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ever optimistic

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  1. Like
    ever optimistic reacted to jonnyswamp in Live earthquake map   
    (213) Seismic Worldmap Live - MultiView - YouTube
    If you're into that sort of stuff
  2. Haha
    ever optimistic reacted to Geoff in Intention to leave group   
    No need, God IS English. Geoff.
  3. Optimistic
    ever optimistic reacted to Odyssey in Intention to leave group   
    I’m too young for that 😋
    I know my place..... butt of all the jokes.... just because Wales is Gods own country... (Genesis 1 v 21) 
    Genesis 1:21, KJV: "And God created great wales and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good." 
    No mention on England in there..... 
  4. Agree
    ever optimistic reacted to suzook12 in Intention to leave group   
    Remember it well, many a good joke from that line 😀
  5. Haha
    ever optimistic got a reaction from GPSguru in Intention to leave group   
    no need to ram it down his throat.
  6. Haha
    ever optimistic got a reaction from suzook12 in Intention to leave group   
    no need to ram it down his throat.
  7. Haha
    ever optimistic got a reaction from Andy135 in Intention to leave group   
    no need to ram it down his throat.
  8. Haha
    ever optimistic reacted to Andy135 in Intention to leave group   
    Ewe'll be proper flocked if it ever gets out...
  9. Like
    ever optimistic got a reaction from Andy135 in Intention to leave group   
    no mention of his sheep dogging either.
  10. Haha
    ever optimistic reacted to SiDfish in Strangest thing you've caught?   
    Caught the undersea cable to a small island.  Seagulls, a gannet, and a couple of cormorants (bass livebaits). Bats when flyfishing at night.  A mate caught a cat.  He left his rod on the pier with a conger trace and bait hanging to come and help me net a fish.  We heard a load of angry cat and looked up to see a cat hanging from the pier on his line, like a pendulum, neatly hooked in the scissors.  I was laughing so much that I found it difficult to help unhook the cat.  It was severely p1ssed off.
  11. Like
    ever optimistic reacted to Geoff in Hello.....   
    pics too big so trying a couple more. Geoff.

  12. Haha
    ever optimistic reacted to Andy135 in Car parts   
  13. Haha
    ever optimistic reacted to GPSguru in Fishing injuries   
    Nah ........... getting your foreskin stuck in the zip when the boat is rocking around makes your eyes water ..............
  14. Like
    ever optimistic reacted to GPSguru in Fishing injuries   
    Last September ................. had to get Kyle to cut off the eye with side cutters, I then forced the hook right through and out of the side of my finger ........ yes, it smarted a little 😒🙄

  15. Like
    ever optimistic reacted to Odyssey in Fishing injuries   
    Tail whipped by a tope, took all the skin off my lower leg. Hurt like crazy after a few days with green puss coming out. Had to wear shorts to work and flip flops.... 
    Been bitten by dogs numerous times.. 
    Once had a conger eel attach itself to my foot.... that ruined a pair of wellies. 
    Seen damage an angry shark can do so keep a healthy respect for them! 
  16. Like
    ever optimistic reacted to SiDfish in Fishing injuries   
    Was servicing a reel at home one night and prising off a circlip with a sharp screwdriver.   Slipped and the clip went ping.  Went looking around the kitchen for the clip and heard a strange ticking sound, turned around and there's pools of dark stuff everywhere.  The srewdriver had gone clean through the middle joint of my middle finger and blood was p1ssing out.  Didn't hurt atall. Went to wake the missus, saying I needed a lift to casualty.  She replies 'can't it wait till morning', takes a look and throws up.  Off we go to casualty and the nurse says 'can't it wait it's friday night', so I show her the finger when she nearly pukes and retching sounds come from the rest of the waiting room.  So I'm sat waiting with my hand held high and literally covered in blood by now, it's still pumping out.  I get seen in 10min co's it's grossing people out, finger X rayed and NO damage other than blood vessels.  No pain until the screwdriver comes out, then 'bam' agony. Put me on a drip due to blood loss, morphine (yes please) and sent me home a couple of hours later once the bleeding stopped.  It was only when I got home and looked in the mirror that I realised that I looked like a bucket of blood had been poured over me.
  17. Haha
    ever optimistic reacted to JDP in Only because its quiet on here!!!!   
    Ok as you know my daughter bought a new boat which she christened with some nice lobsters Xmas morning but!!!!... Well this is the part I was going to keep quiet but been as it has given my family such a giggle I thought I would share the rest of the day!!!
    So after catching the lobsters I hopped up the front of the rib sitting on the tube to film my daughter driving it through the white water on the run home. What could go wrong So we hit a have a bit hard that sent me into the air coming back down on the anchor post right on my tail bone "ouch" but hey that's not enough this was followed by a second wave that capitulated me over the side, all with the GoPro filming as I summersaulted through the air. Lost my prescription polarisers but kept hold of the camera, which the kids are constantly playing and sharing on their social media  First time I've ever gone overboard.
    So with my back starting to seize up I headed down the beach with my wife and the dog. The dog tends to play pretty rough with me and it wasn't long before she had split open my thumb with a 1in gash, strike 2.
    Later that evening my son wanted to search the bushland next to our house for a lost arrow, what could go wrong. So after walking around in dence bushland only watching the ground I walked into a large cobweb that wrapped around my face!!!.. As I pulled the web off my face a spider bit the finger next to my cut thumb, which is now swollen and sore two days later. 
    Im hoping Ive got that little run of three out of the way I can have a safe run for a while!!!!
  18. Haha
    ever optimistic reacted to suzook12 in Merry Christmas Outlaws   
    Don't forget the camp coffee for camp Christmas morning at the Suzuki camp, camping in a camper......🤣
  19. Haha
    ever optimistic reacted to Saintly Fish in Merry Christmas Outlaws   
    Nothing camper than a camp Christmas at Suzi’s camp!
  20. Haha
    ever optimistic got a reaction from suzook12 in Merry Christmas Outlaws   
    hi suzi , one would have to assume you were very lonely on your own in the camp camp and wanted campany.😁😁
  21. Haha
    ever optimistic got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Merry Christmas Outlaws   
    hi suzi , one would have to assume you were very lonely on your own in the camp camp and wanted campany.😁😁
  22. Haha
    ever optimistic got a reaction from Andy135 in Merry Christmas Outlaws   
    hi suzi , one would have to assume you were very lonely on your own in the camp camp and wanted campany.😁😁
  23. Like
    ever optimistic got a reaction from suzook12 in Merry Christmas Outlaws   
    hi all, whilst being firmly in the bah firkin humbug camp, I would like to wish everyone a very happy xmas . 
  24. Like
    ever optimistic reacted to MegaByte in Merry Christmas Outlaws   
  25. Like
    ever optimistic got a reaction from GPSguru in Merry Christmas Outlaws   
    hi all, whilst being firmly in the bah firkin humbug camp, I would like to wish everyone a very happy xmas . 
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