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Saintly Fish

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  1. Sad
    Saintly Fish reacted to jonnyswamp in Weymouth 7th Sept   
    Been using them for a few yrs and always seem to do OK
    As for the anchor, there's been reports of a ghost net in the area where ours got stuck
    C'mon tell us about the anchor, what did he do wrong 😁
  2. Agree
    Saintly Fish reacted to Andy135 in Solent, 7th Sept   
    Yep, us too. We had a crap (and therefore boring) winter last year. Hoping for a few more of those lovely still winter days with hardly a breath of wind and no fog... 
  3. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from Andy135 in Solent, 7th Sept   
    Another gratuitous scenery shots from the day. Oh and one of Ginge and a hound!! 




    And @Andy135 trying Tarlach Too out for size!! 

  4. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from Dicky in Solent, 7th Sept   
    Another gratuitous scenery shots from the day. Oh and one of Ginge and a hound!! 




    And @Andy135 trying Tarlach Too out for size!! 

  5. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to jonnyswamp in Weymouth 7th Sept   
    Brief report
    Myself and 2 others made the journey to Weymouth for a days Bream/Bass fishing
    2 others onboard that were camping locally for a few days down from oop Norf 
    Tried for Mackerel in one of the Portland entrances, but nothing for us there, though one of the other charters seemed to be bringing a few up
    Went on around the Bill to see if we could pick some up on route to our first mark
    We found plenty, but not many sizeable ones, mainly 5/6 inches long
    Anyway, first mark didn't produce and the second only threw up a few pout and 1 solitary Bream
    We were stuck here for a while trying to retrieve the anchor.....unsuccessfully
    Skipper cut it free and buoyed it off, hoping to get it recovered by an obliging diver at some point
    The next few marks were better, I didn't have many drops without a fish, my 2 mates were catching fairly regularly and the 2 other lads struggled, only managing a few between them
    I put it down to my choice of rig, a yellow and red pop up bead just in front of the hook, only one other was using beads and he also did OK
    The weather forecast was about right, pissed down form about 10 ish all day
    Didn't take any pics as it was too wet
    We finished up with a dozen around 2-2.5lb mark that were kept and we returned probably 3 times as many
    A good day with crap weather
  6. Agree
    Saintly Fish reacted to jonnyswamp in Solent, 7th Sept   
    That's a productive day ! well done both
    No Cod, but they're getting like blue moons these days        
  7. Agree
    Saintly Fish reacted to Dicky in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Rather be a penknife on a boat than at work, hope you fell better and have a great trip
  8. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to mike farrants in Sun 1st September - Weymouth inshore   
    Met Tim at his boat at the usual 7.30am - off the pontoon before 8am. 
    plans had to change due the fresh easterly as it was lumpier than expected  - we went to Portlands 1st entrance in search of fresh mackerel and to try for the squid - seeing as id had some off the pier.
    wasnt long before we hit a shoal of scad, and as I was dealing with my scad tim spotted my squid rod going so pulled in a squid for me, few mackies on the next drift and my squid rod went again - this time a Cuttle that I lost on the surface.
    Tim literally mentioned we'd never had a cuttle on his boat as his rod went.... cuttle again - he managed to get the cuttle in the boat - happy days. 
    I also manged a lovely Tub:

    due to the wind we chose to spend more time than usual gathering bait and ended up with 4 cuttle 2 each - (and 2 more lost on the surface), we had a squid each, a few scad, one Tub, and a bucket load of mackerel.
    the wind stayed up and time was pushing on so we decided to drift a couple of inshore wrecks & reefs the other side of the bay in the lee of the coast which produced a few pout to keep us entertained. 
    not long into the afternoon the forecasted storms started to roll in from the channel - and once we saw flashes of lightening we called it a day around 2pm. 

    soaking wet we split the proceeds - half the mackerel each and I took the cuttle for the bait freezer - Tim took the squid for his. 

    not quite the plan, but nice to fill the bait freezer!
  9. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to Dicky in Burnham On Sea 1/9/24   
    Cash payout on the day but not much as only 8 entered, get your name on the trophy and a tackle voucher at the presentation night. When we joined the club 17 years ago there would be 14 or more boats with 40 anglers fishing comps. Like most clubs numbers have shrunk and now we only have around 8 boats in it. 
  10. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from Dicky in Burnham On Sea 1/9/24   
    Can't beat an angry Huss!! 
    Well done on the placing as well, what were the prizes? 
  11. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to Dicky in Burnham On Sea 1/9/24   
    Club comp last Sunday from Bos, foggy start and a bit of swell. First mark just produced dogs, thornbacks, baby tope and a hound to me. Moved further down channel looking for more hounds but didn’t find any just loads of small thornbacks, more dogs and some slightly better eels to around 15lb and a cracking double figure huss for my brother. Final move to try a new mark and this did throw up an insize Thornback amongst the smaller stuff. 
    Back on the beach my brothers huss took first and my hound took second and won the pools so not a bad day.

  12. Agree
    Saintly Fish reacted to Andy135 in BFT Tyneside!!!   
    Yes, please do. YT vids can be embedded directly so go ahead and post it into the thread 👍.
  13. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to Odyssey in And we’re off….   
    Was a bit better today… another 3 in 2 hours, rest of time on sharks, 10 blues to 100lb… bit of a special day 
  14. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to Malc in BFT Tyneside!!!   
    Well that's what we're calling it. For some reason mackerel sizes have been going bonkers here with increasing length and girth, biggest this week was a 40cm fish with plenty pushing for the title plus the launce are getting bigger with one weighing 82gm at home on my digital scale so possibly 90gm+ fresh weight. 
    Not surprised that a BFT is caught off Whitby really! Just need the herring shoals to get closer in.
  15. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to Dicky in West Wales 30/9   
    Out on White Waters in Neyland yesterday. Left home at 3am for a 7am sail. 5 of us onboard for a shark trip with 2 shark virgins in the crew. We steamed out around 35 miles off the heads, loads of wildlife on the way out as usual. We drew lots with the newbies getting 4 and 5 but I was confident we would all get a couple😂😂, how wrong was ! There was no wind and a small tide so we were virtually stationary with the baits coming back towards the boat at times. The morning was dead with no runs but once the tide picked up and the breeze increased the chum started working and the baits all sat nicely in the slick. 4 sharks in the afternoon and we made sure the newbies had a fish so unfortunately it meant my bro missed out. On the steam in the Andy made a bit of a detour to where he had seen tuna the day before and sure enough we found a couple of busts. They ignored the popper but couldn’t resist the livebait and we soon had a hook up. We had already agreed to share the fish so everyone had a go on the rod and 45 minutes later a bluefin around 500lb was was boatside. Once revived after a successful release we still had 26 miles to get back to the heads. Got tied up on the pontoon at 9.15 and crawled into bed at 1.45 best part of 23 hours later🤣🤣🤣. The wildlife out there is truely amazing and is a special fishery.

  16. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to Dicky in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Club comp tomorrow form BOS so out again
  17. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to Odyssey in And we’re off….   
    1 of 2 and a few blues today
    we ride again at dawn…. 

  18. Informative
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from daio web in Rigs, winders, etc   
    By attaching a small 2oz weight and holding the swivel it does make things a tad easier as you only have to untangle the snoods, and not the main body too. 
  19. Haha
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from Malc in Rigs, winders, etc   
    With pre made rigs I find if you attach a small weight to it before taking off the twist wrap then they fall nicely without tangle. Trouble is I always forget to do it 😬
  20. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to Auldjake in HI all, just joined, Thanks.   
    Looking now.
  21. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from Auldjake in HI all, just joined, Thanks.   
    Got any other questions? I can take some on boilers or bathroom refurbs!! 
  22. Agree
    Saintly Fish reacted to jonnyswamp in couple of recent trips   
    That's what happens when you book time off work, the weather is shite
    Just throw a couple of sickies whenever the weather is good 😁
  23. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to mike farrants in couple of recent trips   
    Apologies for the recent winds, I took a week off work to fish - so of course it blew up.
    Saturday 17th August - Me, Tim and my father in law Phil out on Tim's boat - with fresh baits sorted we picked a new spot south of the shambles in 100ft of water, reportedly good for big rays, the hour long steam out was made better by the arrival of a pod of dolphins who played with us for about 5 mins. 

    on arrival at the mark we were comforted by the fact 3 charters were there too - hopes were high! 
    down went the fresh mackerel baits - pretty soon phil was into a run of pout - some of them pretty big, 

    I had a big tope, which put up a good fight - it was t-barred at the side so no pics. we also had eels and dogs.
    pretty soon the charters moved off and we soon found out why - the tide was ripping and half pound of lead wasn't holding - so we moved too.
    The new mark showed up some rays, more conger and dogs, plus bream

    with the wind blowing 15-20mph the rest of the week we didn't have many more options other than to take my boat Pugwash out and stay close in fishing the inshore reefs wrecks and sand. we managed a few afternoon trips and had mackerel & Gurnard.  

    plus we got papped going out under the bridge!

  24. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to Matt in Hello   
    Thanks for the welcome all, at the moment my next planned trip isn't until the start of November, so I'll have to try and get a couple booked in the interim to prevent the onset of cabin fever! 
    The nearest coastline to me is the Solent area which is still 2 hours on a good run..... thinking about trying to book on a charter out of the Portsmouth area as that's the easiest to get to. 
    I agree that Les is a great Skipper.... the last time I was out with him was in May and we had a fantastic day on the Bream, must have had 15+ on the day!
  25. Haha
    Saintly Fish reacted to mike farrants in Hello   
    Welcome Matt - 
    I too have been out with Les on White maiden, he's a great skipper - been out a few times a few years back.
    he took great delight in showing me how to hold a conger properly - i mean he kept on showing me...... 🤣 

    and it had to be those 2 fingers......
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