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Everything posted by Malc

  1. Set out at low tide aiming to be back at high, no real plans except to see what was about. The first reef is more of a very large rocky area and can be difficult to pinpoint fish and after a single but sizeable mackerel we headed to a proper reef where we could cast over and not spook the fish. The wind was dropping and the tide picking up but both in the same direction which made it easier, but the inevitable pots had to be avoided. I was using a texas rig and my mate a heavier curltail jig head and I was first in with a lively pollock around 6 lb. Next drift I had another of a similar size my mate was getting caught up or having to work the lure faster so he changed to a lighter texas rig and two drifts later had his rod hoop over so I went to assist with the net. This was a lovely conditioned fish near 10 lb. There were a couple of boats nearby hauling in mackerel so we went further up tide and got a dozen or so before drifting alongside the mark again. After a couple of tentative takes we decided to try a deeper water mark which is the opposite of the first, flat and mixed but mainly sand, and we managed a couple of codling which we returned. We had seen lots of sandeel over the shallow reef so decided to try inshore rough ground with jig heads and l used two sandeel slugs on droppers above. Bites were fast and furious with mackerel and codling coming in and only damaged mackerel being kept. I tried a SPJ but fouled mackerel so that went away. Excellent day with a good friend, good weather and fish. What's not to like 😁
  2. Looking good for Saturday this week and hopefully next Sunday on my friends' boat. Tried to get out on the kayak last week but I have been having problems with my thumb joint so bottled it. Hopefully the codling are still about and the mackerel will like the settling weather too, Mmmmmm smoked mackerel !
  3. We used to find the occasional one rolling around the U bend, but we did eat an awful lot of game.
  4. Malc

    3rd July

    Out in the wilds, well away from people, most of them know Herman.
  5. Like mine pink, soon as they get grey it tastes like liver. Makes really nice mince with a bit of bacon added into the mix 😋
  6. I used to have a 4x4 to get me most of the way and then a trolley like the puddle pig chasers use to get the kitchen sink etc there. 3 in an hour 👍 I've sat for a full day for less.
  7. Well done and thanks for posting! Quick question, do the jigs tend to hook on the outside often?
  8. Kites, flashers, bangers etc only work for a while. I've seen rape and peas absolutely ravaged by woodies. At least you can eat woodpigeon without risking your life. Nice shootin' Tex! My fave shooting along with wildfowling and stalking, did you not have any bouncers out?
  9. Awesome, I've always wanted to catch a decent sized coalfish. They always avoided me in the channel 🎣
  10. We used to live bait with them until the RSPB stopped it.
  11. It's a private group, what is he selling @Odyssey? Strangely enough I just received a parcel from AGM. Awesome gear,good price and arrived within 24hrs.
  12. Nice write up and great photos. Yes, getting to be a bit of a problem as people see others doing it and want to try and as the cost is comparatively low they don't seem to follow up by checking weather forecasts, tide flows etc. There was a guy in the middle of the Tyne flying along on an outgoing spring tide turned round one of the navigation boys and slowed to a crawl. No pfd no radio and a car transporter leaving port! Pilot had to pick him up.
  13. This topic came to mind when I was out recently, Report here, as we were around a mile offshore maximum and at one stage 4-500yds. The skip and his wife are also kayak anglers and these marks were ones they found kayaking and have repeatedly produced, not every time obviously, and speaking to others in the marina we are doing just as good as those heading out much further. Yes they may get ling in the bag but is that worth the fuel? Also we can put the fish back as they aren't blown. It also asks the question about knowing your ground and if you are well offshore would you move around if its quiet or stay put?
  14. No that was my mate, I have to say he was just about spot on.
  15. Nice when a plan comes together, shame about the rod and fish, hopefully it will recover well.
  16. Have you ever been embarrassed by your wife, husband, or partner? Plan was to go out at the top of the tide and hopefully see if there are codling about and if not early mackerel. I got a phone call just before lunch by my friend asking what time we were finishing our grandparenting as he could be finished early and his wife was day off. So we, me and my wife, he and his, headed out of the Tyne an hour and a half early. His wife is an accomplished angler, my wife has fished but is a bit of a noob. I set her up with a two hook paternoster with size one worm hooks and 4" sandeel slug type lures and a lead below, I usually use this with a bigger shad instead of a weight and it is usually the little sandeels that do the biz. I spent time with her telling and showing her how to present the rig as she didn't want to embarrass herself. First drift and she is in with a small codling and is beaming smiles so I can relax. Err, no! Apart from one drift where no one got anything I was acting as her ghillie landing and unhooking fish after fish and occasionally tying on a new rotten bottom . I was just using a paddle tail shad and not a scooby. The women were beating us hands down until my traitorous mate caught one and the taunts started. "How many have you caught?", "I've caught..." "How about you Malc?" Oh how I laughed. Long story short, she had well over 20 codling including a double header and a decent pollock and probably had more than the rest of us combined. I didn't blank however and managed a decent cod. We kept 3 that were deep hooked and they kept 4 for the smoker. I had the best time seeing her so animated as she struggled with fish up to 5lb on a 4000 shimano and 20-40gm lure rod and she certainly deserved her "wee" GnT. Happy girl (don't worry most were T barred at the side or dispatched quickly) Outbound
  17. Tomorrow evening hopefully! My wife is coming too, but doesn't know it yet 😁
  18. Wish our flukes grew that big 😪 Thanks for posting
  19. Briny for my friends' boat. Going to launch her this afternoon and get her back on the pontoon. Kayaks are less faff 😁
  20. Ladies, ladies please! Back to your corners and when the bell rings start swinging those handbags 👜
  21. Probably my fault. Bunks? Yeah the long felt(?) covered planks, seem to be a nightmare to get on and off. The boat is trailered to take on occasional trips and for maintenance so I think rollers would be best. Muchas gracias one and all!
  22. Pros and cons for vessels kept mainly on moorings please?
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