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Bob Copeland

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  1. GPSguru did you do the copper coat your self or have a company do it, as I've mentioned they would like to get someone to do it. I've heard that some say it last longer in certain areas then others. Cheers Bob.
  2. Cheers Odyssey, his friend down at Blanford had a firm do they's and it lasted 10 years, and may have got another year.
  3. Thanks for the replies gentleman, I’ll give him the site and he can have a chat with them.
  4. Hi Folks Couple of friends have a boat at Littlehampton, and this year it needs to be anti-fouled. They'ed like a firm to do it with the above as it can last up to 10 years. So the question is have any of you guys used the product, and can anyone recommended a company in the West Sussex area to carry it out, as there of a mature age and not as agile as we was. Thanks Bob.
  5. Had foam from here and all seem good, https://www.efoam.co.uk
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