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Everything posted by Malc

  1. Marina competition and just two of us instead of three on the boat, booked in and off we go into pretty much flat calm. As we were nearing the wreck we had wanted to fish we saw a commercial on it so went to a 2nd option. Plenty of snags and 2 whiting, on 8/0's and baited muppets, later we changed our plan and tried inshore and again it was pretty clear that the fish weren't interested in what we had to offer, soft plastic lures, muppets, fine slithers of fresh mackerel... We too and froed and picked up a trio of fair sized codling and returned a few tiddlers and I even had problems getting 4" sandeel slugs through the mackerel at times so it wasn't easy, even the commercial and pleasure anglers were moving about a lot. We returned earlier than expected and were told we were the only ones weighing in so far with 40 minutes to the end of the competition. Things were looking good as the last competition we didn't weigh in 3 fair pollock and a sub 2lb ling won (all gutted weight) which was gutting for us. 5 minutes to go and there was no boats in the lock or the pontoon so we had it, grand slam! Bottle of beer to celebrate, £100 voucher for marina work and I think £75 cash so it all goes back into the boat! Played for and got 🍾🎣
  2. Looks like another great session! Hope we contact the codling tomorrow as it's a competition, although a big ling or pollock would suffice 😉
  3. The heads had a bit of sand in them even though I washed them so I just nipped the heads off. We went to the same beach today and there are still a lot left even though the gulls have been feasting, however they are absolutely stinking now 🤮
  4. Nice one, sounds like a really good day!
  5. Craft knife and off you go!
  6. I think that there was an attempt to "jazz" it up by having scantily clad ladies and weird dances and rituals but Jupiter's (?) moon was surprisingly like the home counties the special effects weren't and there was more ham than a deli counter.
  7. Nope, I am fine I knew they were fresh as I watched the birds corral them as the tide dropped.
  8. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0046977/ Beats everything hands down.
  9. Yes, but I'm trying to get me smaller.
  10. After a marathon 3 hours+ on the phone yesterday I decided to get an hour trying for mackerel or herring. Managed to get a tiny pollock and a just undersized codling with the rods. I had seen lots guillemots pushing what I thought was sandeel against the pier wall and rocks but on leaving found this 😳 As we need bait for the winter and I like whitebait some came home with me. yummy!
  11. My pleasure, message received and replied to.
  12. If you want I could make you up a couple of traces as I have crimps and 220lb mono and if you get on with it you can buy your own and make them up yourself? Contact me on the messenger system if you want.
  13. Malc

    Whales !!

    ...they swim in the sea, We eat them for tea, Oh...... big fishes are whales! If you know, you know!
  14. Nice trip out and decent fish to boot, shame about the weather though.
  15. Malc


    Yesterday was a wipe out with big swells and strong winds, but today 💪 Awesome stuff, even nabbed his brother later on.
  16. Basically, what are the lines? They are between rocky areas and will be sand or mud but why lined? Thanks for relevant answers, up yours for leg pullers 😁
  17. Oh my goodness that first one, a striper(?), is a stonking fish. Well done that fella!
  18. Sorry to hear that, we've had howling westerly winds that have flattened the sea but drifts would have been fast, lots of rain flooding the estuaries and today was a small window as the wind went NE'ly before it goes E'ly and its big onshore rollers.
  19. Went back to the reef I was at 2 weeks ago as light winds were forecast and they were right, but surfline was wrong and instead of 1-2ft it was 2-3ft and a bit of snotty chop at times, but I got out of the harbour ok and headed for the reef. I sat for a minute to watch how and where the drift was going when I heard some unmistakable snorting and a big pod of dolphin went past 60-70m away but my photos were mostly of the grey sea! Lure on and I cast over the reef and count down 5 seconds shut the bail, let the line tighten then a couple of turns and slow pull and then a sleigh ride as I hadn't adjusted the drag! It was going berserk first away from me, then right and then left and everything just siezed up. I peddled uptide to see if I could get over it and lift it but it was solid and I couldn't budge it, so I tried giving slack and still nothing, I tried a different angle and the braid just pinged 🤐 By the time I tied another rig I was well off the reef so set up another drift parallel to the first and cast out, 5 seconds and bail arm, line tightens and I started retrieving slowly and half way in I had a pull but no connection, I free fall the lure and another tap as I started the retrieve, so this time a fast few turns and bang its on! I caught a glimpse of bronze as it tried to motor down to the kelp but a bit of side strain turned it and after 2 more runs it is lifted into the kayak 😃 nice stocky fish that's been munching sandeel for months. Sea was getting a bigger lift by now and was 3-5ft so I tried one more drift but snagged up and it was a bit too much in some of those waves to try and pull out so I cut and headed back as sometimes getting into the harbour can be tricky and I didn't want to catch a big wave side on in 6-8ft of water and end up upside down on the beach. It did happen as there's a photo !
  20. Malc


    It wasn't just that, the concentration and competitiveness was incredible as there was always 2 fishing at a time. Yeah. And the next answer is no.
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