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daio web

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    daio web reacted to captin slows old outlaw in on the beach   
    well i went beach fishing to day (26/724 )
    sun was out, a bit of a brease but pleasent, it was 10 pm and i loweded up my transport. 3 rods and rod rest,i had no idear what i was going to catch but tbe out of the hose was grate. off i went heading to leep beach,the trip there was uneventfull , iterned on to the park and maide my way to the little spit.
    iset myself up on the beach. there ws a bit of a breaze but the sun was out.
    i set one rod up with 3 hook rig, and one with a 1 hook on a slidder,the last rood i set up for mackreal.
    the tide was on the tern to come in. i yoused dirty squid for baite. nuthing happend till the water had coverd the flat ground and then one rod gave some bigbite movement. grabing the rod and lifting it slowley i got 2 more jerks, so i wound in the baite was only in about  a 30 to 40 cm of water. it was a desent bass, tide came in a bit more and the outher rd did the same. yes anouther bass a bit smaller but a fish arfter all.  it went quite and the wind got up a bit. then the seewead made fishing hard woork. so i packed up and went home.
    photoes to follow
  2. Like
    daio web reacted to Odyssey in A few pics   
    Fingers crossed….. I’ve heard of the first sighting off St Ives by Sam yesterday. 
    Im spooling up some reels this week so I’m ready to go once we get some sightings at our end…. Hopefully they show up this year in higher numbers…
  3. Like
    daio web reacted to Josh in A few pics   
    Good going @Odyssey
    oh them scad will be getting hoovered up soon no doubt 
  4. Informative
    daio web reacted to Odyssey in Understand the ColRegs!   
    Quick reminder as to why it’s important to remember the Collision Regulations, especially when you’re in an area with a TSS (traffic separation scheme). £25k must of stung a bit….
    https://www.gov.uk/government/news/day-angling-skipper-fined-for-breaching-dover-strait-shipping-lane-rules#:~:text=The skipper and owner of,prosecution costs of £25%2C000.
  5. Like
    daio web reacted to Odyssey in A few pics   
    Couple of pics from last few trips, usual stuff, pollack, sharks, wrasse etc 🙂 Numbers improving all the time. I’ll keep adding to this thread as I often can’t remember who caught what when but will keep it a rolling update…
    Numbers of scad around at the moment is insane… make a good bait so not all bad 🙂 
    Back out on sharks this weekend, then a weekend off followed by an empty boat for the weekend (17th and 18th August) if you fancy getting in on the action drop a line, nice tides for SPJ and sharking else I’ll just have to have a practice run for the tuna…

  6. Agree
    daio web reacted to Andy135 in Recommend me some lure boxes   
    Sounds like you'd need a jig wallet then, rather than a box with compartments.
  7. Agree
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in New one to me 🎣   
    I think the main purpose is to stop internal fading to materials and wood finishes etc. 
  8. Informative
    daio web reacted to JDP in On the water, in the water today   
    Felt like a long time since Ive been out on the water after stuffing my back but back at it today. Must admit I struggled with breath holds on shallow 8m reefs.  Added a couple of extra weights to my shoulder harness which eventually helped, strong current however didn't help. Took a couple of youngsters on one of the boats my daughter skippers and it wasn't long until we all had our bag limit of 3 lobsters each and 2 abalone each. 

    Just had a plate of crumbed lobster and lobster, even enough for our spoilt dog!!!!!

    Decided not to do anymore commercial fishing work as its that which stuffed my back again. 
  9. Thanks
    daio web reacted to mike farrants in Sunday 14th July - Weymouth   
    haha very true Daio 🤣
    We both know where the fish are - but his boat gets us there and back in one day lol
    I don't take mine far offshore!
  10. Agree
    daio web reacted to Saintly Fish in New one to me 🎣   
    Looks like an internal sun shield I reckon 
  11. Haha
    daio web got a reaction from mike farrants in Sunday 14th July - Weymouth   
  12. Haha
    daio web got a reaction from Andy135 in Sunday 14th July - Weymouth   
  13. Like
    daio web reacted to suzook12 in Jack Tar 17fter   
    For anyone interested, 2 videos up
  14. Informative
    daio web reacted to GPSguru in Jack Tar 17fter   
    If you cant get glued heatshrink of the right size, then cover the joint with hot melt glue, then immediately shrink on the heatshrink.
  15. Like
    daio web reacted to suzook12 in Jack Tar 17fter   
    2nd step, shrink the butt heat shrink

    3rd step, cover with glued heat shrink.....
    Final step, heatshrink again over whole joint
    As this is a 3 wire pump and couldn't find any suitable 3 core, I had to run another wire, so taped them together leaving enough spare to remake if needs be.
  16. Like
    daio web got a reaction from mike farrants in Sat 13th July = Shambles Bank   
    happy days mate some great fish there 👍
  17. Like
    daio web reacted to mike farrants in Sat 13th July = Shambles Bank   
    Out on Tims boat with his son Jamie, aim was for fresh mackerel at the entrances and then onto the Shambles to fish for flatties, then try for bass in the building race off of Portland Bill.
    Mackerel were hard to come by - but we managed 4 decent ones and a scad.  
    we were soon off to drift the shambles - first couple of drifts nothing - but we were getting pushed more by the wind than tide so we repositioned and i hook a lovely turbot. 

    not long before Tim lands a lovely Brill. 

    fishing was slow so we moved closer to the Bill and tried with Lures - i thought Tim had snagged the bottom until he said get the net...... and up comes a monster 6.2lb Wrasse! his PB and well over specimen size.

    His son then bags a lovely PB bass at last knockings!

    Not many fish, but all special fish, and fresh turbot for me for tea!! 
  18. Like
    daio web reacted to LostPiker in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Finally the stars of work schedules, weather and the boat not being broken have aligned and I should be out Sunday
  19. Like
    daio web reacted to suzook12 in Jack Tar 17fter   
    Busy old day today. All the old shot ripped out, consul repositioned, radio repositioned, started to install fish sinder. New busbar fitted along with a fuse box, main battery lead reterminated and all the lights on fresh wire that was rerouted..... Also bought a new cabin light and fitted it. Everything tested ok, lights are far brighter than they were before too.......
    Tomorrow will hopefully see the cabin end sorted, with radio, search light and bilge to wire. Also we have no horn, so that needs to be sourced. All the hardware can then be final fitted and sealed where necessary.
    Will drag the throttle/gear control down and get that fitted up too then can check the harness length.
    Will grab some stills later to post up
  20. Like
    daio web reacted to suzook12 in Jack Tar 17fter   
    Tomorrow, will be off to AED to get some supplies, then get the wiring at least tidy.
    Will need some terminals, waterproof connectors or terminal box and some wire and poss some switches. Some gauges would be nice at some point , but that'll keep for now. There is enough work to be going on with and keeping this a quick turn around.
    At some point, this boat will be a major project, but for now, just want it on the water and safe.
    A box of trailer parts landed today, was going to do that tomorrow, but think it will be get the wiring sorted and dash back in kinda day.
  21. Agree
    daio web reacted to suzook12 in Jack Tar 17fter   
    So, little update, managed to get the dash out, someone has screwed the switch panel in and fitted it right under the cabin ledge, so no chance of removing screws..... After that, I used my vacuum brake bleeder and removed around 120 litres of water that doesn't drain to the bilge. Rained again today so will give an idea of how much rain water gets in to those areas.
    Looks like a bit of judicial drilling will be occurring very soon. I want this thing draining properly before it goes anywhere near the sea!!
  22. Like
    daio web reacted to suzook12 in Great Yarmouth 16th July   
    Cheers dude. They put up quite a spirited fight, so welcome amongst a day of dogs and tings 🙂
  23. Like
    daio web reacted to willyhookit in fishing in the sound of jura   
    The First picture is of  Lozz with the first ever  200lbs   common skate caught off a Kayak      second   picture  is of  a old  mate who  id taken up to loch crinan    to see if i could get him a  skate   this is another fish of 200 lbs    third   picture is of Paul   with his first 200lbs   skate   forth picture is     my old mates from up jockland    big Rab   Fin unhooking  and me sat in the back corner   having just caught a 225 lbs  skate   fifth   picture is of me bent into  a  skate  on my own boat  ( seahog seajeep )   and in the last picture  here is the fish      tight Lines Alain        all the fish where  caught  using wind-on rubbing leaders and hook traces i made   

  24. Agree
    daio web reacted to suzook12 in Great Yarmouth 16th July   
    It was one of those days, everybody doing more or less the same thing, so thought I'd try a jelly on a 6/0  just to be different, whether it "worked" or not I can't say, but it didn't deter the fish which means I will be more likely to try it again. Not something used in our area much. Will get more chance to experiment when my own boat is in the water
  25. Like
    daio web reacted to suzook12 in Great Yarmouth 16th July   
    First one of the year today, out on High Flyer 2.
    Plan was to get out after some maccy, then on to some bass and tope....... The weather had other ideas. We arrived to a 14mph SW wind, so we headed to some bass marks to hopefully pick up some mac. However, we were getting the crap kicked out of us and no fish showing. We headed in a bit to try some marks that were showing fish, however, the wind was pushing us off the drift and the fish were having none of it. We ended up coming in right close, to a hole that has saved many days out. With the tide falling away, we were hitting a steady stream of doggies and one smoothie boated. The tide eventually turned and ran hard enough to stop the boat swinging, and the digs pretty much disappeared, but more whiting. I decided to try a jelly worm tipped with mack and had my pb smoothie, prob only around 4lb, but only ever had pups before now. The doggies returned, a seal poked his head in to watch and some idiot was seen paddling in from well the wrong side of scroby sands on a kayak..... He eventually made it in against the switching wind, god only knows where he had been.....
    That was pretty much the day, we got wind burn, sun burn, salt burn, drenched in rain and sea spray and everything in between. Even the seagulls passed up the day to remain in town outside the chippy.......
    Out again in a couple of weeks weather permitting
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