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Saintly Fish

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  1. Haha
    Saintly Fish reacted to Andy135 in Fletcher Cruisette   
    It's his best excuse. Fixing disguises his lack of catching. 😱🤣
  2. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to murray in Ford 2711E impeller speed compared to engine revs   
    PS - I have cleaned out the heat exchanger as it was all crusted up from sea water so there are no blockages through the cooling water intake circuit.
  3. Haha
    Saintly Fish reacted to suzook12 in Fletcher Cruisette   
    Went to see the pacific yesterday. Absolute shed!! Dodgy repair in the hull, floor was shot, big chunk of glass cut out to fit the steering wheel despite being a structural part! movement in the transom and the fact its had a hull repair (at least one) and the floor is shot, suggests the bearers and stringers are too...... For some reason the trim and tilt controls were in the splash well?? Oh, and the trailer was a badly converted caravan chassis with no plate on it, no mudguards yada yada.....
    So I bought it!!
    No, not really. I would say I walked away, but ran was nearer the truth
  4. Haha
    Saintly Fish reacted to suzook12 in High Steaks   
  5. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to captin slows old outlaw in rescue   
    Solent Rescue Lifeboat
    11h  ·      It's volunteer week and Solent Rescue Lifeboat would like to say a big thankyou to all of our amazing volunteer crew, family and external supporters. Without their support and the many hours they give, in their own time, Solent Rescue would not be able to provide the service that it does and would cease to exist as a rescue unit. To all of our volunteer crew, support staff and your families, Thankyou for everything you do and your selfless commitment to the unit.… See more               All reactions: 18Lynne Cooper, Kerry Cooper and 16 others    
  6. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to captin slows old outlaw in rescue   
    Solent Rescue Lifeboat
      ·  Callout - Friday 31 May 2024 Solent Rescue were paged by Solent Coastguard on Friday afternoon to assist a 38 foot sailing vessel with a broken rudder, adrift. Our volunteer crew launched our D-Class lifeboat, Solent Rescue 2, and located the casualty vessel with two occupants in the central Solent before towing them to the safety of the River Hamble. The lifeboat was then recovered back to the boathouse at Lepe Beach to be washed down and re-fuelled ready for the next tasking. Solent Rescue is an independent lifeboat, run entirely by volunteers. Www.Solent-Rescue.org.uk | info@solent-rescue.org.uk | Charity No: 267039
  7. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to RogB in Seastart   
    OK - thanks everybody. It very much sounds like a worthwhile policy to take out if you are in the area they operate in. The engine is still under warranty so gets a main dealer service and us owners are pretty good at problem solving and fixing things - but just don't yet have the experience on the water with boats, and our craft is a little small to be hauling a full toolbox around (we do have a basic kit). In previous years while beach fishing i've watched the RNLI tow numerous boats back to Teignmouth on bank holiday weekends in May as people hit the water for the first time of the season and conk out for some reason. We should definately pick up some extra anchor rope as we only have 30m currently.
    One thing I would like to do is have some better engine diagnostics as a rev counter and warning lights aren't likely to flag anything until its too late. Probably start a new thread on that topic later.
  8. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to GPSguru in Seastart   
    If I break down, then it will be dropping the pick and waiting for the orange and blue tug to tow me in, and yes, I have already had the conversation with the local crew, and they are fine about it. I am rarely within the 3 mile zone, usually a minimum of 6 and often 30 -40
    In the last 4 years, I have towed 9 boats back to Teignmouth, and most of these were unnecessary breakdowns, that is one of the drawbacks of AIS, the CG can see you and if you are close by, then you get a call via DSC followed by a voice call. I have only ever refused twice, both times I had kids on board.
    I think the most genuine I towed in was from a wreck 12 miles out and the guy's timing belt had snapped, that was a 25ft boat, but the RIB coped Ok. using a bridle from the A Frame to tow. I put him back on his mooring and the guy was insistent that he paid me, which I refused. To my pleasure, he found out where I lived and dropped off a crate of Red, which was appreciated, but unnecessary
  9. Informative
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from RogB in Seastart   
    I only use them In The solent where they are first class. It's something I'll never stop having. 
  10. Haha
    Saintly Fish reacted to jonnyswamp in Clever hound   
    Dog walks into a bar and orders a pint and a packet of crisps." Wow" says the barman, "You should be in a Circus"
    Dog, "Why"  "Are they looking for Electricians"
  11. Agree
  12. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from suzook12 in River crouch boat comp 2024   
    Some months ago @Andy135 and I (and Leo) were invited by @JonC to join him on Janie to fish the afore mentioned comp. Andy decided he'd rather go to a Frozen themed fancy dress party, so that left just Leo and I. 
    we made the long 3 hour drive up to windy Essex coast via a couple of local favourite landmarks. M&S food court and KFC. Leaving Jon to shove down the remainder of his spagbol. 
    Arriving at around 8pm Jon swiftly shepherded us away from his house and into his parents weekend flat (they were out btw), he then proceeded to help drink the Heineken before leaving us for bed and an 05.30 morning rise. @ 06.15 prompt Jon arrived and we followed him to the marina. On arrival he declared we probably could have had an extra hour in bed as we were a bit early. I guess that's the military man in him! 

    Anyway we made our way out of the marina to gather with some of the participating boats. Then around 08.15 the horn sounded and we steamed off to Jon's chosen mark at a very tidy 18 knot cruise. By this time the false starts of the troublesome engine and the black smoke were a memory only. 
    Leo started well outside of the boat cabin..

    Where after getting up quickly got into some fish, starting with an 83 cm hound... 

    And then another just shy of 80cm..

    Jon got into a couple around the mid 70's and a couple of small school bass.. 

    Other photos contained a bit of non sporting blood so I will not post those. All fish returned alive and kicking. 
    Bacon rolls were cooked and served then we moved marks. 
    No fish, we moved into shallower water (nowhere near the deep water that the other boats were in must add) and no fish. So, we had lunch. 

    And Jon sat and contemplated where he'd gone wrong. 

    Leo retreated back to his normal position inside with his phone...

    And I sat in the sun looking sad because I blanked...

    Even though the fishing was slow and hard work, Leo and I had a lovely time and we thank Jon for his hospitality and efforts!! 
    Leo decided to show off his "I won the boat" jumper.. 

    The end!!
  13. Thanks
    Saintly Fish reacted to daio web in River crouch boat comp 2024   
    great write up bud thanks for sharing 🐳
  14. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from Malc in River crouch boat comp 2024   
    Some months ago @Andy135 and I (and Leo) were invited by @JonC to join him on Janie to fish the afore mentioned comp. Andy decided he'd rather go to a Frozen themed fancy dress party, so that left just Leo and I. 
    we made the long 3 hour drive up to windy Essex coast via a couple of local favourite landmarks. M&S food court and KFC. Leaving Jon to shove down the remainder of his spagbol. 
    Arriving at around 8pm Jon swiftly shepherded us away from his house and into his parents weekend flat (they were out btw), he then proceeded to help drink the Heineken before leaving us for bed and an 05.30 morning rise. @ 06.15 prompt Jon arrived and we followed him to the marina. On arrival he declared we probably could have had an extra hour in bed as we were a bit early. I guess that's the military man in him! 

    Anyway we made our way out of the marina to gather with some of the participating boats. Then around 08.15 the horn sounded and we steamed off to Jon's chosen mark at a very tidy 18 knot cruise. By this time the false starts of the troublesome engine and the black smoke were a memory only. 
    Leo started well outside of the boat cabin..

    Where after getting up quickly got into some fish, starting with an 83 cm hound... 

    And then another just shy of 80cm..

    Jon got into a couple around the mid 70's and a couple of small school bass.. 

    Other photos contained a bit of non sporting blood so I will not post those. All fish returned alive and kicking. 
    Bacon rolls were cooked and served then we moved marks. 
    No fish, we moved into shallower water (nowhere near the deep water that the other boats were in must add) and no fish. So, we had lunch. 

    And Jon sat and contemplated where he'd gone wrong. 

    Leo retreated back to his normal position inside with his phone...

    And I sat in the sun looking sad because I blanked...

    Even though the fishing was slow and hard work, Leo and I had a lovely time and we thank Jon for his hospitality and efforts!! 
    Leo decided to show off his "I won the boat" jumper.. 

    The end!!
  15. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from daio web in River crouch boat comp 2024   
    Kidz these daze are so picky! 
  16. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from daio web in River crouch boat comp 2024   
    Some months ago @Andy135 and I (and Leo) were invited by @JonC to join him on Janie to fish the afore mentioned comp. Andy decided he'd rather go to a Frozen themed fancy dress party, so that left just Leo and I. 
    we made the long 3 hour drive up to windy Essex coast via a couple of local favourite landmarks. M&S food court and KFC. Leaving Jon to shove down the remainder of his spagbol. 
    Arriving at around 8pm Jon swiftly shepherded us away from his house and into his parents weekend flat (they were out btw), he then proceeded to help drink the Heineken before leaving us for bed and an 05.30 morning rise. @ 06.15 prompt Jon arrived and we followed him to the marina. On arrival he declared we probably could have had an extra hour in bed as we were a bit early. I guess that's the military man in him! 

    Anyway we made our way out of the marina to gather with some of the participating boats. Then around 08.15 the horn sounded and we steamed off to Jon's chosen mark at a very tidy 18 knot cruise. By this time the false starts of the troublesome engine and the black smoke were a memory only. 
    Leo started well outside of the boat cabin..

    Where after getting up quickly got into some fish, starting with an 83 cm hound... 

    And then another just shy of 80cm..

    Jon got into a couple around the mid 70's and a couple of small school bass.. 

    Other photos contained a bit of non sporting blood so I will not post those. All fish returned alive and kicking. 
    Bacon rolls were cooked and served then we moved marks. 
    No fish, we moved into shallower water (nowhere near the deep water that the other boats were in must add) and no fish. So, we had lunch. 

    And Jon sat and contemplated where he'd gone wrong. 

    Leo retreated back to his normal position inside with his phone...

    And I sat in the sun looking sad because I blanked...

    Even though the fishing was slow and hard work, Leo and I had a lovely time and we thank Jon for his hospitality and efforts!! 
    Leo decided to show off his "I won the boat" jumper.. 

    The end!!
  17. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from Dicky in River crouch boat comp 2024   
    Some months ago @Andy135 and I (and Leo) were invited by @JonC to join him on Janie to fish the afore mentioned comp. Andy decided he'd rather go to a Frozen themed fancy dress party, so that left just Leo and I. 
    we made the long 3 hour drive up to windy Essex coast via a couple of local favourite landmarks. M&S food court and KFC. Leaving Jon to shove down the remainder of his spagbol. 
    Arriving at around 8pm Jon swiftly shepherded us away from his house and into his parents weekend flat (they were out btw), he then proceeded to help drink the Heineken before leaving us for bed and an 05.30 morning rise. @ 06.15 prompt Jon arrived and we followed him to the marina. On arrival he declared we probably could have had an extra hour in bed as we were a bit early. I guess that's the military man in him! 

    Anyway we made our way out of the marina to gather with some of the participating boats. Then around 08.15 the horn sounded and we steamed off to Jon's chosen mark at a very tidy 18 knot cruise. By this time the false starts of the troublesome engine and the black smoke were a memory only. 
    Leo started well outside of the boat cabin..

    Where after getting up quickly got into some fish, starting with an 83 cm hound... 

    And then another just shy of 80cm..

    Jon got into a couple around the mid 70's and a couple of small school bass.. 

    Other photos contained a bit of non sporting blood so I will not post those. All fish returned alive and kicking. 
    Bacon rolls were cooked and served then we moved marks. 
    No fish, we moved into shallower water (nowhere near the deep water that the other boats were in must add) and no fish. So, we had lunch. 

    And Jon sat and contemplated where he'd gone wrong. 

    Leo retreated back to his normal position inside with his phone...

    And I sat in the sun looking sad because I blanked...

    Even though the fishing was slow and hard work, Leo and I had a lovely time and we thank Jon for his hospitality and efforts!! 
    Leo decided to show off his "I won the boat" jumper.. 

    The end!!
  18. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to mike farrants in Sunday 2nd June Weymouth angling society boat comp   
    headed out at 8am for a 9am start to the comp = Tim had got fresh mackerel the night before so armed with that and frozen squid, and launce we were hopeful. 
    Very slow day for me only bagging 4 bream, 1 dog, 1 thornie, 1 Red Gunard, 3 ballan wrasse, 1 corkwing and a pout. 
    Tim had a great day bagging up on the bream, dogs, eels, wrasse, pout, a tope, and more - he went on to win most points - well done Tim.   



    weather was gorgeous all day!

  19. Thanks
    Saintly Fish reacted to Andy135 in River crouch boat comp 2024   
    Good write up!
  20. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from RogB in River crouch boat comp 2024   
    Some months ago @Andy135 and I (and Leo) were invited by @JonC to join him on Janie to fish the afore mentioned comp. Andy decided he'd rather go to a Frozen themed fancy dress party, so that left just Leo and I. 
    we made the long 3 hour drive up to windy Essex coast via a couple of local favourite landmarks. M&S food court and KFC. Leaving Jon to shove down the remainder of his spagbol. 
    Arriving at around 8pm Jon swiftly shepherded us away from his house and into his parents weekend flat (they were out btw), he then proceeded to help drink the Heineken before leaving us for bed and an 05.30 morning rise. @ 06.15 prompt Jon arrived and we followed him to the marina. On arrival he declared we probably could have had an extra hour in bed as we were a bit early. I guess that's the military man in him! 

    Anyway we made our way out of the marina to gather with some of the participating boats. Then around 08.15 the horn sounded and we steamed off to Jon's chosen mark at a very tidy 18 knot cruise. By this time the false starts of the troublesome engine and the black smoke were a memory only. 
    Leo started well outside of the boat cabin..

    Where after getting up quickly got into some fish, starting with an 83 cm hound... 

    And then another just shy of 80cm..

    Jon got into a couple around the mid 70's and a couple of small school bass.. 

    Other photos contained a bit of non sporting blood so I will not post those. All fish returned alive and kicking. 
    Bacon rolls were cooked and served then we moved marks. 
    No fish, we moved into shallower water (nowhere near the deep water that the other boats were in must add) and no fish. So, we had lunch. 

    And Jon sat and contemplated where he'd gone wrong. 

    Leo retreated back to his normal position inside with his phone...

    And I sat in the sun looking sad because I blanked...

    Even though the fishing was slow and hard work, Leo and I had a lovely time and we thank Jon for his hospitality and efforts!! 
    Leo decided to show off his "I won the boat" jumper.. 

    The end!!
  21. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from JonC in River crouch boat comp 2024   
    Some months ago @Andy135 and I (and Leo) were invited by @JonC to join him on Janie to fish the afore mentioned comp. Andy decided he'd rather go to a Frozen themed fancy dress party, so that left just Leo and I. 
    we made the long 3 hour drive up to windy Essex coast via a couple of local favourite landmarks. M&S food court and KFC. Leaving Jon to shove down the remainder of his spagbol. 
    Arriving at around 8pm Jon swiftly shepherded us away from his house and into his parents weekend flat (they were out btw), he then proceeded to help drink the Heineken before leaving us for bed and an 05.30 morning rise. @ 06.15 prompt Jon arrived and we followed him to the marina. On arrival he declared we probably could have had an extra hour in bed as we were a bit early. I guess that's the military man in him! 

    Anyway we made our way out of the marina to gather with some of the participating boats. Then around 08.15 the horn sounded and we steamed off to Jon's chosen mark at a very tidy 18 knot cruise. By this time the false starts of the troublesome engine and the black smoke were a memory only. 
    Leo started well outside of the boat cabin..

    Where after getting up quickly got into some fish, starting with an 83 cm hound... 

    And then another just shy of 80cm..

    Jon got into a couple around the mid 70's and a couple of small school bass.. 

    Other photos contained a bit of non sporting blood so I will not post those. All fish returned alive and kicking. 
    Bacon rolls were cooked and served then we moved marks. 
    No fish, we moved into shallower water (nowhere near the deep water that the other boats were in must add) and no fish. So, we had lunch. 

    And Jon sat and contemplated where he'd gone wrong. 

    Leo retreated back to his normal position inside with his phone...

    And I sat in the sun looking sad because I blanked...

    Even though the fishing was slow and hard work, Leo and I had a lovely time and we thank Jon for his hospitality and efforts!! 
    Leo decided to show off his "I won the boat" jumper.. 

    The end!!
  22. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to ukspearo in Garmin Navionics Vision +   
    Thanks for the help shading is back !
  23. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from suzook12 in Fletcher Cruisette   
    Attach a lazy line Steve and pull the anchor from the cockpit. 
  24. Agree
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from mick in Placed 2nd for Bass again! That’s 2022 2023 and now 2024   
    Did you take the photo at night time?
  25. Agree
    Saintly Fish reacted to GPSguru in Garmin Navionics Vision +   
    Assuming your plotter is one of the newer models, then just sync your active captain map tiles to the active captain card in the plotter.
    Mine occasionally loses relief shading (2 x 95SV Plus) and that is because Garmin plotters sometimes dont read the active captain card on boot up. Easy fix, just turn off the plotter, take out the card and then put it back in to reseat it, then turn the plotter back on and normal service is resumed.
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