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Everything posted by Malc

  1. They made the right decision, next year ðŸĶˆðŸŽĢ
  2. We've had to pull the plug as our hotel has a policy on cancellations and we would have lost over ÂĢ200 each if we had waited for the committee's decision. If it gets the go ahead we might be able to rebook but weather is not good.
  3. Burger all. 12 months looking forward and planning for it, hotel booked, hectic running around to ensure my friends' boat is all ready and... SW'ly 20+ winds blowing across the Irish sea for a day or two before the competition starts. Bawbags I was really looking forward to bettering last year's finish (15 ex 51) at the MOGSAF tope Festival. Organisers are making a decision tomorrow or Wednesday.
  4. I believe he knows the battery is possibly on the way but will pass on all your replies, again many thanks 👍
  5. UPDATE Thanks one and all, he replaced the cable and it started first time. Really appreciate all your input, thanks again.
  6. Unfortunately that's above my pay grade 😆 I'll copy this to him so that he can see the replies
  7. One was 12.7 the other 11.6 Not original and he moved it from port aft to stbd midships but I'm not sure of the cable length but over 2m I would imagine.
  8. Many thanks, will keep that in mind but he thinks he may be able to get something here today. We need it sorted by Thursday at the latest as we are off to the MOGSAF tope festival on Friday and he is at work Monday and Tuesday.
  9. My friend has moved his batteries and when we went to start the engine it turned but didn't run. I remember from my time with a caravan that it was recommended to use larger not cheaper smaller diameter wire to prevent a loss of current (might not be but that's what I think I remember). Batteries seem OK as he used his meter on them and nothing else has been changed.
  10. Nice, I still haven't caught a turbo.
  11. What a difference a day makes! Went to the same place today and the sea is mucky with lots of small pieces of weed and few fish and a blank for me. Watched a cable layer get hauled out to sea which was interesting, wouldn't want to be anywhere near the towing hawser if it broke ðŸ˜ģ
  12. Kept the launce for bait and may go back tomorrow too 👍
  13. It's been a bit grey here today so I looked at the tide times for our local pier and headed off with my spinning rod to get bait for our boat competition in a fortnight's time. The pier is a mile long and I like to fish the flood from the end. It wasn't long before I had the first long fat snake and shortly after another but smaller. It then got quiet for a while and I got distracted by a dolphin and got well snagged up. I use a piece of broomshank to break out but as I did that I could feel a fish had pulled it out. Now I have had pollock just short of double figures on this rod and judging by the bend and fight I might have something near 5lb or so. After pumping it to the side of the pier I saw 3 plump coalfish attached to my sabikis. I use 20lb braid and there's a combined weight of 3 or 4 pounds of fish to haul up! I wound down as far as possible and lifted up managed to grab the line a foot or two above the trace and pulled gently and grabbed the trace unhooked and returned the lovely coalies. Managed a double shot of pollock much smaller and off home after a couple of hours. I'm now sat in blazing sunshine and contemplating a beer 🍚 Sometimes it's the little things 😁
  14. Indeed, however they were the first new rods I had bought in 35+ years so they seemed to be expensive 😅 I still have a carp/pike rod from woolies I bought in 78 and still here although on its 3rd set of rings, now that is a bargain 😀
  15. I have repaired my GX2 boat rods, one tip and one intermediate ring that were damaged by my handling and I'm quite pleased at the result. The GX2 kayak rods have got me a little annoyed. This is the state of the first three rings... The corrosion on the legs and rings are despite my washing down with fresh water after use 90% of the time despite this and a load of epoxy sealant the feet are also corroding badly. This is 6 years of use and although I am investing time and a little money in repair I think it is shocking that they use such poor parts. On the flip side I am able to find the spine and get the best from them.
  16. How awful for you however I am sure that the family would have thanked you for calling it in.
  17. I have found that the old style mackerel spinner with a single hook works wonders in murky or slow conditions. I have mine on either a short snood behind a D-shaped trolling lead with either two above the lead on stiff loop droppers or more usually a short string of the usual tinsels/sabiki etc the buzz of the spinner gets them in close but you need a decent drift and to lower slowly. Works well on the kayak when moving between marks.
  18. Try on kayak sites/Facebook as there are a lot of guys who think they or 2.4hp outboard motors on the end of a yak will be the answer to prayers.
  19. Perfect for annoying golfists, I'm gonna get me one ðŸĪŠ
  20. Love those 360 shads I catch a lot on them I'll take 'em 😁
  21. Mine has been kyboshed over the weekend due to offshore winds but Monday is looking good for me 😁
  22. Looked at them but more than I need for the fishing I do at present, I wanted something that I could uptide with or float fish for tope and has a decent drag and although it is a lump the offshore FS it will sit in a rod holder most of the time.
  23. Not in total agreement, if I said someone's wife was a fat #*^# I might be right but I would be equally wrong. It's where you draw the line and yours (generally not personally) might differ from others. One blank in 3 years has to be applauded 👏 I'm hoping the bloom stays away from both the NE and NW coasts for a few weeks yet.
  24. Strangely I just (Christmas) bought a fin nor offshore for that reason, amongst others, after a period of bedding in the ABU washers I thought why faff about replacing when I can get something that can stop a horse?
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