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  1. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Geoff in Thank you for the advice!   
    I'm not in the first photo, not 100% on the Churchill looky likey but he appears to have done good and got a commission. 
    The waistcoat was auctioned for the South Atlantic Medal Association (iirc) and was made by one of the volunteers from scarves for Falklands veterans. The group make scarves and a few hats in the colours of the SAM ribbon as appreciation of the people of the Falkland islands. We wore them on the day to further help the SAMA cause and because we are gnarly old gits and liable to catch colds 😁
  2. Agree
    Malc got a reaction from captin slows old outlaw in Daddy does him again.   
    Really, you want me to get a scurry on?
    I was in Baghdad while you were still in your dad's bag, I remember when the dead Sea first went sick, I've got socks that have seen more action than you sonny Jim, it will be done in my time not the queen's time cos I'm an old retired salty Sea dog and I have earned the right to do what I like when I like. 
  3. Like
    Malc reacted to Dicky in Burnham On Sea 8/5/22   
  4. Haha
    Malc got a reaction from Odyssey in Daddy does him again.   
    Really, you want me to get a scurry on?
    I was in Baghdad while you were still in your dad's bag, I remember when the dead Sea first went sick, I've got socks that have seen more action than you sonny Jim, it will be done in my time not the queen's time cos I'm an old retired salty Sea dog and I have earned the right to do what I like when I like. 
  5. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Andy135 in Thank you for the advice!   
    I'm not in the first photo, not 100% on the Churchill looky likey but he appears to have done good and got a commission. 
    The waistcoat was auctioned for the South Atlantic Medal Association (iirc) and was made by one of the volunteers from scarves for Falklands veterans. The group make scarves and a few hats in the colours of the SAM ribbon as appreciation of the people of the Falkland islands. We wore them on the day to further help the SAMA cause and because we are gnarly old gits and liable to catch colds 😁
  6. Haha
    Malc got a reaction from GPSguru in Daddy does him again.   
    Really, you want me to get a scurry on?
    I was in Baghdad while you were still in your dad's bag, I remember when the dead Sea first went sick, I've got socks that have seen more action than you sonny Jim, it will be done in my time not the queen's time cos I'm an old retired salty Sea dog and I have earned the right to do what I like when I like. 
  7. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Andy135 in Thank you for the advice!   
    Many thanks for all the advice given about my trip dahn sarf. I had a great time from late Friday evening until Sunday. 

    Trying to get lots of old semi sloshed matelots to face the same direction for a photo was a nightmare, this was the best (so far) from across the road. 

    We asked the barmaid/manager to try from upstairs but she got less than half of us in. When she opened the window and leaned out people were shouting, "Don't do it, you have so much to live for!" and "I've got the number for Samaritans!"
    Again thanks for the information I look forward to coming back again next year. 
  8. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Andy135 in Daddy does him again.   
    Just about to post about my travel dahn sarf
  9. Agree
    Malc got a reaction from Geoff in Daddy does him again.   
    Really, you want me to get a scurry on?
    I was in Baghdad while you were still in your dad's bag, I remember when the dead Sea first went sick, I've got socks that have seen more action than you sonny Jim, it will be done in my time not the queen's time cos I'm an old retired salty Sea dog and I have earned the right to do what I like when I like. 
  10. Haha
    Malc reacted to Saintly Fish in Daddy does him again.   
    Well done Malc, good for you 👍🏻
  11. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Thank you for the advice!   
    Many thanks for all the advice given about my trip dahn sarf. I had a great time from late Friday evening until Sunday. 

    Trying to get lots of old semi sloshed matelots to face the same direction for a photo was a nightmare, this was the best (so far) from across the road. 

    We asked the barmaid/manager to try from upstairs but she got less than half of us in. When she opened the window and leaned out people were shouting, "Don't do it, you have so much to live for!" and "I've got the number for Samaritans!"
    Again thanks for the information I look forward to coming back again next year. 
  12. Like
    Malc reacted to Andy135 in Planned forum downtime - rolling update scheduled for this week   
    We've been notified that the forum software provider will implement a rolling update at some point this week, resulting in a brief, planned outage. The site will be offline for less than 10 mins, exact timing uncertain.
    So, if you get a 404 error, this will be why. Try again a few minutes later and the site should be back up & running.
  13. Like
    Malc reacted to Saintly Fish in Daddy does him again.   
    Ok, so not a real fruitful day TBF. We left Hamble at 8am and sped to west lepe in good spirits. 

    The sky was blue and the sun shone, low wind speeds. 
     First thing we noticed was a grounded sailing boat at the mouth of the Hamble. Matey was onboard and looked rather chilled about it all. As the ebb was in full flow he either did it on purpose (?) or fucked up somehow!

    Any way we got to the mark hoping for bream and hounds. We ended up with 8 dogs and an 8oz bream. 6 dogs and a bream to me (in your face son🤣)!!
    Leo was fishing 2/tu rods today too, and doing all his own bait for a change, I helped with the nippy crabs however. 
    Dog fish are a pain, but they do get cuteness points....



    That was it, we moved back near Southampton to Hillhead hoping for some decent hounds, but 3 hours later and 8 crabs..... nufink. 
    Lovely day with the boy again (they always are), got a bit of a tan and had some haribos. 
    What more could one ask for??

  14. Like
    Malc got a reaction from suzook12 in Swinging the lamp   
    As I have time to burn before my flight and I have been raking through some old photos I thought it time to tell the tale of the feeding the pig bacardi incident. 
    Our ship, HMS Glasgow was first into, first out of, and first back into the Total Exclusion Zone (TEZ) around the Falklands. Steaming around them from August to December of 82 was dire, not much going on but we had two chances to go ashore at Port Stanley. The locals were known as Bennies, and if you remember Emmerdale Farm from way back then you get the idea. There was a shop, a pub and lots of abandoned Argentinian armaments and we could go to explore all 3 but had to turn around at the "Danger land mines" signs. We headed for the shop to buy booze as the pub wasn't open and bought bottles of rum vodka etc and headed around the town. 15 minutes and half a bottle later we had covered the town and spoke about going out and raking about the Argentinian defence positions just outside the town. The houses were small shacks with large gardens that were cultivated and in one was a small pig which Jock (not his real name or nationality) was speaking to fondly and then proceeded to feed bacardi, which it didn't like. If it had then we would have spent the time laughing at a drunken pig and possibly annoying the owner. Instead another guy said "Jock let's bump start the land rover and go to check out the sights!" So Jock and Jim (again not his real name) jump into the rag top landy and the rest of us bump start them and off over horizon they sped...slowly (it is a LR after all). We all kick about the Argentinian defence positions until the pub opens and then get poured back onboard ship, tired emotional and socially confused.
    Next day we find out that they went tear arsing around the  roads and nearly into a mine field, and when trying to turn it quickly rolled it down a gully. Jim ended up in hospital with a large gash across his head and when I went to visit him I didn't think he would get better as he looked like he had been lobotomised. Fortunately I will be seeing him tomorrow and will buy him a drink and extract the urine, heavily. 
    So the moral of the story is don't feed pigs bacardi, try beer instead!
  15. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Geoff in Swinging the lamp   
    As I have time to burn before my flight and I have been raking through some old photos I thought it time to tell the tale of the feeding the pig bacardi incident. 
    Our ship, HMS Glasgow was first into, first out of, and first back into the Total Exclusion Zone (TEZ) around the Falklands. Steaming around them from August to December of 82 was dire, not much going on but we had two chances to go ashore at Port Stanley. The locals were known as Bennies, and if you remember Emmerdale Farm from way back then you get the idea. There was a shop, a pub and lots of abandoned Argentinian armaments and we could go to explore all 3 but had to turn around at the "Danger land mines" signs. We headed for the shop to buy booze as the pub wasn't open and bought bottles of rum vodka etc and headed around the town. 15 minutes and half a bottle later we had covered the town and spoke about going out and raking about the Argentinian defence positions just outside the town. The houses were small shacks with large gardens that were cultivated and in one was a small pig which Jock (not his real name or nationality) was speaking to fondly and then proceeded to feed bacardi, which it didn't like. If it had then we would have spent the time laughing at a drunken pig and possibly annoying the owner. Instead another guy said "Jock let's bump start the land rover and go to check out the sights!" So Jock and Jim (again not his real name) jump into the rag top landy and the rest of us bump start them and off over horizon they sped...slowly (it is a LR after all). We all kick about the Argentinian defence positions until the pub opens and then get poured back onboard ship, tired emotional and socially confused.
    Next day we find out that they went tear arsing around the  roads and nearly into a mine field, and when trying to turn it quickly rolled it down a gully. Jim ended up in hospital with a large gash across his head and when I went to visit him I didn't think he would get better as he looked like he had been lobotomised. Fortunately I will be seeing him tomorrow and will buy him a drink and extract the urine, heavily. 
    So the moral of the story is don't feed pigs bacardi, try beer instead!
  16. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Andy135 in Swinging the lamp   
    As I have time to burn before my flight and I have been raking through some old photos I thought it time to tell the tale of the feeding the pig bacardi incident. 
    Our ship, HMS Glasgow was first into, first out of, and first back into the Total Exclusion Zone (TEZ) around the Falklands. Steaming around them from August to December of 82 was dire, not much going on but we had two chances to go ashore at Port Stanley. The locals were known as Bennies, and if you remember Emmerdale Farm from way back then you get the idea. There was a shop, a pub and lots of abandoned Argentinian armaments and we could go to explore all 3 but had to turn around at the "Danger land mines" signs. We headed for the shop to buy booze as the pub wasn't open and bought bottles of rum vodka etc and headed around the town. 15 minutes and half a bottle later we had covered the town and spoke about going out and raking about the Argentinian defence positions just outside the town. The houses were small shacks with large gardens that were cultivated and in one was a small pig which Jock (not his real name or nationality) was speaking to fondly and then proceeded to feed bacardi, which it didn't like. If it had then we would have spent the time laughing at a drunken pig and possibly annoying the owner. Instead another guy said "Jock let's bump start the land rover and go to check out the sights!" So Jock and Jim (again not his real name) jump into the rag top landy and the rest of us bump start them and off over horizon they sped...slowly (it is a LR after all). We all kick about the Argentinian defence positions until the pub opens and then get poured back onboard ship, tired emotional and socially confused.
    Next day we find out that they went tear arsing around the  roads and nearly into a mine field, and when trying to turn it quickly rolled it down a gully. Jim ended up in hospital with a large gash across his head and when I went to visit him I didn't think he would get better as he looked like he had been lobotomised. Fortunately I will be seeing him tomorrow and will buy him a drink and extract the urine, heavily. 
    So the moral of the story is don't feed pigs bacardi, try beer instead!
  17. Haha
    Malc got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Swinging the lamp   
    No idea, I was having difficulty seeing by this time. 
  18. Like
    Malc reacted to Odyssey in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    I’m skipper tomorrow 🙂 
    Myself and Ian are doing an inshore trip with a bag of chum to see if can find some toothy ladies… but will be trying for pollack too, see if can get some fillets to bring home. 
    I’m also hoping weather will allow me to get out on Sunday for tope but I’ve got Pippa with me both days so depends on how well she gets on Saturday… 
    Hopefully have a report for you lot on Monday 
  19. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Swinging the lamp   
    As I have time to burn before my flight and I have been raking through some old photos I thought it time to tell the tale of the feeding the pig bacardi incident. 
    Our ship, HMS Glasgow was first into, first out of, and first back into the Total Exclusion Zone (TEZ) around the Falklands. Steaming around them from August to December of 82 was dire, not much going on but we had two chances to go ashore at Port Stanley. The locals were known as Bennies, and if you remember Emmerdale Farm from way back then you get the idea. There was a shop, a pub and lots of abandoned Argentinian armaments and we could go to explore all 3 but had to turn around at the "Danger land mines" signs. We headed for the shop to buy booze as the pub wasn't open and bought bottles of rum vodka etc and headed around the town. 15 minutes and half a bottle later we had covered the town and spoke about going out and raking about the Argentinian defence positions just outside the town. The houses were small shacks with large gardens that were cultivated and in one was a small pig which Jock (not his real name or nationality) was speaking to fondly and then proceeded to feed bacardi, which it didn't like. If it had then we would have spent the time laughing at a drunken pig and possibly annoying the owner. Instead another guy said "Jock let's bump start the land rover and go to check out the sights!" So Jock and Jim (again not his real name) jump into the rag top landy and the rest of us bump start them and off over horizon they sped...slowly (it is a LR after all). We all kick about the Argentinian defence positions until the pub opens and then get poured back onboard ship, tired emotional and socially confused.
    Next day we find out that they went tear arsing around the  roads and nearly into a mine field, and when trying to turn it quickly rolled it down a gully. Jim ended up in hospital with a large gash across his head and when I went to visit him I didn't think he would get better as he looked like he had been lobotomised. Fortunately I will be seeing him tomorrow and will buy him a drink and extract the urine, heavily. 
    So the moral of the story is don't feed pigs bacardi, try beer instead!
  20. Agree
    Malc reacted to GPSguru in Teignmouth Monday 2nd   
    Yes, especially with panoptix on downscan.
    I fail to see that it makes any difference, and having spoken to fish scientists and marine biologists (at Plymouth and exeter universities) it suggests that fish would be unaffected by the pings. With shallow wrecks the fish are more likely to be spooked by movement on the boat and when a lot of anglers are fishing the dropping of leads and lines has a spooking effect on the fish environment.
  21. Like
    Malc reacted to thejollysinker in Teignmouth Monday 2nd   
    Had the pleasure of taking my ‘other’ twin son out on Monday who’s visiting for the week (his brother who still lives at home doesn’t like fishing 😕) so we got out quite early and set off towards Hopes Nose. Sea was slightly choppy but comfortable and we set a drift for some mackerel. We were straight in and enjoyed a hectic 2 hours reeling in about 60 fish, about 26 good sized ones and the rest joey size, perfect for bait, and a little grey gurnard for me. Tom managed a Sardine on some sabikis he tried but sadly no more.
    We moved onto the reef east of the Ore Stone at slack water and anchored up over a drop off, had some lunch in the sun then started fishing 20lb class rods with big mackerel baits when the ebb started to flow. I had a cracking bite on my rod which resulted in a great fight for about 5 minutes with what must’ve been a good conger but it bit through the 40lb trace which left me kicking myself for not going stronger…. Tom however managed to land a 13lb 2oz conger shortly afterwards and he was chuffed to bits, his biggest fish so far. We only had dogs after that for 3 hours so up anchored to try a couple of wrecks on the way home. Stopped at the first, the SS Perone and had a drift with nothing showing on the sounder nor the rods so quickly moved to the Bretagne which looked much more promising with loads of targets showing. First drift produced a 3lb Pollack for me and a Pout for Tom. Next, he got a Pollack and I was on the Pout. Drifts were slow in the near perfectly flat conditions and threw up nothing more than a steady stream of Pout with just a couple of reasonable sized ones and a lone Mackerel for me to end the day.
    We had a very quick run home in a sea so flat I couldn’t believe it (never been out in it like that before). On packing everything away we were trying to finish getting the cover on the boat and Tom bless him, leant over to help and being the clumsy sort, pushed the arse end of the dinghy away from the side nearly tipping the dinghy over as we were both on the same side and how he never fell in I don’t know…. I very nearly did too but thankfully we saved the situation with that stuff called adrenaline 🤣 don’t want a repeat of that….
    Best day afloat I’ve had since owning the boat and a shed load of fish for numerous meals and bait for the freezer. I’ll try and do some photos later but I’m on nights so off to bed for me now 😊

    one for Andy?

    one for Neil.
  22. Like
    Malc reacted to suzook12 in Portsmouth/Southampton questions   
    You need to do about 10 different routes for differing levels of intoxication.....
  23. Like
    Malc got a reaction from thejollysinker in Nothing spectacular, but not a blank.   
    Got out Sunday instead of Saturday on my friends' boat out of the Tyne. Overcast and pretty much flat we had a few inshore wrecks in mind and settled for one that is easily spotted on the sounder. Second drift got us right over her and I had a nice plump codling of about 2lb on the drop I thought it was bigger but the drift was 1.7 kn and with its mouth wide it was a bit of a drogue. Few more drifts, some on, some off I managed another a little bigger and one for my friend. Because the drifts were fast, the fish tight to the wreck and because the wreck was lying 90' to the drift we upped sticks and drifted a reef that would give us plenty of time and opportunity for fish, however there weren't many but we did get another 3 or 4. On the way back we wanted to fish a wreck that produced a good few fish a couple of weeks ago and found a boat anchored over it, but as we were passing they picked up and moved on. 3 drifts but nothing. 
    Great to be out and catching a few, all returned to get bigger so that we can catch them again. Sorry for the lack of pictures but you know what a Codling looks like and I was having too much fun 😁
  24. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Geoff in Nothing spectacular, but not a blank.   
    All returned, I decided to return all cod this year unless they are deep hooked or blown etc after seeing the stats for them. Not pontificating just my preference. 
  25. Agree
    Malc got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Portsmouth/Southampton questions   
    Depends on the blood alcohol level 
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