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daio web

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  1. Agree
    daio web reacted to Odyssey in Calming seas   
    Get the surfboard out in the meantime 😍
  2. Like
    daio web reacted to JDP in Calming seas   
    The swell is starting to back down, so I may get a chance at getting my boat at on the weekend at last.  Or at least a beac session.

  3. Informative
    daio web reacted to GPSguru in Out again today - 30th July   
    The sewer buoy, correctly known as the 'special purpose buoy' was one of the marks that failed miserably, the mack came from the Orestone, Outer Livermeads, Long Quarry, and the Parson & Clerk.
  4. Like
    daio web reacted to Andy135 in Out again today - 30th July   
    Glad you both had a good time out. 34 is a very respectable tally - great work 👍
  5. Like
    daio web reacted to RogB in Out again today - 30th July   
    Glad you found some. "Thin on the ground" is an understatement! I was beginning to think it was just me..
    9hrs afloat July for the Teignmouth airshow, 2 of us fishing quite inshore out of the wind for 2 gurnards. Last weekend 4hrs out on the kayaks for 6 on sat, 3 hrs on the boat out a mile or two for 1 scad (from the sewer buoy "reef" 🤮) on sunday over HW. Even the mackerel boat followed us 3 times, as if we knew best😂
    Shore fishing the Ness beach was much more productive for a few evenings but that soon dried up. Anyway the ones we did have were good sized.
    Keep up the reports, I was inspired by your short videos and managed to shoot the typhoon at the airshow from the back of our tub but need to work out how to YouTube it.
    Cheers, Roger
  6. Like
    daio web reacted to GPSguru in Out again today - 30th July   
    Last night the wife asked about sea state and tides for today, as she decided, with it being the hottest day this summer, that it would be nice to get out.
    So, I asked where she wanted to go, wrecks, Skerries, or something else, and she wanted to go Mackerel fishing, and, TBF she is bloody good at it.
    I was happy with that, but warned her that we would be having to work hard for just a few, as they are a bit thin on the ground.
    Due to some medical issues this was her first time out this year, we launched at 08:30 and made our way out to some of my 'banker' mackerel marks.
    Soon we were beginning to catch, only ones and twos but they were very decent sized fish.
    TBH, it was very hot today, calm mirror sea, almost no wind, so that made the fishing a bit harder.
    I went to 5 marks, and we ended up with 34 Mackerel, so not too shabby, and she also managed a Pollock of about 3lb off a rock mark.  Most have gone in the bait freezer, but 4 were jumbo sized and are in the fridge for eating.
    Came back in at 4pm, the temp here in Lyme Bay was 29C, so quite warm !
    A decent trip of 25 miles, but it was great to be out there again, and I quite enjoyed our maccy bashing session. I did fit in a visit to one wreck, but it was netted 🙄
    No pics, coz we all know what the average mack looks like 🙄
  7. Like
    daio web reacted to JDP in Xmas in July   
    Yes it’s a thing here in Australia as it’s often the coldest month and can be very much like Europe in winter.
    My son headed off Friday to do a few music gigs in a small town the other side of the mountains, a 10hr return trip. His next gig after that is a 4 day 4500km drive. 
    Just settled down for a relaxed evening with the Mrs when the phone rings🫣 our son, forgot his guitar and music folders😳
    Mum, dad can you bring my music gear 😣. However the gear is at a different house an hour in the wrong direction from our place.
    So a quick overnight trip it was. Got to his gig with 20mins to spare , which was a good night out. Camped at the bottom of the mountains in sub 0’c temps. Didn’t have to head to high before we were driving in the white stuff and -4’c mid day temps. Must admit it’s good to do a few trips to the snow over winter given it’s so close to where we live on the coast. It did feel very much like Xmas.











  8. Haha
    daio web reacted to suzook12 in Xmas in July   
    So are most of the bars in Amsterdam!!
  9. Agree
    daio web reacted to suzook12 in Hi I’ve just purchased this boat can anybody identify make or model for me please? Thank you   
    Lack of splash well I would find quite worrying in all but flat calm waters.....
  10. Like
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Nice Ian, looks nice out there. But I do see clouds ! Unless that's a stolen picture from  another trip!!!
  11. Like
    daio web reacted to Andy135 in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Lovely session! Well done. Was rather envious when I saw that pic. Top dangling 👍
  12. Like
    daio web reacted to GPSguru in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Yes, a few clouds but they were very high, and generally over the land mass.
  13. Like
    daio web reacted to GPSguru in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Solo trip and early start due to a major rowing race taking place and all the gigs use the slipway 🙄
    Absolutely flat sea and arrived on the skerries at 08:00. Straight down with my Plaice bait, and I also put down tinsels for snake / mack, and a large fish bait for Turbot.
    The first away was the mack tinsels, with a steady stream of single fish, but a good size.
    The  next bit is for @jonnyswamp who was told the fish were small. I fished from 08:00 to 13:30 and had 9 plaice, with 3 keepers. The MLS is 27cm, but I don't keep under 35cm. I measured all the fish (just out of interest) and the keepers were just over 35, the rest were 27 - 30.  I don't use worm, only fish baits, usually whole king prawn tipped with squid, or mack strip tipped with squid. I was getting a lot of bites that didn't connect, and that could have been postage stamp fish as I tend to use a 1/0 instead of the size 2 that a lot of folk use.
    Also in the mix was loads of finger sized pout on the tinsels, and 4 good sized grey gurnard on the plaice rod.
    My Turbot baits went untouched all day, not even a dog.
    Got back onto the slip at 1:45 pm, a loverly day, not a cloud in the sky and quite warm., but the sea was great so an easy 50 miles.
    We had the plaice for evening meal, and it was excellent.

    Just one pic, coz we have all seen plaice before 🙄

  14. Informative
    daio web reacted to JDP in VHF Radio licence   
    No one will prosecute you for using them in an emergency. I have my old vhf UK licence and a new updated vhf which was much the same cource as the UK when I did it here, its an international licence. I only did it a second time as it was part of our Coxswain training (Amsa international) where we were told that nobody had ever been prosecuted for making an emergency call worldwide. The radio training will teach you vital information you will never need to know!!!!!!..such as the distance certain satellites are and frequencies of certain radios to make calls 100's of kms that you most likely never own, or see. Ive worked with marine rescue for over 20yrs where hundreds of boats per day log on using their vhf radios, where I would guess over 90% are not licensed. In saying that we do need a boat licence here which does explain mayday, pan pan cals etc. Ive heard radio emergency calls where people have not remembered the mayday procedure due to panic, which hasn't stopped them being found or rescued in equally fast time. If they are able to say how many onboard, emergency situation and where they are, you can bet people will be on the way to rescue them, not sitting back saying they didn't have the message quite right and don't have a licence. Ive been onboard a vessel where the skipper was licensed but had never used a vhf in his life and when a boat capsized in front of us on a bar crossing, he panicked so much he wasn't able to use his vhf radio. I had to take over and relay communications to the rescue authorities and other vessels to stay clear as a rescue was in progress as well as a capsized boat in the main channel. Our radio conversation was nothing like vhf training day doing the course, it was real life interaction of a constant changing situation.

    Most people these days log on before heading out in their boat via their phones (I also do it). I then put my phone in a waterproof case which I network to my other electronics so I can see who's calling me without needing to get the phone from the waterproof case. When I log on with the marine rescue group we have an option to allow the land base to track the phone, which I allow. The marine base has several large screen computers showing every boats position from their phones on the computer chart screens. We give a return home time, which can change by either altering on the rescue app or calling on the vhf radio. This info is also relayed via relay towers over hundreds of kms up and down the coast, so not simply vhf radio range. Its also a good way of getting help from other vessels quickly which are known to be in the areas. The phone now outperforms the radio by three times the range with offshore trips too. Personally I carry a Garmin inreach for communications and emergency without range restrictions, I can use it anywhere in the world as long as Im outside with a view of the sky.

  15. Like
    daio web reacted to mike farrants in Weymouth Angling Club monthly boat comp = 27th July   
    Boat comp time again - i'm a serious match angler so no time for photos lol 🤣 (read: not many photo worthy fish)
    Max 106 points for 10 fish of each species (30, 15, 15, 40 then 1 point each for the next 6), there's also prizes for the most fish, most species and the nominated fish of the day measured on length - todays fish was Red gurnard - and as no one had won the nominated species last 2x times it was a double roll over - £180!!!
    Comp started at 9am and we hit the small stuff first to bag a few early points - Wrasse, pout, pollock and unclassified (other small species), Tims son drove the Boat as his target was the nominated species.
    I had 4 pout, 2 wrasse, Tim had his 10 pout, 10 wrasse, 4 unclassified and 4 Pollock
    i was on 145, Tim was off to a flyer on 412 after 2 hours. 
    we moved off to the mixed ground mark - leaving us about 4 hours for other fish - Tim's son dropped down first and would you believe it - must have put his bait right on the nose of a red gurnard - measuring 30cm - at least he had a chance of a prize.  

    Tim then bagged up = bream, congers, Dogs, thornies, more pout. His son also had dogs, eels and lost a 20lb tope at the boat!
    i had a slow day - well out of contention with just 3x bream, 2x dogs and 4x congers,  
    we got to the club house to be me with someone with a large red gurnard - so our only hope was Tims count or the raffle! 
    Tim didn't win most points but did win most species! 
    A lovely day out - flat calm and sunny all day!


  16. Like
  17. Like
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in MegaByte - Warrior 165 for sale   
    Superb boat Brian. Hope you are not giving up fishing and the PBSBAC ?
  18. Haha
    daio web reacted to captin slows old outlaw in MegaByte - Warrior 165 for sale   
    proberly neads more rod holders?😆
  19. Like
    daio web reacted to Robin59 in Hi I’ve just purchased this boat can anybody identify make or model for me please? Thank you   
    No not far from a couple of hundred yards to a mile out, as for a bigger engine yes but I’m having to save up for that 
  20. Like
    daio web reacted to Robin59 in VHF Radio licence   
    Hi I wonder if someone could clear this up for me. I want to install a VHF radio in my boat, do I need a licence I’ve read they are free and I’ve read there’s a charge to obtain a MMSI number can someone please put me straight? Thank you 
  21. Agree
    daio web reacted to JDP in VHF Radio licence   
    Almost every boat here will have a vhf radio, which there is a licence requirement to use, however both here in Aus and in the UK Ive never heard of anyone being asked to prove they have a licence. Maritime will not prosecute any boat owner using a vhf without licence to make a safety call. The only time people get in trouble is when being a nuisance on the radio. Doing an international recognised vhf licence course is very easy, however is it really needed. Most people can easily look up how to do a radio call, whether a mayday, pan pan or relay etc. I would recommend anyone to have a radio rather than not have one because they don't have a licence. Within 2nm its not a legal requirement to have any radio on a boat here but beyond that yes a radio and even an epirb is needed. 
    You can always find your closest rescue service and get the phone number for the call station. In a boat like yours, consider a handheld waterproof floating vhf.
  22. Agree
    daio web got a reaction from Andy135 in MegaByte - Warrior 165 for sale   
  23. Like
    daio web reacted to MegaByte in MegaByte - Warrior 165 for sale   
    20  (3 can't be used when the bait table is in use)

  24. Like
    daio web reacted to Bazzer in Help with sonar / fish finder   
    Hi guys can anyone help with what I am seeing, couple of screen shots to follow. 

  25. Like
    daio web reacted to captin slows old outlaw in on the beach   
    nice parking  right on the beach
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