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Malc last won the day on August 20

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  1. Excellent, well done you guys
  2. Video will be available on Friday @Andy135 can I post up the video link and if so where do you want it?
  3. Off Whitby they were out fishing the wrecks, same off the Tyne I believe, hooked twice and got close to the boat. There's supposed to be a video too.
  4. Whitby used to get a few porgies on the wrecks chomping cod in two, so perhaps not that unexpected.
  5. Indeed, unconfirmed as yet but something toothy was reported at the weekend!
  6. Love squid, I bet that they are even better when that fresh!
  7. Well that's what we're calling it. For some reason mackerel sizes have been going bonkers here with increasing length and girth, biggest this week was a 40cm fish with plenty pushing for the title plus the launce are getting bigger with one weighing 82gm at home on my digital scale so possibly 90gm+ fresh weight. Not surprised that a BFT is caught off Whitby really! Just need the herring shoals to get closer in.
  8. A great day all in all! Love the sunset?
  9. I do the twist wraps for anything that goes in the rig wallet, and do it the opposite way by attaching the mainline to the swivel but still get a plate load of spaghetti! Hence the thread 😁
  10. I know some people just buy off the shelf rigs due to time constraints or not needing many but I have a good number of rigs made up for various types of fishing and for the kayak, boat and shore. I tend to use a rig wallet for the kayak as its less space and generally rig winders elsewhere and especially for feathers/sabikis because as my friend says; Somewhere in Asia is a little old lady who knows how to mess with you by making sure that your rig looks good in the packet but will turn into knitting as soon as you try to get it out! I noticed that tronix have put a small hole in the inside of the winder spool to put the link or swivel to start winding, which is a good idea I think. However do you have any tweaks or other ideas?
  11. I'm going out tomorrow too, try to top up our species hunt totals.
  12. And it will cope better with casting a 4oz weight and hauling in a string of mackerel from the pier
  13. Socorro 6000, I wanted something bigger than my well abused 4000 exages as they are OK for up to 3-4oz but in the winter I'll need 6+. I was looking at spheros and twin powers but I don't think that I would get that much more for my money.
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