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Everything posted by Malc

  1. Thanks for that. The last time I saw the Tristram was in Port Stanley Harbour and she was quite a sorry state! Nice report too.
  2. Well done, but you have to remember that if it was easy everyone would be doing it. When we fished the eddystone areas we did a variety of different tactics, close in to the pinnacles we drifted with sandeel or king rag on long flowing traces for pollock and bass or when the tide slackened we anchored or drifted for ling or conger with big fish baits. However some of the best fish I have seen were caught closer in on reefs or across smaller wrecks for pollock cod and ling or the scours for turbot and bass, I don't have the old admiralty chart as we lost it some years ago which shows how you didn't need all the electronic gear, though I wouldn't be without it now. Tight lines
  3. Nice comfy seats too
  4. Seems like there was a tech problem
  5. Something wrong with the forecast...
  6. I was looking for recipes after you asked @mike farrants and apparently you can use them in pesto instead of pine nuts, so I may try that too.
  7. I pride myself on my nuts, and I have, since the photo, given them a good scrub. We eat them as they stop us snacking on other things, keeping some for port and cheese at Christmas and the small ones will go in a cake or two.
  8. Malc

    Cornwall bound

    Well worth the effort, I've never seen tuna feeding on the surface and look forward to seeing it someday.
  9. Foraged some wrinkly brown nuts today, thankfully the wind did its job and saved me the effort, Christmas here we come!
  10. I wondered about what the implications of removing 100kg from amidships and putting an outboard beyond the stern, thanks. EDIT, it also has "legs" along the underside of the hull so it can be sat on dry land I would expect that would help with stability??
  11. Looks fantastic but I'm not sure about the "mange dip" !
  12. Well done, lots of happy people
  13. The boat would have had an inboard of 8-20hp but I don't know how that equates from inboard to outboard as the inboard would have been 2:1 reduction or doesn't it matter? Is HP just HP no matter what?
  14. I was idly browsing the classifieds, yes very dangerous, and saw one of the above for sale a 16ft open cuddy 1990 but with an 6hp suzuki outboard engine 2018 only used in freshwater lakes and only 20hrs! Boat is a bit tatty (not viewed just photos) but nothing that TLC wouldn't put right. Now the price is definitely right but I know little about these but have done a bit of research and they seem to be well liked. So what should I be looking for if I go for a look and should I go for the little OB or get it without and get a bigger new(er) one? Many thanks for all relevant information!
  15. Yes, no gym this morning.
  16. Still wanting to get some silver darlings and the weather being better than expected I headed out. Not a sausage! Spoke with a small pot boat working in between the piers about the mackerel thinning out and about herring, but when I asked if his boat was a Plymouth pilot he was really chuffed that someone knew about them and offered me a lobster, yes please! VTS were very busy with lots of big vessels and I was dodging them trying to find even a mackerel to avoid the blank. First was a marine cable layer, in the centre is a massive drum that stores the cable. Then a cruise ship followed by my friends coming in simultaneously, so we had a natter until it passed. I started across the channel and spotted arches in the bottom 5m and dropped my sabikis and instantly hit a herring which I lost as I faffed with my net! Dropped again and straight into another that I landed and then dropped down only to hear that the DFDS ferry was heading my way. I made the other side and waited for it to pass, then back into the shipping channel and eventually I got another two and several mini whiting (returned) before they sent the dogger bank wind farm tug to stop my fun! Then it was back in and pick the boss up and all the cleaning storing etc before boiling the blue boy and descaling my darlings.
  17. I'm quite happy about it as I've been economically inactive since 2011 and that pension doesn't seem to be keeping pace with inflation. I'm sure that I will just waste it on fishing gear and holidays anyway!
  18. Another two and I will be drawing my state pension!
  19. The river would have been fine on the kayak but the bar and outside was a snotty chop due to wind against tide, might go out later on the kayak though.
  20. Bumping this up again as it's less than 100 days to Christmas and you will want some to go with your cheese and paté! Today's batch
  21. No on my friends boat. The only thing missing was a few leaping dolphin
  22. Tried for herring but not one, plenty of mackerel including big chunky ones, pollock, pouting, weever, whiting and a dab and a wonderful sunset and simultaneous moonrise. Fantastic.
  23. What happens on the boat, stays on the boat! 🤭🤣
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