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Captain Sensible

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Posts posted by Captain Sensible

  1. Two of these going up on eBay over the weekend thought I’d offer them here first. 

    Not selling as matching pair as 1cm shorter - rings line up just the top section shorter in length. 

    Nice rods good condition with rods bags, one standard the other luxury feel with Daiwa badge 

    Going for £100 per rod although there is a chancer asking £160 per rod /£320 for the pair on fleabay 




  2. Got a good/new handheld but would like one for the boat. Any of you upgrading I might be up for your old’n 

    Nothing fancy just the basics, ais, gps 😂

  3. 6 minutes ago, JonC said:

    I recon you could sneak a 225 on, just change the stickers 🤣

    😃 yeah reckon this max boat speed according to hull design is nonsense just stick a massive engine on and a LOT of anchor chain up front 

    One of these?


  4. 4 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

    Yes but that's really not hard is it!! 

    @Captain Sensible nice looking little boat you've got yourself there. If I were you, I'd make a call to the manufacturer and ask what the rating is if there is no plate in the hull anywhere to give an indication of what she can take, engine wise and sea state. But, I guess it's not too much and more for inshore work, pushing out a bit further on calmer days. 
    Happy boating, and we all look forward to a catch report or two before you start the "Find me a bigger boat" thread. It will happen eventually!! 

    Built in 80’s/90’s when 2 smokes the norm, rated to 25hp which is roughly 50kg. Didn’t ask about safe sea state but as above if dangerous don’t go out. 

    Now got a 30hp four smoke which is nearly double the weight, 2 smoke equivalent has more power so 20/25 hp four smoke prob bit underpowered. 30 4s is prob but too heavy. insurance approved and no stress signs to boat, others run them outboards with no issues. 


  5. 10 hours ago, Andy135 said:

    Was yours previously used on relatively sheltered sea lochs? Your friend may have said something true in jest if so.

    Truthfully, I wouldn't take it out in more than a force 2, or maybe a 3. Orkney's don't have much free board and are susceptible to water over the gunnels so be sure to have a good bilge pump or two. They're also quite light in the hull, so will bob about like a cork in a chop, making for an uncomfortable fishing trip. Generally speaking, more mass = more comfort with boats.

    With that said, with mine I found that I ran out of bravery before the hull did, which is better than the alternative!

    I'm assuming this is your first boat. They are great starter boats, but I suspect you'll want to go bigger once you master the basics and your sea legs get more adventurous.

    First go at boats was sailing boats as a kid with cabins, channel crossing and east coast pottering. Then Lazers, so no wind no fun. Next go for last few years has been SIBS if anyone knows them. 3.8m with a 15hp planes at 18knots cruise if you want at 15knots on east coast chop. Expect to get wet and prepare for it. Would go out in a 3-4 highly mobile and quick, capable of much more - surf jumping etc but human part quits before boat does.

    Don’t know this boat and capability at all so baby steps to start with and see what I think, how safe I feel. Prepare for worst.

    So this is first dedicated boat for fishing, bit of experience prior to that. Oh and mucked about on ribs for a bit for PB1&2, PB refresher, next step advanced when I have the time. Me and my Sister been doing it down Solent way good fun and nice folk. 

    Bigger boat - not ruling it out - like the Orkney for ease of use and it’s cheaper to moor at that length. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

    Arrr! She's a beauty!

    So it's your fault that we're having all this crappy weather then? New boat = at least four weeks of rubbish weather for everyone 😭🤣

    In all seriousness she looks great. I had an Orkney as my first boat, a little 440. Those Strikeliners are well thought of - good choice 👍

    Bought it on a sunny day so add 2 weeks to the 4 

    I think I’m in love good job the exhaust pipe is protected by a propeller. Irrational thoughts of spending hours with her gently polishing. 

    Arrrr, boats!

    How do they fair in a force 7? Asking for a friend - he said it’s that or the river

  7. Evenin' O ye offshore outlaws Iz reckoning deep down we to be pirates true 🏴‍☠️

    So come one 'n all ye scurvy dogs 'n merrymen wha' be yer pirate name

    Sealegs O’Growley



    Above is my roundabout way of saying hello. was thinking about a profile name, got lost in pirate names and here we are.

    Strikeliner just acquired fish out of Essex, have a liking for anti-establishment glad to have found you, I’m on a global fishy forum but this seems like a breath of fresh air 


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