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  1. Haha
    Geoff got a reaction from suzook12 in Atlantic City Saltwater Anglers pics   
    Made by Mercedes Benz, always going flat out and are difficult to overtake! Geoff.😉
  2. Like
    Geoff got a reaction from suzook12 in This is how it's done Luke!!   
    I'll give that one to you Neil - I do not know where you find them (in the gutter?). Geoff.
  3. Like
    Geoff reacted to JDP in Giving the boat a quick run   
    Thought I’d better test the electrics after fitting a lithium battery to the boat to run the electric motor. Ended up forgetting the remote for the minn kota so didn’t get to test that offshore. 
    The dcdc charger worked fine from the starter battery but the interference on the new plotter sonar was very bad for some reason. 
    Humpbacks, dolphins and yellowfin tuna were smashing the surface. Several boats were getting into the tuna, which I’ll leave to the young and foolish!!!!!!
    My son decided to join me been as it was just a quick run. We had 6 fish for 6 drops using one small soft plastic. Lost one fish to a little mako. 





  4. Like
    Geoff reacted to mike farrants in Chesil beach - Monday 4th Sept - Evening   
    had some left over rag worm so headed out to chesil for an hour so after work on a lovely evening.
    Light offshore winds and a calm sea - was just a scratching session to use up some worm.
    One big rig out - pulley pennel with a whole king prawn - got me nothing, 
    but the scratching rod with a 2 hook flapper baited with rag tipped with squid was getting me constant knocks but no hook ups - i switched to smaller hooks and a delicate approach and was rewarded with a couple of small bream (and a lovely sunset)



  5. Haha
    Geoff reacted to Odyssey in Clone   
  6. Like
    Geoff reacted to suzook12 in Gt Yarmouth 8/9/23   
    Another day out and for once the conditions were perfect, flat sea and sunshine..... Other than a bit of fog hanging around first thing (went over Breydon bridge and  couldnt see the water at all....).
    I ended up driving the boat once out of the harbour as we headed North out of Yarmouth. Once near the first mark, the skipper took over and set us up for our first set of drifts for mackerel. This mark proved to be hard work so tried 2 other marks and similar story. We managed about a dozen small mack so set up after tope, with the plan to fish til slack water then go after mack again......
    Couple of taps, but nada, back to drifting for mack, and nothing, not a touch! Loads on the finder but not having any of it. New mark, and back after tope and finally, one of the lads who has never had a tope before, hooked in to one. 50lb male boated and returned. And that was it. The fog closed in very quickly so we headed back, me at the wheel again, man that makes ya twitchy, watching the plotter, watching the radar and staring through the fog and still looking for pot bouys. Obviously, the skipper was keeping a very cautious eye on proceedings taking over again once near the shipping lanes. We settled on a mark just outside the harbour, trying for a smoothie or something, but even this went fishless. Something was out of sorts today. Even saw about 3 dead sea birds float by.....
    2 mack saved the blank for me, but still on 4 tope in 4 trips and managed to christen one of the new rods today......
  7. Like
    Geoff reacted to suzook12 in Check and maintain your tow vehicle!   
    Nope, was all down to Boris, it's his fault!! Starmer would have sorted it before it could have possibly happened
  8. Like
    Geoff reacted to Minters in Bream still there!   
    We went out from Hayling on Friday afternoon to fish the tide up. We didnt have high expectations as it was a neap tide but the wether was amazing and Ive never seen the sea so calm!
    After catching a few mackerel plus a bonus bass and gurnard at the drop off we headed to Boulder to make the most of any tide run. We started with whole mackerel and whole squid but had our baits ripped to bits so we rapidly changed to small strips of mackerel  on size 4 barbless circle hooks and were immediately into bream from tiddlers to 1lb plus. We ended up with 20 plus bream. I out fished Gordon - the only difference in our rigs was that I was using floating luminous round bead in  my  set up - although who knows if that made any difference apart from increasing my confidence.
    As we approached slack high tide Gordon kindly kept the strap conger amused by catching a couple while I sneaked a bass of just under 4lb.  
    Plenty of species but no dogfish - which have been noticeable by their absence in most spots we have fished this year.

  9. Agree
    Geoff reacted to Saintly Fish in Bass on lure   
    Nice @Herbs73, tranquility, bass fishing and a stunning sunset. Perfect! 
  10. Agree
    Geoff reacted to Andy135 in Bass on lure   
    What cracking photos! Sounds like a lovely way to spend the weekend. Boating with the wife, and catching fish too! Well done 👍
  11. Like
    Geoff reacted to Herbs73 in Bass on lure   
    Went out from Brightlingsea yesterday with the wife to watch the barge race and sleep on the boat, no intention of fishing, the wife even had me take all the fishing gear off the boat. Luckily I left the spinning rod on board. 
       Got about a mile out from Brightlingsea and saw loads of seagulls diving, so out came the rod and I drifted for about an hour catching small bass on a Surface popper, must have been hundreds of them, the water was gin clear which is unusual for the area. They were throwing themselves on the hooks, even though they were small it was good fun. 
       Then back to the creek, for some food and a cider(s) and watch the sun go down. Came back this morning. 

  12. Agree
    Geoff reacted to captin slows old outlaw in Prawns   
    he carnt be all that bad as he catches all them fish😃
  13. Like
    Geoff reacted to Odyssey in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Advanced powerboat course with Emma this weekend…. Trust me to pick best fishing conditions 😢
    Ah well, hopefully out Monday on a tuna trip 
  14. Like
    Geoff got a reaction from Saintly Fish in This is how it's done Luke!!   
    I'll give that one to you Neil - I do not know where you find them (in the gutter?). Geoff.
  15. Agree
    Geoff reacted to JDP in Odyssey   
    Superb vessel, has to be the best rig on any of the forums. 
  16. Like
    Geoff reacted to Odyssey in Odyssey   
    Managed to get a (very rare) video of my baby the other day….. 
  17. Like
    Geoff reacted to Odyssey in Odyssey   
    Annnnnndddd obligatory dog on boat picture 😁😁😁

  18. Haha
    Geoff got a reaction from captin slows old outlaw in Prawns   
    I think that is a bit mean Pete - remember - this is one of Luke's jokes so you should try to encourage him. Geoff. 😉
  19. Optimistic
    Geoff got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Prawns   
    That's not fair Neil - He doesn't know any, but I do think that now he is under Ems influence things may improve with a little encouragement. Geoff.
  20. Agree
    Geoff reacted to Odyssey in Prawns   
    Awww thanks Geoff 🙂 Im trying to improve but they are a tough crowd 😮
  21. Agree
    Geoff got a reaction from JonC in Prawns   
    I think that is a bit mean Pete - remember - this is one of Luke's jokes so you should try to encourage him. Geoff. 😉
  22. Like
    Geoff reacted to Dicky in West Bay 2/9/23   
    Fished on a charter out of West Bay on Saturday, the first day of their 2 day boat comp. I could only fish the first day but entered anyway (waste of £15 lol). We started off on a wreck around 8 miles out and caught small bass from the off, only 1 or 2 a drift. Another boat joined us and after a few drifts he decided to drop his anchor which messed up our drifts so we ended up moving off. Out of the dozen or so bass only 2 were keepers the biggest going around 6lb which i think was the biggest of the weekend. We then had a spell just drifting away from the wreck over sand looking for flats, i had a tub gurnard and a small thornback which i was hoping was a plaice on the way up nut no such luck. There were a couple of red gurnards caught but it was slow so we moved back inshore on the edge of a reef and had a spell at anchor. Loads of bream to around 2lbs, mackeral, pout, more gurnards a pollack and a cod. Unfortunately as the tide increased we swung in the tide over an old piece of rope or something on the bottom and with a few of the guys snagging it regularly and losing gear we had a few drifts over the reef. Slow again but there were a few bream, another pollack and a keeper bass for my brother. No prizes for us but overall a nice day at sea in good company so was happy after not getting out since June
  23. Like
    Geoff reacted to Odyssey in Prawns   
    Two prawns were swimming around in the sea. One called Justin and the other called Kristian.
    The prawns were constantly being harassed and threatened by sharks that inhabited the area.
    Finally one day Justin said to Kristian, "I'm fed up with being a prawn; I wish I was a shark, and then I wouldn't have any worries about being eaten".
    A large mysterious cod appeared and said, "Your wish is granted".
    Lo and behold, Justin turned into a shark. Horrified, Kristian immediately swam away, afraid of being eaten by his old friend.
    Time passed (as it does) and Justin found life as a shark boring and lonely. All his old chums simply swam away whenever he came close to them. Justin gradually realised that his new menacing appearance was the cause of his sad plight.
    While swimming alone one day he saw the mysterious cod again and he thought perhaps the mysterious fish could change him back into a prawn.
    He approached the cod and begged to be changed back, and, lo and behold, he found himself turned back into a prawn.
    With tears of joy in his tiny little eyes, Justin swam to Kristian's home.
    As he opened the coral gate, memories came flooding back. He banged on the door and shouted, "It's me, Justin, your old friend, come out and see me again".
    Kristian replied, "No way man, you'll eat me. You're now a shark, the enemy, and I'll not be tricked into being your dinner".
    Justin cried back "No, I'm not. That was the old me. I've changed..."
    "I've found Cod. I'm a prawn again Kristian!!..lol
  24. Like
    Geoff reacted to Davemc in Lost bass on lure   
    Had a great time Andy , Never been to Pembs and came away with 2nd for the biggest combined 3 bass of 182cm ....I'm a lucky beggar 😁
  25. Haha
    Geoff reacted to MegaByte in Safety Tip #106   
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