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Everything posted by Malc

  1. Just make sure that they don't mussel in on you and you should be fine!
  2. Sure would, a bucket and a view
  3. I like the fwd area, good use of space, but obviously it's a compromise with having less cabin space. TenK, is that how much they cost?
  4. Pretty much what I thought, if boats are not going over the ground then it won't show on RS also areas where boats give it the hammer, such as just beyond the bar on estuaries, as they head for the horizon.
  5. Yes they just changed it from 3 to 2 devices.
  6. Fog shifted, but very confused sea, tried inshore but I blanked and my friend had two codling and we fed the crabs. Sea fret came in and we sat shivering for a couple of hours, motored half a mile into glorious sunshine so sat in the sun drinking !
  7. 1. Good call, thanks 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No, not as far as we can tell. Looking down the lines of the hull it is nice and smooth and inner areas of hull fine and dandy.
  8. Quick look online across other forums suggests that the reason it could be off vertical it could be the aux engine making list to port and/or backing too far into the water. Any other ideas please?
  9. My friends bought a trailer for their boat, a 640, and we tried to set it up with measurements from another 640 owners measurements and although they were close it wouldn't sit straight vertically. The centre roller sets were either one side or the other of the strake . Should the rollers sit outboard of the strake or inboard closer to the keel?
  10. After the blank on Sunday I was focused and ready to go. Ling being caught, water clear-ish and hopeful as weather forecast was good. Nasty chop and a good breeze greeted us outside the piers but first drop over hard ground and two of us are in, both small keeper codling that were returned, mine after a quick picture for the species competition. Yes, it took until the 5th month of the year to catch a Cod UP HERE!!! Anyhoo I kept on with a flying collar rig as I needed a pollock and coalie too but just codling. Change to baited yellow/green muppets for a while just interested the small bait thieves. I noticed gulls wheeling and gannets diving in a couple of places, a certain sign of sandeel at this time of year, and eventually changed to a shrimp rig with a small 32gm on the point and had to cast downwind to get it down deep enough and eventually got a double hook up of lesser sandeel and a few casts later a very spirited coalie. Eventually we got to that point, *last hour so what do we do?* I suggest that we try inshore over sand for flats, my friends had hit dabs but I hadn't had any flatfish at all. Fully blinged up and a half shrimp on the 1/0 hook we started the drift and I soon had a rattle, probably a dab but even leaving the line slack rather than dragging didn't get it to swallow the hook. Bait gone, rebait and back down, repeat, repeat and then I added a mackerel sliver and eventually I pulled gently and got the nod! Dab in the bag! 4 fish towards the species hunt and back home to bask in the sunshine, happy bunny. Nothing huge but played for and got some of the fish we were after.
  11. Malc


    It's all a bit odd, Saturday there were a few fish caught, Sunday very few, Monday a decent amount getting caught, they seem to be in tight groups in small areas a mixture of codling and small ling. Them's the breaks!
  12. Malc


    For me. My friends however got a couple to count for the species competition, both dabs along with codling and whiting. A few more fish being caught and hopefully we will get a few more soon. No pics so never happened.
  13. I got a lovely invitation to go out with my friends tomorrow as the weather is calming down and hopefully we will be using soft plastic lures for the first time this year, I might even be out Tuesday to Thursday on the kayak too, and as I am economically inactive that's classed as a weekend too.
  14. Don't forget the positives of exercise 💪
  15. It was one of those double take moments and I had to zoom in to check it out.
  16. Just to clarify, does it say "TWAT" on the hoodie 🤔 😁
  17. I can almost feel the love ❤️ 😍
  18. Looks like you got good weather as well as fish, well done guys
  19. Good to hear that, thanks for the update 👍
  20. Just saw something on Facebook but little else about it, looks like one person rescued. Anyone know what happened and whether all hands rescued?
  21. Do the hooks need to be heavy wire or are normal hooks OK? Cheers
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