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  1. Thanks mate, I was only planning on taking a light spinning rod and a few lures/floats so the Tope fishing is probably going to have to wait till next time!
  2. Really enjoyed the trip! Shame we didn't get to do any wrecking but that's life! Dropped 3 good fish (one bit me off, one snapped at the leader knot and one dropped the bait (big, half-pout) but on the plus side, I got my first ever Plaice (followed by another 2 keepers) which were DELICIOUS! Nice to meet you all and put names to faces and hope to do it again some time! Andy B
  3. Hi Guys, I have a few days in the Isle of Man coming up (Son has a rugby tournament there) and apart from a couple hours watching him play on the Friday and Saturday, I am not going to have a lot to do so was thinking of chucking a spinning rod and a box of lures/light tackle in the car to have a few hours somewhere. Has anybody got any experience of fishing the Isle of Man and any pointers on where to head and what to expect? Cheers, Andy
  4. Sorry, missed that (just scrolled back and saw)! Cheers!
  5. Is there any news on what bait to bring yet? Cheers
  6. New line on my reels and some new booms and lures for wrecking (fingers crossed)... getting excited now 🙂
  7. Nice one... mostly Lures then or baits (if wrecking)? Do we know if there are launce/macky around for feathering or will we need to bring bait if after Turbos? Cheers
  8. Guys, I can't remember what was discussed in terms of what type of fishing (target species, bait/tackle requirements) we will be doing. Is there any update on what we will need to bring? Cheers
  9. Just booked myself into the B&B! 👍
  10. Just spoke to @Odyssey, if there is a spare room booked already, I’ll take it.
  11. @Odysseyare you going to take this room or not?
  12. That was the irony… it was YOUR MARK we were fishing on LOL!
  13. Yoo are too kind mate… true story tho! 🤣
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