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Everything posted by Sevans

  1. Havnt posted in a while so a quick recap. Great few days out of Milford Haven, weather was kind and the range had a few days off so could venture to new areas. The bass fishing was phenomenal with birds hitting the water all over the place and bass busting out! The pollack was also great when you could find them, along with huss to 14lb tope estimated around 40lb, gurnards dabs weavers and dogs. Also some nice lobsters and spider crabs In my pot 🙂
  2. Sevans

    Out Out

    Luke will do his best to put you on the fish, Use the bigger lures to get the better fish, plenty of pollack out there if the weather allows
  3. Sevans

    Out Out

    weather's looking spot on but I'm away for a 60th birthday. might head to boat Sunday for a couple of days
  4. Sevans

    Out Out

    Finally calm enough to get out of the Haven, well, for a few hours at least. Loads of small pollack on baited feathers so switched to slow jigs when tide allowed and soft plastics on portland rigs when it picked up, to pick out the better pollack up to around 5lb. Back into the Haven as wind picked up to find plenty more dogfish! Ballan Wrasse, the varying colours are amazing, camera never does it justice, poor cod and also pouting and launce to add to my species for the year. More huge ships in the Haven, it certainly makes you wonder how much gas and oil we use!
  5. Not alot to report, though there was alot, alot of dogfish!! I did manage a couple of poor cod and half a dozen whiting so a couple more species to add to the list for the year. Realy foggy for most of the day and some big vessels moving through, you could hear them before you could see them!
  6. a one off then perhaps, glad we could make the most of it. the gg's was a good bonus for the species count 🙂
  7. managed 2 days this week, Tuesday weather looked good, I still havnt grasped the idea of letting the sea a few days to settle down, couldn't get out of the Haven but managed to fish the entrance, where we found plenty of pollack seemingly feeding midwater on herring, it was a fish a chuck, though my daughter was getting more than the lions share, bloody pheromones! 1🤣 as the sea state worsened we headed inwards to shelter only to find dog city. Thursday morning was looking good in the sheltered waters if the Haven, I did try to venture to where we found the pollack in abundance Tuesday but the swells were huge for my little boat so backed up to more sheltered waters. Tried several areas in search of rays but was again plagued by dogfish until last knockings I managed a golden grey mullet on size 16 sabikis tipped with bits of ragworm. weather horrendous for sometime but looking forward to getting out again soon, enjoying the learning curve that i0s the Pembrokeshire coast and beyond 🙂
  8. Had a few things to do on boat over weekend so why not take a rod or two. Changed prop, and fitted a retainer loop to bow anchor roller and headed out. Bit lumpy outside of the Haven for my taste, though did persevere for an hour which produced a few pollack, including one for the table. Then headed for the shelter of the Haven to anchor for a couple of hours which proved very slow with one dog and a huss. Roll on some better weather for the sea to settle down!
  9. Sorry, only just seen this. that was outside the haven in St brides bay
  10. Sevans

    west wales

    a little reef between the dakotian and Castle rock. I'm beginning to see that, looking forward to a settled spell before I try again, if we get one. Way to many storms!!
  11. Swells still hadn't settled so no going out of the Haven, in fact it was lumpy as hell out there Still, plenty of the ever reliable pout, poor cod, and a ballan for my efforts.
  12. Sevans

    west wales

    if we eat them, they're usualy cold smoked and made into kippers
  13. Starting to get go grips with the new (to me) boat. fished a couple of reef marks looking for decent tide rips, not to difficult on the big springs. using portland rigs and soft plastics I managed plenty of small pollack along with a codling coalfish and a decent pollack. the finder was alive with bait fish which after downsizing the hooks proved to be herring. also navigated the renowned Jack Sound for the first time, not as bad as I anticipated, especially with the aid of navionics relief shading.
  14. Thanks mate, I've spoken to Luke. quiet day jus one small codling and a few joeys
  15. looking to get out of milford haven over weekend. Still learning the area and tides so will have a tentative look outside of the haven and if doable see what we can find.
  16. Well done Mike, It certainly made for a different result this year by separating charter boats and private boats and no kayaks. I'm not surprised that Jake won it as it was always going to be there for someone who was prepared to put the miles in. the variety just isnt there when you have a boat moored in a set place. I've recently purchased a boat so looking forward to being able to compete again though I believe the format is to be different again this year. looking forward to finding out what it will be and hoping for many a day of calm seas 🙂
  17. Finally back on the pontoon after coppercoating and engines serviced. just need some weather now to get out after some fish! my merry fisher 595
  18. recently purchased a boat in the milford haven, had a few trips out with not much to report. Weather has been diabolical but did manage a trip out Saturday during a short weather window, lovely going out, less so on return! but we did manage to find some quality fish. boat out for some routine maintenance for about 2 weeks, hopefully they'll still be around when we get back and weather allows. looking forward to learning more about the fishing in the area.
  19. just copied from new members section cause I guess it should be in catch reports, soz 😬 GPS Guru many thanks for the info, I have just returned from my break at East prawle. weather only realy allowed me one trip out to the banks and that was Wednesday so medium tides. drift was around 1 knot so made hard work peddling back and forth for the drifts. fishing was quiet but I did manage 3 plaice, all in 40+ feet and all on prawn cocktails, either rag or crab. I also managed a grey gurnard on sabikis so another species for my hunt. yesterday I tried somewhere different because of the fog and had 2 more species, bass and bream. again thanks for the top info, and the great forum Stu ps files to big to load especially for a technophobe
  20. GPS Guru many thanks for the info, I have just returned from my break at East prawle. weather only realy allowed me one trip out to the banks and that was Wednesday so medium tides. drift was around 1 knot so made hard work peddling back and forth for the drifts. fishing was quiet but I did manage 3 plaice, all in 40+ feet and all on prawn cocktails, either rag or crab. I also managed a grey gurnard on sabikis so another species for my hunt. yesterday I tried somewhere different because of the fog and had 2 more species, bass and bream. again thanks for the top info, and the great forum Stu ps files to big to load especially for a technophobe!
  21. top info, thanks for taking the time out to post all that GPSguru. I will be in the area for a week from the 9th of April with smaller tides at the start of the week. so hopefully the weather will play ball and I can get out.
  22. Thanks GPSguru, I have a weeks holiday booked near start point mid April and weather permitting Iwas hoping to launch a kayak at hallsands and head out in search of plaice, turbot, blondes and anything else that might pull my string. Stuart
  23. Good luck on your trip. I've been going up to Scotland for around 10 years chasing skate, it's great fishing and don't be afraid to use big baits! my favorite is fresh dogfish, killer bait for the 'barn doors' 😉🙂
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