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Saintly Fish

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Everything posted by Saintly Fish

  1. We are not fishing for cod. Conger may take it. But they'll just as easy take squid.
  2. I did put it in the WhatsApp chat Andy! Skipper will supply mackerel and worms. You can get some squid from the Poole angling centre on the morning. They open at 7am. I have already rung them.
  3. Sex on the Sabbath A man wonders if having sex on the Sabbath is a sin because he is not sure if sex is work or play. So he goes to a Priest and asks for his opinion on this question. After consulting the Bible, the Priest says, ' My son, after an exhaustive search, I am positive that sex is work and is therefore not permitted on Sundays.' ! The man thinks: ' What does a priest know about sex?' So he goes to a Minister, who after all is a married man and experienced in this matter. He queries the Minister and receives the same reply. Sex is work and therefore not for the Sabbath! Not pleased with the reply, he seeks out the ultimate authority: a man of thousands of years tradition and knowledge. In other words, he goes to a Rabbi. The Rabbi ponders the question, then states, ' My son, sex is definitely play.' The man replies, 'Rabbi, how can you be so sure when so many others tell me sex is work?' The Rabbi softly speaks, 'If sex were work, my wife would have the maid do it.
  4. WOW high praise indeed!!
  5. Probably yeah (I couldn't be bothered to look up the name, so used one similar).
  6. Two farmers are in the pub having a beer. Both are skint and in dire need of some money. All they have is one pig each, and if by luck one is male and the other female. So after having a few more beers they hit on a marvellous plan to make money. By mating the two pigs they will have lots of little piggies to sell. So the next morning at the crack of the dawn, the farmer with the female pig gets up, dumps the pig in a wheel barrow and walks around to his mates farm. He introduces her to the male pig and after much sniffing, serious bonking ensues “How will I know she’s pregnant”, enquires the first farmer. “Easily replies the other, when you get up, look at the pig and if she’s rolling in mud, she’s pregnant. If she 's eating grass she isn’t so you will have to come back.” Next morning comes and the farmer dashes to the window And the pig is happily eating grass in the field. “Damn”, he says going downstairs. He grabs the pig and puts her in the wheel barrow and trundles off to the other farm and more bonking ensues. This goes on all week with no success. So on the Sunday morning the farmer tells the wife to look out the window and tell him what the bloody pig is doing “Is she eating grass ?” he asks “No”, says the wife. “Is she rolling in the mud?” “No”, says the wife. “What the hell she doing then” he cries. “She’s sat in the wheel barrow waiting for you!”
  7. @Andy_B @JonC@captin slows old outlaw Looks like wrecking is definitely off. There maybe one other person joining who the skipper has got. So, as long as the easterly winds calm down by next Sunday we should be anchoring for spurs and rays etc with loads of room to play!!
  8. @Odysseythis is good stuff... You can get it in different shades.
  9. Just in time for a decent run of weather hopefully !
  10. Well I guess In The marine scene it's a given by most.
  11. Same here, I was told the same by the mechanic who serviced mine. Same with the Mercury. #afewtumanysames
  12. Well I'd have been surprised if a smart cookie like you didn't know how to flush his own expensive outboards. I used to do mine religiously after every trip. Even if going out the next day. It only takes 10 minutes so what's the point in not doing it?
  13. Do your engines not have a hose lock type connection point for flushing?? My Suzuki and Mercury engines both did. You just don't run the engine whilst doing it.
  14. It's not ALL about you Mike. Let Pete have a moment!!
  15. A man of few words but many pictures. @jetty jumper and @JonC a match made in heaven.
  16. Leo is now out for this trip. Doctor told him today "no physical activity for the next 3 weeks". He has strained a deep tummy muscle, something he did a few weeks ago that we thought had healed. But yesterday in PE he stretched to far and did it again but more painfully. Then there were 5.
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