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daio web

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  1. Agree
    daio web reacted to Andy135 in New Member   
    Sounds like you'd be looking for a semi-displacement hull, rather than a displacement hull such as the Colvics then. These tend to have speed and stability together. 
  2. Like
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in New Member   
    Is this a good bench mark?? 
  3. Thanks
    daio web got a reaction from Caw722 in New Member   
    welcome paul 👍
  4. Haha
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in New Member   
    Tight fisted _ _ nchor you fill in the blanks!!
  5. Like
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in If I were fishing for Bream....   
    They are proper bogas yeah. But it's hard to read them accurately when the short Solent chop is at play, so a digi scale gave a clearer indication. 
  6. Like
    daio web reacted to Andy135 in If I were fishing for Bream....   
    Yeah I was thinking of him when I typed that.
    He's still around on our Outlaws WhatsApp but he's deleted all his posts on the forum. Genuinely not sure if he'll be back or not. I hope so, but let's see.
  7. Haha
    daio web got a reaction from Andy135 in If I were fishing for Bream....   
    you are turning into jon haha how is he not heard of him hope hes doing ok 👍
  8. Thanks
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in If I were fishing for Bream....   
    Thanks Daio, yes mate I went out alone today. 
  9. Agree
    daio web reacted to Andy135 in If I were fishing for Bream....   
    Yeah, he didn't want his anchor tangled again so he left me behind 😭.
  10. Like
    daio web got a reaction from Saintly Fish in If I were fishing for Bream....   
    nice one mate out solo was you 👍
  11. Like
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in If I were fishing for Bream....   
    ..... I could have caught loads. 
    But I wanted to get an early Solent unicorn. 
    That didn't happen. But a second biggest bass of 8.37lb did happen and I'll take that all day. 
    Had a couple more bream, a snake and an LSD (where have they been?). 
    Went home and filleted the bass which will provide 3 people 2 good meals each. One in the form of a fish pie, the other to be determined!! 




  12. Like
    daio web reacted to mike farrants in Friday 6th Sept - Evening squidding.   
    knowing the squid were in early and conditions looked perfect i had to get out - i was tempted by Thursday evening but the rain put me off, Friday looked just as good so i went for it.
    I know how finicky they can be, requiring high tide at or after dusk, calm winds/sea state for days before, clear water, and preferably clear skies.
    As a result it can be a short window if the rest of the season is blown off. so you have to take your chances when you can and boy did it pay off!
    at 6pm I got to a new mark I wanted to try and found it too shallow - so headed to the pier with the rest of the UKs squid fisher people.
    one pier was closed so the other one was rammed - people were catching from the off, and all around me but not me. boats were also drifting close in to the pier to get in on the action.
    I was casting a variety of jigs (cheap amazon ones, Yamashitas and DTDs) and leaving one under a float - but no joy in 2 hours - the pier got busier and busier as the evening moved on and it simple wasn't fun for me getting tangled with others casting over me from a mere arms length away - it was pretty much shoulder to shoulder.
    Id had enough and went back to my original mark to find only one other person there and plenty of water. 
    First cast at dusk got a take on the DTD under a float but I lost it - never mind, within a few minutes i'm on again on the casting jig from CWeights- and then proceeded to catch squid after squid. i favoured the Cweights jig as it was working - but others were catching on a variety on styles and colours

    More turned up including a grandad and grandson and a few first timers - great to see them getting in on the action. 
    You could see the squid follow the jig and if you slowed down you could watch the 'take' - even if you dropped one close in you could catch it again. 
    when I got to 9 I was keen to get my double figures, but it had gone quiet, others had left and it was just me and one other - i didn't want to leave without my 10th - but luckily they came back - and i got another 4 - ending on 13 - and just under 4kg of fresh squid!

    brilliant fun and at 10.30pm I called it a night. 
    Bait freezer nicely stocked up now - we get mackerel all year round here and the chance to bag up on squid in the autumn - apart from worms i don't spend any money on bait anymore!
    happy days!
  13. Like
    daio web reacted to Andy135 in Weymouth 7th Sept   
    Well dangled. Sounds like the beads saved the day for you 👍
    Must have been something about the date on Sunday as we had anchor troubles too. But that may have been down to user error. Possibly. 😳
  14. Like
    daio web got a reaction from jonnyswamp in Weymouth 7th Sept   
    cracking report  bud 👍
  15. Like
    daio web got a reaction from Andy135 in Solent, 7th Sept   
    great report  again boys i am hopeing on a better winter this year  fingers crossed 👍
  16. Agree
    daio web reacted to jonnyswamp in Solent, 7th Sept   
    That's a productive day ! well done both
    No Cod, but they're getting like blue moons these days        
  17. Like
    daio web reacted to Andy135 in Solent, 7th Sept   
    @Saintly Fish and I hit the Solent yesterday I the search for an early season cod. A very early 4.30am wake up for me saw us depart the marina not long after 6am and out into a flat calm river and a lovely sunrise.

    We'd heard a tip from Neil's pet rumour-monger that a mile-long flock of seabirds had been seen working the Solent for baitfish recently, so our plan was to feather for fresh bait if we spotted any birds.
    The Solent was pretty flat as we left the river, but scanning the water for birds was disappointing - nothing doing. We headed towards our mark and made good time. Nearing out mark we saw some fish on the sounder and dangled some feathers, more in hope than expectation, but Neil comes up trumpa with the first Solent mackerel we've seen in ages!

    Marv the Mackerel was kept in a bucket as livebait, just in case.
    On to the mark and down goes the anchor. Strap conger and smoothounds, but no cod.

    The tide was ripping as we fished, requiring 1.5lb of lead to hold bottom. After a while it became clear that no cod were at home, so we headed to a new spot to see if that made a difference to the tide and made fishing any easier.
    In short, no. One more strap conger, lots of beam-on rolly wash and an anchor tangle later we headed off to a flock of seabirds that Neil had spotted in the distance.
    As we neared the birds the sounder cam alive with fish arches.

    Feathers down and they were hit by large scad, mackerel and school bass. Many strings later we had a bucket of baitfish for the winter. A mix of mackerel and scad. A productive way to end the session.

  18. Like
    daio web reacted to jonnyswamp in Weymouth 7th Sept   
    Brief report
    Myself and 2 others made the journey to Weymouth for a days Bream/Bass fishing
    2 others onboard that were camping locally for a few days down from oop Norf 
    Tried for Mackerel in one of the Portland entrances, but nothing for us there, though one of the other charters seemed to be bringing a few up
    Went on around the Bill to see if we could pick some up on route to our first mark
    We found plenty, but not many sizeable ones, mainly 5/6 inches long
    Anyway, first mark didn't produce and the second only threw up a few pout and 1 solitary Bream
    We were stuck here for a while trying to retrieve the anchor.....unsuccessfully
    Skipper cut it free and buoyed it off, hoping to get it recovered by an obliging diver at some point
    The next few marks were better, I didn't have many drops without a fish, my 2 mates were catching fairly regularly and the 2 other lads struggled, only managing a few between them
    I put it down to my choice of rig, a yellow and red pop up bead just in front of the hook, only one other was using beads and he also did OK
    The weather forecast was about right, pissed down form about 10 ish all day
    Didn't take any pics as it was too wet
    We finished up with a dozen around 2-2.5lb mark that were kept and we returned probably 3 times as many
    A good day with crap weather
  19. Haha
    daio web got a reaction from jonnyswamp in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    thats the strain from all them cod you where catching 🐳
  20. Haha
    daio web got a reaction from Andy135 in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    thats the strain from all them cod you where catching 🐳
  21. Like
    daio web reacted to Dicky in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Rather be a penknife on a boat than at work, hope you fell better and have a great trip
  22. Like
    daio web reacted to Dicky in Burnham On Sea 1/9/24   
    Club comp last Sunday from Bos, foggy start and a bit of swell. First mark just produced dogs, thornbacks, baby tope and a hound to me. Moved further down channel looking for more hounds but didn’t find any just loads of small thornbacks, more dogs and some slightly better eels to around 15lb and a cracking double figure huss for my brother. Final move to try a new mark and this did throw up an insize Thornback amongst the smaller stuff. 
    Back on the beach my brothers huss took first and my hound took second and won the pools so not a bad day.

  23. Like
    daio web reacted to JDP in And we’re off….   
    Was that a bit of high sticking or just a poor quality rod, bent butt rods make it hard for clients to high stick.  You would think the reels drag setting would stop any failure of the rod unless it was either of what I mention. Lucky it was an acid wrap or the line could of most likely broke where the rod had on the rough edge, which may of ended up with the fish dragging the teaser bar bar and line. 
    Are you not using circles on the sharks, or did this one get a circle hooked deep somehow. 
    Incredible to see watts on offer back there in terms of fishing.
  24. Like
    daio web reacted to Odyssey in And we’re off….   
    No high sticking, I think the blank must of taken a knock at somepoint. 
    Totally agree on the bent butt, easier on angler too…
    The other 2 were a lot smaller so it’s amazing the different classes of fish that are running at the moment. Hopefully they hang around for the weekend…
  25. Agree
    daio web reacted to Josh in BFT Tyneside!!!   
    Oh really
    was they sharking or same lot trying for tuna 
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