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daio web

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  1. Like
    daio web reacted to GPSguru in New rods   
    All my rods are Kenzaki super braid ( 4x 12 - 20, 1 x 6 - 15, 2  x 20 - 30, 2 x 30 - 50) nice soft tip and plenty of grunt in the butt section.
    However, I do have one team diawa  20 - 30, but in comparison to the kenzaki it is like fishing with a broom stick.
  2. Optimistic
    daio web got a reaction from captin slows old outlaw in boat hook   
    i think they are teak 
  3. Like
    daio web reacted to RogB in Nice to get out - 12 Jun   
    Thanks for posting and making the effort on editing a video - does look a bit choppy!
  4. Like
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in Nice to get out - 12 Jun   
    Thanks for sharing Ian, looks like a good morning out. Nice little vid too. I must say the soft cushioning sides of a rib do look a delight to lean against as opposed to the hard gunwhales of a Grp boat! Just a shame you don't have 4 berths, a kitchen, toilet and candy strip curtains!! 
  5. Like
    daio web reacted to GPSguru in Nice to get out - 12 Jun   
    Yes, Neil, it is not so bad falling onto the tubes !
    BTW you can have all of the above with a RedBay RIB, excellent sea keeping, highly regarded and made in Ireland, but you are talking £££££££££
    With regard to the vid, I was using my new DJI Osmo Action 4, and TBH IMO it is streets ahead of the gopro. I was expecting to have to 'brighten up' any stills due to the position of the sun, but the actual video shot in 4k60 was fine, so I used it.
    I don't know about the Solent, but here we have been plagued with a short sea, and it has been like it for 3 months now, with swell patterns of 1.7 - 3 secs, which as you well know, is mighty uncomfortable, both for travelling at speed and drifting.
    But yes, it was a pleasant morning and worth taking the chance to get out 👍
  6. Like
    daio web got a reaction from GPSguru in Nice to get out - 12 Jun   
    excellent  report mate sounds like a good few hours out  thanks for posting 
  7. Like
    daio web reacted to GPSguru in Nice to get out - 12 Jun   
    Just a solo morning session and the weather liars were forecasting a good sea and wind conditions. Launched at 07:30 into a flat, calm sea, but that didn't last long 🙄
    I had decided to go to a wreck, and then inshore for some Mackerel, and this was a 'food' trip, I had my instructions, Bass, Cod or Ling, and a Mack or two for the granddaughter. My lot are not keen on Pollock !
    My destination wreck was the 'Meatboat' and I am pretty sure @Dickyasked about that wreck some time ago. It is in 190ft and about a 15mile steam. The flat sea was great, and nice to be cruising at 30kts, but once I got to about 6 miles out the NW wind picked up and was producing quite a significant swell with a short sea (1.8secs !). By the time I got to the wreck, I was down to 18kts and the wind was causing a lot of spray from the waves. Drifting the wreck was not easy as there were 2 crab pots on the outer edge of the wreck, but I found a drift line that worked.
    First drops on the wreck were with SPJ and that was producing a Pout on every drop, decent sized, but hey, they are still Pout. Last time I fished this wreck I remembered sidewinders were effective, so I went down with a Skerries eel, After a few plucks down on the wreck (pout) at 31 turns up I had a decent take and knew it would be a bass. Sure enough a bass it was, not huge but a keeper of 50cm (3lb or so). The next drop produced the same result, so I was happy with a bag limit of 2 keepers and decided that the washing machine sea was getting worse, so time to head inshore.
    The first 5 miles coming off the wreck I was down to 16 - 18kt into a NW very short head sea, luckily the RIB is a dry boat and I didn't take any waves over the bow. Once I got to the 6 mile from land, I picked up speed as the sea was much better being in the lee of the land.
    Next stop was the Orestone, where I struggled for Mack, but managed to find a decent whopper Mack in amongst the continual Scad and Gurnards. So, at 12:00 midday, with the shopping basket full, it was time to head in ready for the school run.
    Apart from the weather liars, it was good to be out there, with a trip distance of 38nm, 2 keeper bass, a decent Mack, plus a load of other dross like Pout (lost count), Scad, and small Grey Gurnard.
    We had the Bass for evening meal and the granddaughter munched on the mackerel (she doesn't like spiky)
    I had the DJI Action 4 camera on, so I could take off stills, but the cam is reasonable, so a little vid instead. I didn't bother with the Pout footage !
  8. Like
    daio web reacted to jonnyswamp in stuck wastegate   
    Update, had it all apart and everything seems to be working on that score
    I think I am expecting too much in the way of acceleration 
    I'll have to have a go in another boat like mine to compare, put my mind at rest
  9. Like
    daio web reacted to suzook12 in stuck wastegate   
    A boost gauge is an invaluable piece of equipment in such cases.
  10. Informative
    daio web reacted to Odyssey in Anchoring advice required   
    When it’s howling you’re better off going towards lawrenny and driving the river mouth there with lures…. Some good bass fishing to be had…
    Anchoring in the haven can be a pain as such little tide off Watwick/angle you always swing at anchor… by the mining jetty you’ll get more shelter and a chance of a few rays etc as more tide there to keep you straight. 
    im not sure if want a back anchor out though as the ferry comes at a hell of a lick and the tankers aren’t slow… but that’s just me 🙂 I’d rather be in cabin eating biscuits and drinking coffee 😂😂😂
  11. Agree
    daio web reacted to Andy135 in Anchoring advice required   
    Couple of thoughts on this.
    1. Your downtide lines will tangle around a stern anchor line, especially if you're bringing a fish up. For that reason alone I'd avoid it.
    2. Spearing solo is a dangerous thing, more so from a boat at sea. When I spear-fish I have someone on standby in case I need them for whatever reason. The risk of shallow water blackout for example gives me the willies and will be fatal if there's no one around to keep your airway above water.
    No fish is worth your life buddy, be safe out there 👍
  12. Agree
    daio web reacted to GPSguru in Anchoring advice required   
    Hmm, the worst that can happen is that the main anchor pulls, and the boat will swing very quickly stern on to the tide, which is a bad situation to be in.
    The golden rule of small pleasure boats is never anchor or tether from the stern. I break this rule when using the alderney recovery as I sometimes pull from the A frame cleat ONCE the anchor has been broken free with the buoy by pulling from the bow, but I would never use an anchor off the stern in any tide flow.
  13. Like
    daio web reacted to willyhookit in toothy critter Tope De -hooker   
    now ive  sussed out  how to post pics   here,s   one  of the  rod  safety  lanyards       6mm braid over braid    spliced  eye     on one end  and a   316 s/steel snapclip spliced  on the other end   

  14. Like
    daio web reacted to Odyssey in Anchoring advice required   
    We don’t get a huge amount of tide down there unlike Cardiff etc. 
    Try not to let out too much warp. A bucket on a bridle out the back can help a lot as a drogue. 
    Other option is to anchor in a bit more tide. 
    If you are struggling to downtide, cast your leads behind the boat, don’t just drop them off the back the distance will help avoid tangles too. If there is a bit of tide cast to the side and the tide will take it away from the boat.
  15. Informative
    daio web reacted to jonnyswamp in Anchoring advice required   
    Try experimenting with rudder position when at anchor, full lock one way or the other (depending on wind direction) can sometimes counteract the wind and help keep the boat steady
  16. Agree
    daio web reacted to willyhookit in Ford 2711E impeller speed compared to engine revs   
    looking at the pulley  in the picture  are you its turning      lookes very  rusty   in the belt groove      it should have a polished   surface  and the belt looks very   low  in the grove    this  will  spin at a slower speed   than   a  belt that is flush  with the  pulley  
  17. Agree
    daio web reacted to Gordmac in Ford 2711E impeller speed compared to engine revs   
    There are two impellers, the one that pumps the seawater which draws from the sea through a stopcock via a strainer normally(is it clear?) then through various heat exchangers before exiting via the exhaust. In the 6 cylinder Fords this is gear driven from memory, is yours driven by a belt? The other impeller is driven by the belt in your picture and pumps coolant round the engine and heat exchanger and is a closed system, same as a car, this system is normally reliable.
    When was your seawater impeller last changed? Does the seawater flow out the exhaust look reasonable?
    Last time I had an overheat (6 cylinder Ford) it was a faulty oil cooler, traced with the aid of a non contact thermometer.
  18. Agree
    daio web reacted to Andy135 in Seastart   
    I used to be a member as a perk of being a marina member. Didn't need to use them but it's comforting knowing they are there.
    That said, I quickly got bored of staying within 3 miles so you may find that as your confidence grows you'll spend more and more time outside of the 3 mile limit. And as a point of principle they're no substitute for maintaining your engine well and being self-sufficient.
  19. Haha
    daio web reacted to Odyssey in Weight loss program   
    A man saw an advert for a weight loss program in a magazine. It promised to help lose 5 pounds in 5 days. He called the number and the next day there was a knock at the door. There was a beautiful blonde wearing little clothing and a sign around her neck saying “if you catch me you can gave me”. He spent the day chasing after her but never caught her. The next day,again there was a knock on the door and the sane girl appeared. This went on for 5 days abd sure enough the man lost 5 pounds. 
    He rang back up and enquired about their 10 pounds in 5 days program. Similar to before, a knock at the door. This time, 2 stunning blondes with the same sign on their necks. 
    After the second 5 days he lost another 10lb and was feeling great. He rang the company again to tell him how great he was feeling. They offered him their most intensive program, 25lb in 10 days. Certain he was goi g to get REALLY lucky he said yes. 
    As before, a knock at the door, thus time there was a large, well endowed naked man, very muscular and a sign on his neck. Which read “If I catch you, I can have YOU”
    The man did indeed lose 25lb in 5 days….
  20. Thanks
    daio web got a reaction from Saintly Fish in River crouch boat comp 2024   
    great write up bud thanks for sharing 🐳
  21. Like
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in River crouch boat comp 2024   
    Some months ago @Andy135 and I (and Leo) were invited by @JonC to join him on Janie to fish the afore mentioned comp. Andy decided he'd rather go to a Frozen themed fancy dress party, so that left just Leo and I. 
    we made the long 3 hour drive up to windy Essex coast via a couple of local favourite landmarks. M&S food court and KFC. Leaving Jon to shove down the remainder of his spagbol. 
    Arriving at around 8pm Jon swiftly shepherded us away from his house and into his parents weekend flat (they were out btw), he then proceeded to help drink the Heineken before leaving us for bed and an 05.30 morning rise. @ 06.15 prompt Jon arrived and we followed him to the marina. On arrival he declared we probably could have had an extra hour in bed as we were a bit early. I guess that's the military man in him! 

    Anyway we made our way out of the marina to gather with some of the participating boats. Then around 08.15 the horn sounded and we steamed off to Jon's chosen mark at a very tidy 18 knot cruise. By this time the false starts of the troublesome engine and the black smoke were a memory only. 
    Leo started well outside of the boat cabin..

    Where after getting up quickly got into some fish, starting with an 83 cm hound... 

    And then another just shy of 80cm..

    Jon got into a couple around the mid 70's and a couple of small school bass.. 

    Other photos contained a bit of non sporting blood so I will not post those. All fish returned alive and kicking. 
    Bacon rolls were cooked and served then we moved marks. 
    No fish, we moved into shallower water (nowhere near the deep water that the other boats were in must add) and no fish. So, we had lunch. 

    And Jon sat and contemplated where he'd gone wrong. 

    Leo retreated back to his normal position inside with his phone...

    And I sat in the sun looking sad because I blanked...

    Even though the fishing was slow and hard work, Leo and I had a lovely time and we thank Jon for his hospitality and efforts!! 
    Leo decided to show off his "I won the boat" jumper.. 

    The end!!
  22. Like
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in River crouch boat comp 2024   
    Kidz these daze are so picky! 
  23. Like
    daio web reacted to Malc in Sunday 2nd June Weymouth angling society boat comp   
    Awesome! We were chilling in Northumberland with similar skies although draftier!
    I presume a species competition?
  24. Like
    daio web reacted to mike farrants in Sunday 2nd June Weymouth angling society boat comp   
    @Malc its points per fish per species up to 4 of each - 30 for the 1st,  15 for 2nd and 3rd and 40 for the 4th of each species
    so max 100 per species
  25. Like
    daio web reacted to ukspearo in Garmin Navionics Vision +   
    Right, the above subscription is about to end for my plotter/fishfinder.
    is there any way to have relief shading (that’s the only premium feature I care about , without paying 95 quid to garmin) ??? 
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