an hour going through my "travel boat gear". And I'm convinced I'll need something I don't have!
  15. That's it, gold rush here we come!! bet he was well chuffed.
  16. Alrighty then. We all look forward with baited breath to what you can come up with!! 👍🏻💪🏻
  17. You're correct he probably should. But as I believe it, he's not held under a thumb, and at least he was bothered enough to actually try and get people together. Never mind. You can make up for it with the organisation of the annual get together. Just check with me first to make sure my diary doesn't clash!!
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