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Everything posted by Malc

  1. Nice, we never kept any mullet caught near the rivers or dockyards in Portsmouth, Devonport and Portland 💩 🤮
  2. We get grey Gurnard up here in the NE in the summer and I am grateful for being corrected when I posted a picture up that I originally thought was a red. However our species competition has had a couple of Gurnard and I'm not sure whether they are both grey or not? Many thanks
  3. As above, there was a small vessel a few miles away from us who hadn't a clue what to say when their engine failed (no anchor either). A quick PAN-PAN and they could have sorted it quickly and not looked like muppets.
  4. Excellent transport! I have seen a guy on one of our local beaches and he uses a wheelchair with wide wheels but still struggles on the sand
  5. I use similar for my car to keep it cool in summer and stops the windscreen frosting in winter.
  6. As above, however you can get cheaper alternatives that are similar and just as good just be sure to leave them flat not edge on.
  7. A great day considering! Well done
  8. Our local wrecks are small and mostly well broken and scattered and the ling mostly small so we rarely need a hefty rig like this, once you get to Hartlepool and Whitby its a different story. I think its a bit sad about taking the fish but they were blown but I'm sure that my mate's dogs will enjoy the pout and that also compounds the lack of 20+ ling. However we have some good marks for pollock, which I love catching, that are in 20-40ft at HW so I feel better that we can release double figure fish after a fight all the way to the boat knowing it will be fine after release. We have an area which may need that kind of gear but it's a long way out and is earmarked for a full day out but we plan to have several boats go out together for safety reasons and as ever the North Sea has to be reasonably calm which is a big factor.
  9. Yeah, both the cod and the ling had nothing in them, very strange as the water was full of bait fish and mackerel and the sea floor full of pout and whiting 🤷‍♂️
  10. A good weather window and we headed out in my friends boat to some wrecks off the mouth of the Tyne, first stop was a little bit further off the piers than normal due to the amount of fresh water coming out of the river for mackerel. I had 3 weever and the smallest whiting I have ever seen, about the length of my little finger! However the weever count for the species competition and my mate managed a few monster mackerel for bait. Pretty fish but nasty stings, and strangely well up in the water column. First wreck was pretty quiet but it was a small tide and early in the ebb. Next was better as we were getting bites on baited muppets etc. The idea was to get the easiest species for this time of year so we don't struggle later when they are offshore, I needed pollock and ling and my friend, ling, pout and haddock. He got 3 decent pout, best about a pound and half possibly a bit more and then a good bend in his rod had me grabbing the net, I was sure that it was a ling but a Cod of 7+ ended up on deck. Shortly after I had a savage take on my baited muppets and a few pumps had it away from the wreck and could reel more steadily. Turned out to be a nice eating sized ling around 6lb and another tick in the species competition box! Looking forward to tomorrow's tea!
  11. Funny how "experts" say that they prefer crustaceans and squid, yet a mackerel/jelly worm gets one! We got several on two hook flapper rigs and mackerel strip. Funny old thing fishing!
  12. Yep, gets the 👍from me and several of my friends and lots of others I speak to, good quality gear tends to sell itself by word of mouth.
  13. A day out fishing, sounds just great 👍
  14. Outside I presume, tell him no biting, marquis of Queensbury rules!
  15. Why not tell him his dog is useless, runs in and pegs birds as well?
  16. Same here, even inside the marina, hopefully it will fatten up the fish. It was interesting to note that we have had different age classes of codling and mackerel over the past 3 years or so and it was similar over on the west coast of Scotland with a couple of 2lb mackerel landed when the normal size is 20-25cm.
  17. Malc

    Cod fest

    Is a traditional Mallorca dish, similar to ratatouille but has potatoes as well as the vegetables.
  18. Malc

    Cod fest

    Started off quiet well offshore but just a haddock and crabs mullahing the bait. Inshore we were hitting lots codling to 3-4 lb and a cracker of a pollock for the skipper on light gear. We tried big lures, little lures, big baits, little baits and it was either mackerel hitting them on the drop or codling on the bottom little chance of getting the species we haven't got as yet in the competition apart from the haddock. Even 8/0 meat hooks with a 6" muppet and 1/2 mackerel fillets were getting codling on them. It was not all action all day but it was a laugh and we have a codling a piece and mackerel for bait in the winter. Tea was cod with tumbet.
  19. Apart from the flounder I have no idea what they are 😆 Nicely done though
  20. Don't think I would like hot smoked cheese?
  21. No, I cut the cherry and oak and had 2x coal sacks full unfortunately I had to get rid of most of it when moving house. I found that the dry chips would catch fire too easily and you would have too much heat in the smoker, the chips would be just dust inside but damp chips and dust smouldered nicely and no appreciable difference in the food.
  22. Malc


    Overnight fishing seems to be the in thing at the moment, but a lot of guys just ended up sleeping
  23. Malc


    Plenty of chum in the water then 🤮 Well done for getting fish in awkward conditions 👏
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