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daio web

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  1. Informative
    daio web reacted to JDP in Anchoring on a wreck   
    Yes you most certainly can control those conditions. In this diagram you can see how you can move the boat left or right. You can also put a drogue out the back to help hold in the tide.

  2. Haha
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in Only bait   
    Salt water croc??
  3. Like
    daio web reacted to JDP in Only bait   
    Just gotten in from another beach session, three more good shark runs all resulting in lost fish. The youngsters decided they wanted to change to wire and the bite shut down. Still a fun evening and good to be getting back out there.
  4. Thanks
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in Weever fish   
    Well seeing as nobody else ( @JonC ) is picking this up, it's up to me!! 😩😂🤣
  5. Like
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in Weever fish   
    Never seen one, but would like to. Just like Gurnard they seem to be a species that evade me or don't live in my patch. 
  6. Like
    daio web reacted to Malc in Weever fish   
    We have always had a few in and around the estuary mouths in the NE, however this year they are plague proportions! Coming in on just about every drop and making mackerel fishing a right faff, even coming up in double shots. 
    I even saw this on the BBC... 
    Are you seeing more than the usual numbers where you are?
  7. Like
    daio web reacted to jonnyswamp in Norway Aug 24   
    I've heard similar stories, no guesses on who the culprits are
  8. Like
    daio web got a reaction from jonnyswamp in Norway Aug 24   
    all the best bud cant wait for the report i hope to get up there one day aswell🐳
  9. Like
    daio web reacted to Andy135 in New one to me 🎣   
    Just think of all those little old ladies you could have fleeced! 🤣
  10. Like
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    SPJ trip with Leo and @Andy135 early door tomorrow! 
  11. Like
    daio web got a reaction from jetty jumper in ACSA in Alaska   
    nice one bud thanks for showing us how its done haha 
  12. Agree
    daio web got a reaction from Andy135 in New one to me 🎣   
    same game different name haha 
  13. Haha
    daio web got a reaction from Saintly Fish in New one to me 🎣   
    nice view mate fair play i new i should of trained to be a plumber haha 
  14. Like
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in New one to me 🎣   
    Yep he's in here somewhere....

  15. Like
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in Norway Aug 24   
    Good luck, hope the weather holds and the fish show up for you. It's one hell of a tiring journey to get there, but it's well worth it! Norway is an excellent fishing destination. One I think us an OO's group should do!! 
  16. Like
    daio web reacted to jonnyswamp in Norway Aug 24   
    Going to Sandland Brygge next week with 6 others from our fishing club
    Heading up to a Travelodge type place somewhere near Heathrow Tuesday evening, ready for an early morning 2hr + flight to Oslo, then a 2hr+ flight to Alta, then a 3hr wait for the near 4hr ferry ride to Sandland 🙄
    4 of them have been a couple of times previously, so know the ropes.......so to speak
    The reports from the last week haven't been brilliant, high pressure and temps and not too many fish, but forecasted to drop on both counts so fingers crossed
    I will take plenty of pics, so expect a long boring catch report in a week or so 
    This has been a bucket list thing for 30 odd years, hope it lives up to expectations
  17. Like
    daio web reacted to jetty jumper in ACSA in Alaska   
    A few of our members got together and went to Alaska for a couple of weeks. Looks like they had a great time. 

  18. Like
    daio web got a reaction from Andy135 in Fastest session yet   
    theres no stopping you bud fair play 👍
  19. Like
    daio web reacted to Andy135 in Fastest session yet   
    Family coast walk to a spot we've been to many times before, but I'd not had the chance to take a rod along until now.
    While the rest of the gang had their picnic lunch I headed down the steep cliffside to the water's edge, with strict instructions to be back in 30 minutes or the kids would get bored. Challenge accepted!

    Once I'd found a suitable mark I tied on the old faithful 20g Major Craft slow jig in Zebra Glow. Three casts in and fish on - a decent sized mackerel for the barbecue.

    A few more casts but only one tentative pluck that didn't hook up. With time ticking I called it and headed back up the cliff.

    Not a bad effort for a super-speedy session. And he tasted great on the barbecue this evening with a drizzle of lemon juice, a sprinkle of salt and a cold beer.

  20. Like
    daio web got a reaction from Andy135 in First mullet   
    nice one bud looks great 👍
  21. Like
    daio web reacted to Andy135 in First mullet   
    Agree. Mrs135 has asked for another one before we head home at the weekend. Oh, ok then 🤣
  22. Like
    daio web reacted to GPSguru in First mullet   
    Actually, you are not far off the money, as mid August is spider bonanza time.
    Look for a big male, they had much bigger claws and more meat.
  23. Like
    daio web reacted to Andy135 in First mullet   
    Down in Cornwall for the week and we headed to Lantivet to take my son snorkelling. As we reached the headland we were greeted with a stunning vista.

    Heading down to the beach itself we were looking forward to getting into the crystal clear water.

    After an hours' snorkelling together Tom headed back in for lunch. We'd seen some amazing ballan wrasse amongst the kelp. Both cocks and hens, proper fish the size of piglets, plus plenty of sandeels, spider crabs and a sneaky brown crab in a rocky hole that we couldn't quite tease out into the bag.
    I stayed out and loitered over a submerged reef for a while, having a suspicion that bass would also frequent the same spots as wrasse. Of course I'd taken my speargun out with me. As if someone had flicked a switch I found myself surrounded by schoolie bass, with a huge mullet cruising below them. I took a shot but missed, the spear bouncing off the rocks below. Cursing my luck I reloaded the speargun and floated motionless above the reef again. Didn't take long for another shoal to come by, again with a mullet in tow. Another shot and success! A golden grey in the bag.

    He tasted great on the barbecue with lime, salt and pepper - very much like mackerel.
  24. Like
    daio web reacted to JDP in VHF Radio licence   
    Yes correct mate, only remembered him quoting a couple hundred metres a while back, but yes you are correct. Also don't get me wrong in my comments about the importance of a radio or other form of two way communication. Its more a case of being with marine rescue groups for over 20yrs that I would rather anyone to have a radio onboard with or without a licence than not have a radio because they don't have a licence.

    Here we are quite strictly governed in regards to a long list of must have safety gear, as well as needing a boating licence, which does cover how to use marine radio's. So even though people may not have the radio licence, they will know how to use them if they have a boat licence. We are checked regularly on safety equipment, my record was being checked 4 times in one day, firstly at the ramp on launch, later in the day by water police, then later again by maritime patrol vessel and to top it off fisheries!!!!!
    From the small coastal town I live in with a population of 8000, we can have two maritime boats patrolling, 4 police jetskis, 2 fisheries officers on land and two in their inflatable as well as the 60ft police patrol vessel which randomly patrols up and down the coast. They are total pests when you are just wanting to get out on the water for a day. Every item is checked for dates and working order, if they pull open your self inflating life jacket and the gas cylinder has any corrosion you will cop a $250 fine, same goes if your it hasn't been inspected with the annual date stamp, some only have 12 month use life. flares have just gone out of date or the batteries in your floating torch are flat etc etc, expect another fine. We even have to carry 2lt of water per person onboard and wear lifejackets in all boats under 4.85m at all times. 
  25. Like
    daio web reacted to suzook12 in VHF Radio licence   
    I agree, vhf regardless of licence. But all the better if you know how to use it.
    Was quite surprising when I did mine, I was on CB for years so no issues at all, but there were 2 or 3 gin palace owners who really struggled with the basics, like keying the mike before you start talking...... If you have no experience of radio useage, then I think the course is ideal......
    However, with many areas being combined nowaday, we got a call for a mayday at Matgate. Now, if we had left to attend immediately the call came in, we still wouldn't be back yet!! I think they need to look at it again, otherwise people will start turning them off....
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