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  1. Haha looks like a cracking sunday may go out for a few hours try oxwich see if the herring are still there
  2. Anyone out in swansea on sunday that can tell me where the dogfish aren't 🤣 hoping to have a few hours
  3. We quit an locked in at 1 45 was way to lumpy to enjoy fishing bloody glad i did now after seeing the last few hours of posts lol absolute carnage
  4. That was my worst days fishing ever sully was rays and straps then the ranni was an epic event in my 16ft boat 🤣🤣
  5. Thanks Odyssey we are planning 1st 2nd and third place on the boat so your quids in 🤣🤣
  6. Can someone give me marks for the safe areas on sunday please lol
  7. I need stickers to cover the cracks in gel coat lol
  8. Well launched at mumbles today headed straight for the kenfig patches about 9 nm anchored right ontop of the kennels never seen so many dogs. After a couple of hours of feeding the dogs headed back to swansea seen a few dolphins so wasn't to bad Tried some banks halfway home and guess what we caught yep more doggies 🐕. By this point i was pretty broken mentally but thought you have bait you still have a chance so hit the old faithful strombus wreck in the bay but that depressed me more yep more doggies 🤣🤣 did manage 2 pouting and 1 eel about 12inches 🤣🤣. So we just decided to have a race back to the slip always a laugh 😃. So if anyone wants to catch dogfish come to swansea we have millions 🤣🤣
  9. Its a nightmare i always take way to many rods and usually stick to the same 2 🤣🤣
  10. Haha i got 22 holders in total 🤣🤣
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