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    Malc reacted to Dicky in Burnham on Sea 27-3-22   
    First day out on the boat since January yesterday. Expectations weren’t too high as very small tides and east winds but it was my first chance for ages to get afloat so just happy to be out. Early start with my bro picking me up at 4am (3 am in reality) for a 6am launch. There were 3 boats out and once we were all launched we headed off down to a bank around 10 miles down channel. The conditions deteriorated as we got further out and by the time we got the anchor down it was quite lumpy. A few rays soon came to the boat and the odd doggie but after a couple of hours we decided on a move closer inshore to another bank to see if it was more comfortable. Here it was flat calm and the sea bed must have been carpeted with rays. At least 4 times I had thornbacks on all 3 rods at the same time. We must have had over 50 rays between us in a few hours along with a few straps and dogs. It was mostly small males but I did have a decent female thornie which went 11-8. Again the winds picked up so we spent the last hour and a half in the river looking for a bass with just the 1 bite to me which was my first silver of the year at 3-6. Overall a great day in some challenging conditions.

  2. Like
    Malc reacted to Odyssey in Numpties and regulations   
    There is a case for a minimum requirement to use a boat and other water craft….
  3. Like
    Malc reacted to Andy135 in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    That sounds like a great day to be on the water, and a few fish to boot!
    Good work 👍
  4. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Andy135 in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Managed a tiny dab but couldn't connect with any bites as I suspect they were tiny and I was just lucky with the first one. 
    Got bored so I peddled another mile out and got a 4lb codling that was a bit thin on the first drop and eventually another slightly smaller. I also think that there was an octopus grabbing my lure for a minute or so, just a heavy pull then as I wound into it the lure was let go and it happened several times. 
    Stunning sunny day and negligible swell, lots of 3 inch sandeel in the shallows and a few baitfish shoals about. Hope the summer has plenty of calm days like that!
    EDIT! All fish returned!
  5. Like
    Malc got a reaction from jonnyswamp in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Managed a tiny dab but couldn't connect with any bites as I suspect they were tiny and I was just lucky with the first one. 
    Got bored so I peddled another mile out and got a 4lb codling that was a bit thin on the first drop and eventually another slightly smaller. I also think that there was an octopus grabbing my lure for a minute or so, just a heavy pull then as I wound into it the lure was let go and it happened several times. 
    Stunning sunny day and negligible swell, lots of 3 inch sandeel in the shallows and a few baitfish shoals about. Hope the summer has plenty of calm days like that!
    EDIT! All fish returned!
  6. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Managed a tiny dab but couldn't connect with any bites as I suspect they were tiny and I was just lucky with the first one. 
    Got bored so I peddled another mile out and got a 4lb codling that was a bit thin on the first drop and eventually another slightly smaller. I also think that there was an octopus grabbing my lure for a minute or so, just a heavy pull then as I wound into it the lure was let go and it happened several times. 
    Stunning sunny day and negligible swell, lots of 3 inch sandeel in the shallows and a few baitfish shoals about. Hope the summer has plenty of calm days like that!
    EDIT! All fish returned!
  7. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Andy135 in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Been doing that through the week so I have a free pass 😁
    It is usually a quiet time from the end of February to May so not many codling about but what are about are usually feasting on sprats and herring and any pollock will either be spawning or ready to so I won't target them. I will try for herring and might see if there is an early plaice about. If I do then it will probably mean I am going to get lots of whiting 😅
  8. Like
    Malc reacted to Andy135 in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    The point is, I'm at home, not dangling for dogfish with "internet friends", according to my wife.
    Got to score points where I can 🤣
  9. Like
    Malc reacted to Saintly Fish in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Me too. OO's charter trip finally happening!  
  10. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Andy135 in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Me, that's who is out this weekend!
  11. Like
    Malc reacted to mike farrants in new engin   
    i remember as a child standing on Headon warren above the needles and waving the warships off with a huge white ensign - my mum was dating a matlow and he was on HMS glamorgan i think. 
    the return was also quite a sight to remember!
    I also remember seeing a warship in drydock being repaired after damage to the bow - i remember the red oxide primer nose...... cant remember the ship though
  12. Like
    Malc reacted to Andy135 in new engin   
    A booby trap as a souvenir?! Fully nuts but also strangely brilliant 🤣👍
    Great photos. I'm too young (just) to remember the Falklands war at the time, but full respect to those who served there.
  13. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Geoff in new engin   
    Can't find the pig incident photo ATM, but during our time off we had a wee wander about and among the landies, merc 4wds, tanks and helicopters there were thousands of these. 

    The hand grenades were wrapped in tape and in this case had the pins in them. However after a few scoops a couple of numpties decided to return to the ship with a couple in their pockets to make safe and take home!!!

    Nice little motor mate, very little mileage, starts every time. 
  14. Informative
    Malc got a reaction from Andy135 in new engin   
    Forgot to explain, tape wrapped hand grenades were used as booby traps.  The pins pulled and placed in among the Heather and rocks, eventually the tape failed and bang! Mostly a PITA but it just takes one. 
  15. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Andy135 in new engin   
    Can't find the pig incident photo ATM, but during our time off we had a wee wander about and among the landies, merc 4wds, tanks and helicopters there were thousands of these. 

    The hand grenades were wrapped in tape and in this case had the pins in them. However after a few scoops a couple of numpties decided to return to the ship with a couple in their pockets to make safe and take home!!!

    Nice little motor mate, very little mileage, starts every time. 
  16. Like
    Malc got a reaction from suzook12 in new engin   
    Fishing related too.
    Late 82 and we (HMS Glasgow) had been patched up and returned to patrol the Falklands. Long story short we were given permission to go fishing on the Warrah River, or possibly a tributary on West Falkland 🇫🇰. On return in the chopper we were to stop off at an unknown aircraft crash site the crew spotted inbound. It was an Argentinian etendarde (sp?) and as the officers took the details etc we robbed it for what is commonly known as "gizzits". Mine was the stator blade and we got a big bit of fuselage to put up in the mess. There are other stories too, feeding a pig bacardi, stealing a land rover and rolling it in a minefield and lots more. 
    The stator blade...

    For those with a military or historical interest here's part of the 1000lb bomb that didn't explode but did a fair bit of damage to the ship. 

  17. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Andy135 in new engin   
    Fishing related too.
    Late 82 and we (HMS Glasgow) had been patched up and returned to patrol the Falklands. Long story short we were given permission to go fishing on the Warrah River, or possibly a tributary on West Falkland 🇫🇰. On return in the chopper we were to stop off at an unknown aircraft crash site the crew spotted inbound. It was an Argentinian etendarde (sp?) and as the officers took the details etc we robbed it for what is commonly known as "gizzits". Mine was the stator blade and we got a big bit of fuselage to put up in the mess. There are other stories too, feeding a pig bacardi, stealing a land rover and rolling it in a minefield and lots more. 
    The stator blade...

    For those with a military or historical interest here's part of the 1000lb bomb that didn't explode but did a fair bit of damage to the ship. 

  18. Like
    Malc reacted to mike farrants in Anchor warps query   
    7.5kg Delta anchor, 10m of 6mm chain and 150m of 10mm 3str nylon. 6m boat - Alderney ring and buoy.
  19. Like
    Malc reacted to GPSguru in Anchor warps query   
    5.85m RIB ................3.5Kg Bruce, 5m of 6mm chain, and 220m of 12mm 3 strand.
    With a RIB it is difficult to use the Alderney method and the rope can damage the  tubes, so I just 'hand ball' it, which is easy enough.
  20. Like
    Malc got a reaction from suzook12 in Tope trips   
    Good luck, we are hoping to be in the Mull of Galloway in early June which makes it a bit harder but I'm looking forward to it 🦈
  21. Like
    Malc reacted to Andy135 in Anchor warps query   
    7.5kg Delta anchor, 12m of 6mm chain and about 150m of 12mm warp. 26ft boat weighing between 2.5 and 3 tonnes.
    I used to use an Alderney ring and buoy when I had a Predator 165. A bit tricky to begin with but an absolute back-saver once familiar with the Alderney retrieval method.
    Most folks I've been out with seem to avoid polyprop rope as it floats and can be a prop-wrap hazard, plus it's murder on your hands. Instead I use nylon as it's more forgiving on your hands, it sinks, and it has a bit more stretch in it than polyprop, meaning less chance of pulling the anchor out if the boat moves around in a swell or wash from other boat traffic.
  22. Like
    Malc reacted to Maverick in Anchor warps query   
    I have a 10kg Delta with 12m 8mm chain and 210 metres of 12mm nylon
    5.5 ton boat at 8.9 metres long
    The most important thing when using the alderney ring retrieve method is that the chain weighs more than the anchor.
  23. Like
    Malc reacted to Saintly Fish in Anchor warps query   
    I have a 15kg anchor, 20m 6mm chain and 100m 12mm warp. 
    28ft boat. 
  24. Like
    Malc got a reaction from Andy135 in Tope trips   
    Good luck, we are hoping to be in the Mull of Galloway in early June which makes it a bit harder but I'm looking forward to it 🦈
  25. Like
    Malc reacted to suzook12 in Tope trips   
    July and August
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