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Everything posted by Malc

  1. I use a "D" shaped lead about 10oz on my kayak sometimes when travelling from mark to mark and want a couple of mackerel, but I don't go faster than 2kn. It's on a handline with 2-3 tinsels above and a traditional mackerel spinner below. I've had it for years, possibly from the mid 80's but I haven't seen those for years.
  2. Malc


    That's the best way, I also get asked but sometimes I get proper surprised!
  3. Do you know what you're getting, is it fishing oriented? Or do you just get your gear as and when you need it through the year and let the family buy you knickers and socks? Bulk spool of braid and a new bag that I know of and a fin nor marquesa for my birthday in February! πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ„πŸŽ
  4. Back to the question, it's either been too rough for the kayak or I've been busy along with my friends changing boats, so I've been on the shore feeding crabs with nothing worthy of note. I expected the crabs to have slowed or moved off but I think the big storm provided a lot of feeding so they are making the most of it before it gets properly cold.
  5. Don't dis Atlantic Salmon, hard fighting fish and even more so in fast flowing rivers on fly gear.
  6. Good sized whiting, well done
  7. Good to hear it got there, I'm storing the beer in the fridge! I had to get rid of all the reel boxes when we moved house as they took up too much space compared to without the box. Tight lines
  8. No same width. Could be, or we've shed a few pounds...nah, not that.
  9. Not something I am 100% on, but I have a kayak which is 16ft long, just over 2ft beam and draft of a couple of inches and is fine in anything apart from a confused chop. However a friend has upgraded from a quicksilver 585 to a 640 and just going across the marina it seems to be more stable when moving across the deck each way, why would this be so when the only real difference is @ 2ft of LOA? Will it be different in a sea ?
  10. I was idly going through my pictures on my phone and came across a couple I took from the plane on our way to the Costa del sunshine. Thankfully the clouds were left way back in the Midlands so I could see below us and I didn't realise that when crossing the channel if you see Weymouth behind the wing, in front is Guernsey. It certainly makes the world a bit smaller. Have a nice Friday
  11. Used to be my cuppa when I had hair and went to gigs each weekend such as Sabbath, UFO, Motorhead, Satriani and then into punk-ish and early indie bands like Delta 5, Art of Noise...
  12. Sure is but wasn't what I meant to post, however it is a great tune that was part of the "Sexy Beast " soundtrack. This is, hopefully, Doves and"Catch the Sun" https://youtu.be/HLNfP5Ml_Z4?si=IKcGksVrfpw6Rgvl
  13. Just decided to get a few of those silvery discs that seemed so popular when Nelson was a sprog, and found this one... https://youtu.be/F6ZQgxhl5sc
  14. All sorted πŸ‘ Glad it will get used!
  15. On hold for the cap'n πŸ‘
  16. Just seeing if anyone here is after one as I no longer need this one. Used very little, 6-8 times since I bought it 8 years ago. Β£70 plus postage???
  17. These may do the trick if you want to try something different for the cod, clean-ish water would be best. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/154697135992?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=154697135992&targetid=1404115578933&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9046750&poi=&campaignid=17218284410&mkgroupid=142217514411&rlsatarget=pla-1404115578933&abcId=9300867&merchantid=7441614&gclid=CjwKCAiAmZGrBhAnEiwAo9qHiT2-ApXKNIUlsrKyqhgZJprlcNB78HdLJLo2NEZqpxoAwF59M7jHExoCJbAQAvD_BwE
  18. I got a genuine 30% off plus 3 free gifts! Elizabeth Arden skin cream for my darling wife, that will get me some amount of fishing time and gear after Christmas! Up here for thinking πŸ‘† down there for dancing πŸ‘‡
  19. It certainly is, I quite often sit on my kayak and can watch my gear working away and most of the time hits come out of the blue but sometimes I see an fish following and can try to induce a take.
  20. Seems to be a lot of interest at the moment, a friend sold their boat last weekend and are getting the new boat this weekend!
  21. I like my Lowrance, does everything and more that I need from a ff plotter combo. Didn't cost the earth, been dunked and is still going after 8 years.
  22. I agree, I used 8/0meat hooks on a wreck and got a half pound whiting, lower hook last night was size 2 sakuma with a 6/0 an inch above.
  23. Have been giving it further attempts and last night I thought I had it sussed. I got to the pier as the sun set and set up the rig with half a sprat as bait. This was quickly found by crabs and possibly dabs and stripped, same with the next cast so I changed to mackerel strip but I didn't just leave it hanging off the bend but double hooked it and again using elastic to help keep it on. Once it was dark I started getting whiting rattles and eventually the ratchet screamed and I hit it. No real weight, so back into the rod rest and again a couple of rattles and then the ratchet screamed again and again no real weight so I reeled in and could feel a little kick and find a 3/4lb whiting on the lower hook! It would have to be a decent cod to nobble that but hey-ho it's a learning curve!
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