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    Sevans got a reaction from Josh in Tanks not Firing, Let's go!   
    Havnt posted in a while so a quick recap.
    Great few days out of Milford Haven, weather was kind and the range had a few days off so could venture to new areas.
    The bass fishing was phenomenal with birds hitting the water all over the place and bass busting out!
    The pollack was also great when you could find them, along with huss to 14lb tope estimated around 40lb, gurnards dabs weavers and dogs.
    Also some nice lobsters and spider crabs In my pot 🙂

  2. Like
    Sevans reacted to Josh in 29th June southwest   
    Too good a Saturday forecast to miss saw me towing to Cornwall Friday night.
    arrival around 1ish launching at daylight meant couple hours sort rods unstrap pack away and shut eye for not very long but it all helps.
    first stop was bait and I was picking up some
    jumbo mackerel only close in which was great after about 8/9 I headed out.

    i stopped off on the way out around the reefs what difference the not netting of pollack has made. Well saying that Iv seen more fish in the past but compared to last year there were a few good fish back !

    Pushed out to the 20mile band it was glass on the way out which was lovely then I spent an hour or so over the slack trying for ling on this wreck. I know they’re on there I just couldn’t get them ..another time !
    dumped the chum over and waited quite a while with no wind i was moving with the tide but not a great deal.
    then I had one probably of 40lb.
    Hour or so later I had a better one round more like 75lb the boat going for the chum bag and the proper.
    i had this fish round the bait and I could wind up any more so I just hand hooked her and she wernt happy gave me a searing run. Great fun

    the Yank
    The run 


    curious blue

     I ended up with another one so 3 in total
    Had to pull the hook in again by hand to get that last one tight , rather that than deep hook. 
    food as follows

    Bangers on boat took some skin damage @JonC

    Dinner made up for it
    then I crawled into the tent 💤 
  3. Like
    Sevans reacted to Odyssey in Tanks not Firing, Let's go!   
    Firing range is a top mark, especially early season for pollack. 
    the shoals at far end is supposed to be good for bass but over had time off, weatger, range open, day off all aligned to give it a go….
    Top job though Stu! Bet those bass taste lovely with the crab and lobster! 
  4. Like
    Sevans reacted to GPSguru in Skerries Banks 23rd Jun   
    It is great to have Kyle back as crew, now that he has finished his A levels, so we launched at 07:30 into a flat sea, with an intention of getting back to the slip at 15:30.
    The forecast for the skerries area was fog / mist until 09:00 and then a cloudy but warm day, but the weather guessers got that very wrong.  Once we rounded Berry Head, the mist was thick and getting worse, so I dropped the speed to 24knts, however the visibility was 1/2 mile so no real issues. On went the Nav lights and I also double checked that the AIS was fully functional.
    We arrived at the Skerries at about 08:15 and the visibility was just a few hundred yards, but the sea was mirror calm, and no wind.
    A few drifts across the banks produced numerous small Plaice and only one keeper (we don't keep anything under 35cm), 4 plump Mackerel, one monster Launce (snake), and numerous Red and Grey Gurnard, so plenty to keep us busy.
    At the end of slack water (12:15 ish), we motored over to the outer edge of the banks and I dropped the pick. Bite were slow, with kyle getting a doggie and 2 decent  blonds (8lb & 10 1/2lb). I was trying out some other ideas and only managed a 3lb spider !
    At 14:30 we pulled the pick, the visibility was getting worse at maybe 200 yards, so a gentle trip off the banks at 20kts, but we picked up speed once we reached the Mudstone Ledge.
    Back on the slip at 15:30, a total trip of 48nm, and a very pleasant day.
    Just one pic that says it all

  5. Like
    Sevans reacted to mike farrants in Wow = what a day! 23rd June - Shambles Bank   
    wow what a day, I met Tim and his son at Tims boat at 7.30 - with the plan to be a morning on the Shambles drifting the last of the flood for Turbot until the tide got too much and the afternoon under the bill drifting for bass and wrasse. 
    We picked up 10 decent mackerel first thing and headed out to the shambles West bouy (as the tide as flooding W-E).
    Rigged up with booms, watch leads, and mackerel fillets on long traces - size 4 hooks so the small flatties have a chance too!
    Fist drift was a tad fast, but Tim hooked into a very nice 4lb Bass. great fish!

    2nd drift it was my turn to get a bite - a good scrap, plenty of head shakes and taking line and I Bag a worldie of a fish - a monster Bass - it was huge - biggest i've ever seen let alone caught - it went to 10lb on the scales - put my previous 2lber in the shade! 

    not long after dropping down again i got another hit - and this was another big fish - a decent fight, stripping line, and heading up tide, soon at the boat we could see it was a big tope - it didn't like the boat or the net so went for a 3rd run - soon enough we had it in the boat for a quick pic and then away. 

    just as we had motored back to the west bouy the tide turned so we had to reposition - this drift produced a lovely Brill and a weaver for Tim. 
    the ebbing tide picked up real quickly producing some nasty overfalls so we decided to drift off the back of the bank into deeper water and switch to soft plastics for the bass - we all managed a couple of smaller bass on lures - all around the 2lb mark. 
    as we drifted away we realised we were heading into the race, and the sea picked up real ugly so we quickly aborted plans and motored slowly back through the horrible sea off the bill - swell coming from the SW, tide racing west - It was not pleasant for about 30 mins motoring. expert skippering from Tim on the wheel and throttle saw us back in the bay to anchor on the mud. 
    here we caught doggies, smoothies and bream for the afternoon. 
    I took my bass to the angling club to have it weighed as i believe it to be specimen size, meaning I might win monthly or even annual biggest Bass award. Sadly it lost weight over the day in the coolbox (I had bled it) and it came in at 4.072kg which is a fraction under 9lb - still a monster fish!
    Tim gave me his Brill to take home and then i had the dilemma - was i going to have bass or brill for tea? 
    since i've never had Brill before i went for that and the bass got filleted up, Vacuum packed and put in the freezer. 10 decent sized fillets off it! there were 2 more brill fillets for the freezer too
    Brill fillets baked in butter and seasoned - delicious.

    it dwarfed my chopping board and sink!

    An epic day and a new PB - going to take me some time to beat that now!
  6. Like
    Sevans got a reaction from mick in Tanks not Firing, Let's go!   
    Havnt posted in a while so a quick recap.
    Great few days out of Milford Haven, weather was kind and the range had a few days off so could venture to new areas.
    The bass fishing was phenomenal with birds hitting the water all over the place and bass busting out!
    The pollack was also great when you could find them, along with huss to 14lb tope estimated around 40lb, gurnards dabs weavers and dogs.
    Also some nice lobsters and spider crabs In my pot 🙂

  7. Like
    Sevans reacted to Dicky in Tanks not Firing, Let's go!   
    Some good fish there, nice one
  8. Like
    Sevans reacted to Andy135 in Tanks not Firing, Let's go!   
    Epic! Great report and lovely fish! Well done 👍👍
  9. Like
    Sevans reacted to daio web in Tanks not Firing, Let's go!   
    nice going mate some great fish there 🐳
  10. Like
    Sevans got a reaction from Dicky in Tanks not Firing, Let's go!   
    Havnt posted in a while so a quick recap.
    Great few days out of Milford Haven, weather was kind and the range had a few days off so could venture to new areas.
    The bass fishing was phenomenal with birds hitting the water all over the place and bass busting out!
    The pollack was also great when you could find them, along with huss to 14lb tope estimated around 40lb, gurnards dabs weavers and dogs.
    Also some nice lobsters and spider crabs In my pot 🙂

  11. Like
    Sevans got a reaction from Andy135 in Tanks not Firing, Let's go!   
    Havnt posted in a while so a quick recap.
    Great few days out of Milford Haven, weather was kind and the range had a few days off so could venture to new areas.
    The bass fishing was phenomenal with birds hitting the water all over the place and bass busting out!
    The pollack was also great when you could find them, along with huss to 14lb tope estimated around 40lb, gurnards dabs weavers and dogs.
    Also some nice lobsters and spider crabs In my pot 🙂

  12. Like
    Sevans got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Tanks not Firing, Let's go!   
    Havnt posted in a while so a quick recap.
    Great few days out of Milford Haven, weather was kind and the range had a few days off so could venture to new areas.
    The bass fishing was phenomenal with birds hitting the water all over the place and bass busting out!
    The pollack was also great when you could find them, along with huss to 14lb tope estimated around 40lb, gurnards dabs weavers and dogs.
    Also some nice lobsters and spider crabs In my pot 🙂

  13. Like
    Sevans got a reaction from daio web in Tanks not Firing, Let's go!   
    Havnt posted in a while so a quick recap.
    Great few days out of Milford Haven, weather was kind and the range had a few days off so could venture to new areas.
    The bass fishing was phenomenal with birds hitting the water all over the place and bass busting out!
    The pollack was also great when you could find them, along with huss to 14lb tope estimated around 40lb, gurnards dabs weavers and dogs.
    Also some nice lobsters and spider crabs In my pot 🙂

  14. Like
    Sevans got a reaction from Malc in Tanks not Firing, Let's go!   
    Havnt posted in a while so a quick recap.
    Great few days out of Milford Haven, weather was kind and the range had a few days off so could venture to new areas.
    The bass fishing was phenomenal with birds hitting the water all over the place and bass busting out!
    The pollack was also great when you could find them, along with huss to 14lb tope estimated around 40lb, gurnards dabs weavers and dogs.
    Also some nice lobsters and spider crabs In my pot 🙂

  15. Like
    Sevans got a reaction from GPSguru in Tanks not Firing, Let's go!   
    Havnt posted in a while so a quick recap.
    Great few days out of Milford Haven, weather was kind and the range had a few days off so could venture to new areas.
    The bass fishing was phenomenal with birds hitting the water all over the place and bass busting out!
    The pollack was also great when you could find them, along with huss to 14lb tope estimated around 40lb, gurnards dabs weavers and dogs.
    Also some nice lobsters and spider crabs In my pot 🙂

  16. Like
    Sevans got a reaction from mike farrants in Tanks not Firing, Let's go!   
    Havnt posted in a while so a quick recap.
    Great few days out of Milford Haven, weather was kind and the range had a few days off so could venture to new areas.
    The bass fishing was phenomenal with birds hitting the water all over the place and bass busting out!
    The pollack was also great when you could find them, along with huss to 14lb tope estimated around 40lb, gurnards dabs weavers and dogs.
    Also some nice lobsters and spider crabs In my pot 🙂

  17. Like
    Sevans got a reaction from Josh in Milford Haven   
    managed 2 days this week, Tuesday weather looked good, I still havnt grasped the idea of letting the sea a few days to settle down, couldn't get out of the Haven but managed to fish the entrance, where we found plenty of pollack seemingly feeding midwater on herring, it was a fish a chuck, though my daughter was getting more than the lions share, bloody pheromones! 1🤣
    as the sea state worsened we headed inwards to shelter only to find dog city.
    Thursday morning was looking good in the sheltered waters if the Haven, I did try to venture to where we found the pollack in abundance Tuesday but the swells were huge for my little boat so backed up to more sheltered waters. Tried several areas in search of rays but was again plagued by dogfish until last knockings I managed a golden grey mullet on size 16 sabikis tipped with bits of ragworm. 
    weather horrendous for sometime but looking forward to getting out again soon, enjoying the learning curve that i0s the Pembrokeshire coast and beyond 🙂

  18. Like
    Sevans reacted to mike farrants in Sunday 21st April - a slow day out of Weymouth   
    Weather looked good all weekend - but my fishing buddy was in Benidorm until Saturday night - so plans were made for Sunday - however the wind was freshening and turning more easterly - so not ideal. 
    After a failed attempt to get mackerel in Portlands entrance we opted to seek shelter under White Nothe - East of the Bay. New ground for us - but worth a go!
    It was slow - i only managed 4 doggies, Tim managed doggies, Smoothounds, Bream and a thornie, his son had dogs and a blonde ray. wind was fresh all day - but the sun was out and we were afloat - so all good!



  19. Thanks
    Sevans got a reaction from Andy135 in Out Out   
    Luke will do his best to put you on the fish,  Use the bigger lures to get the better fish, plenty of pollack out there if the weather allows 
  20. Like
    Sevans got a reaction from Andy135 in Out Out   
    Finally calm enough to get out of the Haven, well, for a few hours at least.
    Loads of small pollack on baited feathers so switched to slow jigs when tide allowed and soft plastics on portland rigs when it picked up, to pick out the better pollack up to around 5lb.
    Back into the Haven as wind picked up to find plenty more dogfish! Ballan Wrasse, the varying colours are amazing, camera never does it justice, poor cod and also pouting and launce to add to my species for the year.
    More huge ships in the Haven, it certainly makes you wonder how much gas and oil we use!

  21. Like
    Sevans got a reaction from Dicky in Out Out   
    Finally calm enough to get out of the Haven, well, for a few hours at least.
    Loads of small pollack on baited feathers so switched to slow jigs when tide allowed and soft plastics on portland rigs when it picked up, to pick out the better pollack up to around 5lb.
    Back into the Haven as wind picked up to find plenty more dogfish! Ballan Wrasse, the varying colours are amazing, camera never does it justice, poor cod and also pouting and launce to add to my species for the year.
    More huge ships in the Haven, it certainly makes you wonder how much gas and oil we use!

  22. Like
    Sevans reacted to daio web in Out Out   
    well done on getting out bud  top dangling 🐳
  23. Like
    Sevans got a reaction from daio web in Out Out   
    Finally calm enough to get out of the Haven, well, for a few hours at least.
    Loads of small pollack on baited feathers so switched to slow jigs when tide allowed and soft plastics on portland rigs when it picked up, to pick out the better pollack up to around 5lb.
    Back into the Haven as wind picked up to find plenty more dogfish! Ballan Wrasse, the varying colours are amazing, camera never does it justice, poor cod and also pouting and launce to add to my species for the year.
    More huge ships in the Haven, it certainly makes you wonder how much gas and oil we use!

  24. Like
    Sevans got a reaction from Odyssey in Out Out   
    Finally calm enough to get out of the Haven, well, for a few hours at least.
    Loads of small pollack on baited feathers so switched to slow jigs when tide allowed and soft plastics on portland rigs when it picked up, to pick out the better pollack up to around 5lb.
    Back into the Haven as wind picked up to find plenty more dogfish! Ballan Wrasse, the varying colours are amazing, camera never does it justice, poor cod and also pouting and launce to add to my species for the year.
    More huge ships in the Haven, it certainly makes you wonder how much gas and oil we use!

  25. Like
    Sevans got a reaction from mike farrants in Out Out   
    Finally calm enough to get out of the Haven, well, for a few hours at least.
    Loads of small pollack on baited feathers so switched to slow jigs when tide allowed and soft plastics on portland rigs when it picked up, to pick out the better pollack up to around 5lb.
    Back into the Haven as wind picked up to find plenty more dogfish! Ballan Wrasse, the varying colours are amazing, camera never does it justice, poor cod and also pouting and launce to add to my species for the year.
    More huge ships in the Haven, it certainly makes you wonder how much gas and oil we use!

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