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Saintly Fish

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  1. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to suzook12 in Yarmouth 31sr July   
    Made our way to Gorleston harbour to jump on the High Flyer 2. The previous day the sea had been flat calm and a boat record tope was caught at 70lb. They had also had a big session on schoolie bass, tho mist were undersized. The first notable thing before casting off was there was a significant breeze, NE 12-15mph, so was going to be a bit snotty to start as wind against tide, The day was also rearranged to hit the bass marks first and do some drifts rather than be at anchor, then anchor on the tope mark once tide had turned and sea flattened off.....
    Mackerel, plenty of them, all bait size, but no bass. Got harpooned by a scad, and thrown about a bit, but unlike 2 of the crew who needed to rearrange their stomach contents, all good...
    The time came to hit the t5ope mark, a little bit early, but weren't too bad. First rod goes flying off... My mate to my right off of the back, then it goes quiet, dropped........ Shortly after, the rod to my left goes off, this time a 20lber on uptide to scad head. Then the tide dropped away and all went quiet, the wind switched to E, and that was us done, not a thing after that on feathers, bait or tope rigs, even with a move.
    Right at the death a rod goes flying off, I jokingly said it was the seal that had been watching us for the last hour....... It was!! Hook pulled, seal reappeared to give us the flipper, and that was that.
    With that we headed back in. A good day out except for the fish..... Roll on the 16th
  2. Agree
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from Andy135 in VHF Radio licence   
    But if that row style boat is just a taster boat then he could well be trading up ? Or maybe a mate has a boat with a vhf, or maybe he will go on a charter and the skipper falls ill ........ lots of if buts and maybes !! Better to do a course and not need to use it. 
  3. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to JDP in Calming seas   
    The swell is starting to back down, so I may get a chance at getting my boat at on the weekend at last.  Or at least a beac session.

  4. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from mick in VHF Radio licence   
    But if that row style boat is just a taster boat then he could well be trading up ? Or maybe a mate has a boat with a vhf, or maybe he will go on a charter and the skipper falls ill ........ lots of if buts and maybes !! Better to do a course and not need to use it. 
  5. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from JDP in VHF Radio licence   
    But if that row style boat is just a taster boat then he could well be trading up ? Or maybe a mate has a boat with a vhf, or maybe he will go on a charter and the skipper falls ill ........ lots of if buts and maybes !! Better to do a course and not need to use it. 
  6. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to Andy135 in First mullet   
    Down in Cornwall for the week and we headed to Lantivet to take my son snorkelling. As we reached the headland we were greeted with a stunning vista.

    Heading down to the beach itself we were looking forward to getting into the crystal clear water.

    After an hours' snorkelling together Tom headed back in for lunch. We'd seen some amazing ballan wrasse amongst the kelp. Both cocks and hens, proper fish the size of piglets, plus plenty of sandeels, spider crabs and a sneaky brown crab in a rocky hole that we couldn't quite tease out into the bag.
    I stayed out and loitered over a submerged reef for a while, having a suspicion that bass would also frequent the same spots as wrasse. Of course I'd taken my speargun out with me. As if someone had flicked a switch I found myself surrounded by schoolie bass, with a huge mullet cruising below them. I took a shot but missed, the spear bouncing off the rocks below. Cursing my luck I reloaded the speargun and floated motionless above the reef again. Didn't take long for another shoal to come by, again with a mullet in tow. Another shot and success! A golden grey in the bag.

    He tasted great on the barbecue with lime, salt and pepper - very much like mackerel.
  7. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to RogB in Out again today - 30th July   
    Glad you found some. "Thin on the ground" is an understatement! I was beginning to think it was just me..
    9hrs afloat July for the Teignmouth airshow, 2 of us fishing quite inshore out of the wind for 2 gurnards. Last weekend 4hrs out on the kayaks for 6 on sat, 3 hrs on the boat out a mile or two for 1 scad (from the sewer buoy "reef" 🤮) on sunday over HW. Even the mackerel boat followed us 3 times, as if we knew best😂
    Shore fishing the Ness beach was much more productive for a few evenings but that soon dried up. Anyway the ones we did have were good sized.
    Keep up the reports, I was inspired by your short videos and managed to shoot the typhoon at the airshow from the back of our tub but need to work out how to YouTube it.
    Cheers, Roger
  8. Agree
    Saintly Fish reacted to Andy135 in Hi I’ve just purchased this boat can anybody identify make or model for me please? Thank you   
    Agree. It's an estuary boat I reckon. Not sure about taking it out beyond Bembridge Ledges.
  9. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from daio web in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Nice Ian, looks nice out there. But I do see clouds ! Unless that's a stolen picture from  another trip!!!
  10. Sad
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from Andy135 in Weymouth Angling Club monthly boat comp = 27th July   
    No plans, sorry!!
  11. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to GPSguru in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Yes, a few clouds but they were very high, and generally over the land mass.
  12. Agree
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from Herbs73 in 28th Brightlingsea   
    🤣well spotted 
  13. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to mike farrants in Weymouth Angling Club monthly boat comp = 27th July   
    Boat comp time again - i'm a serious match angler so no time for photos lol 🤣 (read: not many photo worthy fish)
    Max 106 points for 10 fish of each species (30, 15, 15, 40 then 1 point each for the next 6), there's also prizes for the most fish, most species and the nominated fish of the day measured on length - todays fish was Red gurnard - and as no one had won the nominated species last 2x times it was a double roll over - £180!!!
    Comp started at 9am and we hit the small stuff first to bag a few early points - Wrasse, pout, pollock and unclassified (other small species), Tims son drove the Boat as his target was the nominated species.
    I had 4 pout, 2 wrasse, Tim had his 10 pout, 10 wrasse, 4 unclassified and 4 Pollock
    i was on 145, Tim was off to a flyer on 412 after 2 hours. 
    we moved off to the mixed ground mark - leaving us about 4 hours for other fish - Tim's son dropped down first and would you believe it - must have put his bait right on the nose of a red gurnard - measuring 30cm - at least he had a chance of a prize.  

    Tim then bagged up = bream, congers, Dogs, thornies, more pout. His son also had dogs, eels and lost a 20lb tope at the boat!
    i had a slow day - well out of contention with just 3x bream, 2x dogs and 4x congers,  
    we got to the club house to be me with someone with a large red gurnard - so our only hope was Tims count or the raffle! 
    Tim didn't win most points but did win most species! 
    A lovely day out - flat calm and sunny all day!


  14. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to Robin59 in Solar powered electrics   
    JDP I took your advice and have purchased a solar panel kit which includes a solar controller that is suitable for SLB batteries so thanks again for your wise and knowledgable advice. Cheers
  15. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to Herbs73 in 28th Brightlingsea   
    He went off like a steam train,
  16. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to suzook12 in Jack Tar 17fter   
    Back at it today.
    Mission today was to find out why water wasn;t draining..... Quite simple really, nowhere to run, no drain hole to allow it to get to the bilge pump!! Cut a section of cockpit floor out so as could get a pistol drill in to run a 19mm hole saw through. Will enlarge at some point and glue a tube in, will also make  a cover for the hole so water can drain out of the cockpit
    A tube of sikaflex will stop other points getting water in and capping a hole off where we think an anchor winch was fitted.
    The lead and plug arrived for the NMEA plug for the radio, so can get that coupled up and test it once I dig the navionics card out....
    So, few little jobs for this summer to finish the boat, will be starting on the trailer very soon, and getting the engine ready.......
    Video up soon
  17. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to Herbs73 in 28th Brightlingsea   
    Not managed much fishing lately due to work but yesterday came free so i grabbed the opportunity. 
    Picked up my couzin David at 5am amd was driving out Brightlingsea harbour by 5.30.
    We headed for the priory spit hoping for smoothounds with an hour Before higj water left, but jt was a bit slow, David had 1 houmd at 6lb and i had a couple of doggies.  We fished it down for an hour so and them moved up on to the gunfleet where it picked up a bit  i had 1 bass at 3lb and 4 hounds around ths 6&7 lb mark amd a small tope,  David didnt get a bite which caused him some consternation, he put it down to the side of the boat i was fishing from unitl the tide turned again and the boat swung round amd i carried on catching and he didnt.  We fished the tide back up for a few hours then moved back to the priory where there was now 3 charters and 2 privateers and we were straigjt into the hounds. My total was 12 hounds with the  biggest at 13lb and David had 4. Bait was ragworm amd squid. 
      Great day especially winding up David about his poor fishing skills. 

  18. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to jonnyswamp in Sunday 28th July Bristol Channel   
    I actually had factor 50 on 🤣
  19. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to jetty jumper in Some more recent club member pics.   
    Not 100% sure how they landed it. It was a club member but I wasn’t there when it was caught. 
  20. Like
    Saintly Fish reacted to Robin59 in Hi I’ve just purchased this boat can anybody identify make or model for me please? Thank you   
    No not far from a couple of hundred yards to a mile out, as for a bigger engine yes but I’m having to save up for that 
  21. Like
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from daio web in MegaByte - Warrior 165 for sale   
    Superb boat Brian. Hope you are not giving up fishing and the PBSBAC ?
  22. Haha
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from GPSguru in Help with sonar / fish finder   
    Snob. I quite like the "all inclusive" colours!! 
  23. Agree
    Saintly Fish got a reaction from Andy135 in on the beach   
    Well done Pete, nice to see a report from you !! 
  24. Agree
    Saintly Fish reacted to captin slows old outlaw in Xmas in July   
    not like the uk  no rain😅
  25. Optimistic
    Saintly Fish reacted to captin slows old outlaw in Help with sonar / fish finder   
    just keep taking the tablets you will be all right
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