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Everything posted by Malc

  1. Not sure what the day would bring as we move into autumn, so bait and lures were on the cards. First drift over a drop off with lures for pollock and codling but the drift hadn't really started to push so we were struggling to get a couple of small codling and a coalfish. Then we tried an inshore reef where we have had good pollock before and the visibility was great as we could see the lures down to 15ft or more but apart from a few more codling, including a kelpy codling, nothing of size. the water quality went downhill as we got closer to the river, an ebbing tide, and eventually we returned to the marina and saw the dredger was hard at work turning the Tyne the colour I remember it was 50 years ago! Nice day picking away but nothing of size and just a mackerel coming home to get smoked and turned into pate.
  2. Not sure, just saw it and was unaware that you could get leucistic (sp?) Fish/shark. I do know that you get white pheasant... ...but fortunately I wasn't shooting! Just checked and it is sidewinder reposting and sw Scotland sea anglers re-reposting.
  3. White tope from the IOW area apparently.
  4. Strangely enough to the north and south of the Tyne there are two areas that are heavily fished and these areas have great shading, however the sandy bits between where people are hitting warp speed are just bland looking with no features, but if I kayak over it I am sure that I would find a feature or two worthy of a dangle.
  5. Nightmare scenario on a charter! Looks like you had a great time and dinner too.
  6. It was the small one which just drags a rake along the seabed to get rid of small build ups I believe, the big one hoovers up but all in the main channel where you aren't supposed to fish
  7. Indeed, however I've seen more meat in a soggy kit kat
  8. You need to have metal to weld to! Poor fella was going to take the family out on his rib however it was low speed in the car park and not higher speed on multiple lanes!
  9. Pretty sad that, can't you just rip one from the internet and get your kicks that way or do you prefer to pay? If you like that kinda thing you could beg?
  10. ...and wanted some herring, but got mackerel. There is a dredging vessel raking the channel and its really dirty despite week of clear weather and light wind. Managed to dodge the car transporter. However I couldn't avoid this... ...somewhere in the middle is a RN training/patrol vessel! I'll put up a recipe and pictures of my smoked mackerel pate at some stage.
  11. Sorry, as in it looks like a fish that is fast off the blocks, a good fighting fish.
  12. Size and shape would suggest a sprinter?
  13. Cheers @Andy135 they are capped at 25% . I read the bumph but it seemed like a pro forma they send to everyone as it covers everything from NW-NF to warning that if we lose their rates are £450/hr which is frightening! I don't believe for a second we could lose as we were hit in the rear when stationary at a ped x-ing and we have front and rear cameras and I didn't sling the anchors out it was gradual braking. I have done some reading and apparently some law firms pay up to £800 to insurance companies for clients! Also we are probably going to get an offer from the other insurers instead of going into litigation if the internet is correct.
  14. No, sent to a legal firm after the car was fixed and even then we had to instigate it.
  15. Not a legal question as such but have you any advice? My wife hurt her neck earlier in the year when we were hit (rear end) by another car when we stopped at a pedestrian crossing. Car left the scene without giving details even though I indicated for her to turn the corner but dashcam front and rear caught her. We have had forms to fill in etc but they sent out a large document that rambles on about legal expenses and legal expenses insurance and we have to send car, house and credit card documents to them. I found it hard to understand what they meant and as they charge £450/hr I worry that we will be out of pocket after we have won the case, and I am sure we will, if we lose it is no win no fee. Have you ever had a similar, how did it go, any advice? Many thanks in advance!
  16. You better believe it 🤣 We've had both on my friends boat
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