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ever optimistic

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Everything posted by ever optimistic

  1. the rest have simply lost their whey
  2. some of us are just a little more cultured
  3. that was caerphilly thought out.
  4. edam well improved with this one.
  5. at least i'm insulated from the worst of the humour.
  6. keeping this going will be the acid test, I we fail we could end up in the cells.
  7. don't tell me we will be grid- locked.
  8. this could result In a battery of new posts.
  9. 🤔🤔 think this is power-ful proof of your crime.
  10. sorry andy , try again those three have already been used. i'm not leading you on you can have an extension to improve.
  11. i'm in-fused with joy , it's not winding me up , though I feel insulated from the worst of it.
  12. well you did socket to me then, could this be called a light bulb moment.
  13. ohmy its getting tough now
  14. not sure but there is plenty more in the vault.
  15. should I alternate my comments or would you like them direct.
  16. I do use that method as well but find the ice cube works best in very shallow water as you are dropping your bait's right on the chum.
  17. perhaps we should switch to something else.
  18. he has very positive outlook, not noted for being negative, a real bright spark, is a down to earth chap, in company a real live wire, just plugging a few of his attributes.
  19. or is his judgment clouded
  20. nice to see you drift back in luke
  21. sure he's prepared for an avalanche of replys
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