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  1. Haha
    Geoff reacted to Saintly Fish in pond fish for free   
    118 Acre??? More like 118 litre. 
  2. Like
    Geoff reacted to Odyssey in Sharking and SPJ success!   
  3. Like
    Geoff reacted to Andy135 in A quick flick with a shore jig   
    An early session from the rocks in Fowey this morning.

    I tied on the trusty Major Craft Jigpara 20g in Zebra Glow and didn't have to wait long for the first hit, a small schoolie bass.

    Next up was a decent mackerel.

    and shortly after I scored a two-for-one!

    Called it a day not long afterwards as the tide had started to flood and I didn't fancy being trapped on the rocks. A fun little session to start the day.
  4. Like
    Geoff reacted to jonnyswamp in A midweek mooch   
    Apart from a snatched couple of hours out 6/8 weeks ago, I hadn't took the boat through the locks in what felt like 6 months or more
    Made a few phone calls, fulfilled a few promises and 5 of us boarded at 7am this morning, ready for the 7.30 outbound lock
    Forecast had changed overnight from next to no winds all day, to gusts of up to 20 odd mph North Easterlies until 10 ish
    On an ebbing tide in the Bristol Channel this is doable, so wasn't particularly worried as low water coincided with the winds dropping and a 3-4mph wind against a floodiing tide wouldn't present much of an issue (even on a small tide of around 10m)
    Plan was to go straight out to a large sand bank a mile or so out of the locks and fish the remaining ebb until low water which was  around 11, the gusty winds would have been directly with the tide and should have been comfortable enough. It wasn't
    Got somewhere near the mark and it was clear that mother nature was menopausal and was being a bit of a twat
    Plan B implemented and we headed East for calmer waters just off Sully Island and after dragging anchor (very slowly) for half an hour or so, pulled it back in to find a rock the size of an odd shaped basket ball wedged between the flukes and the stem (?) so no surprised it didn't hold
    We did pick up a few strap congers and ray or 2 here
    Plan C next, so we moved into Sully Bay hoping for some bigger Blondes and while we didn't boat any monsters, we had a steady stream over the gunwales through slack low until mid dayish, just the one small dog, a dozen or more eels to 10-12lb, 5/6 Blondes to low single figures, a couple of Thornies of around the same stamp, a Smoothy of 7/8lb and a small whiting
    This was my mates fathers first fish in 25 plus yrs, also his first boat trip in 25 yrs as well
    And he only chucked up once
    Final move of the day was back up to Cardiff to have a go tight in to the Foreshore looking for a lost Codling or 2
    They may have been lost, but we didn't find them
    A bit more of the same, fish wise up here, but the wind was slewing us back and forth tangling lines etc, so we pulled the pick and made the 5 min steam into the 2.15pm inbound lock and was back on the mooring by 2.45
    Would have been quicker, but I drop the oldies off (and everyone else) at the fuel pontoon with the all the gear, so it isn't so far to carry (pull the trolley) to the van
    Not a red letter day and only the one photo, but still enjoyable none the less
  5. Agree
    Geoff reacted to captin slows old outlaw in pond fish for free   
    it seems to me that thay can avertise scames ect as long as they get paid. meta is amercan co (only thing that maters is money/ profet )take the sliming pill scandell afew years back. evan when it had been proved that these peals wer killing peopple they continued to addvertise them.so i am a bit biesed about them.
  6. Sad
    Geoff reacted to Odyssey in Sharking and SPJ success!   
    I’ll have a look but I suspect it’ll break my budget…. I’m a poor skipper who has endless trips blown off due to weather…. 😞 
  7. Like
    Geoff reacted to Malc in Wee dab of luck!   
    No but I did take 3 sizeable whiting, mostly because they were deep hooked 
  8. Like
    Geoff reacted to Malc in Wee dab of luck!   
    Additional pictures. 

    Happy enough with the fishing as no one else caught due to them having huge hooks and baits, casting for the horizon and not seeing the bites anyway due to using mono!
  9. Like
    Geoff reacted to Andy135 in Sharking and SPJ success!   
    So perhaps the title is a bit click-baity, but what was supposed to be a two day sharking trip on Odyssey, with @Odyssey to celebrate @Saintly Fish's birthday got blown out and turned into a Dad's & Lads reefing session, with Neil and I keen to get some proper use out of our SPJ gear.

    We locked out at dawn but as we left the shelter of Milford Haven it became obvious that the conditions hadn't yet improved like they were supposed to... I blame Michael Fish for that 😖.
    So plan B was quickly formulated to visit the inshore islands for some drifting for pollack followed by downtiding at anchor to see what was home while the weather settled. The short answer was... not a lot. Some small pollack and poor cod on the drift and at anchor just a solitary dogfish to the skipper (#welljell!) and an inquisitive squid that followed my baited feathers to the surface but didn't commit himself to the bait.
    As the conditions eased we motored out to a series of reefs - the plan was to drift for some better pollack. Neil and I were to experiment with our SPJ gear over slack water and we didn't have to wait long for the fish. Lots of hits and lots of table sized pollack over the gunnels in short order. They were hitting the jigs consistently, just off the bottom. Any colour would do, as long as it was about two turns up from the sea floor.

    Other species also fell to the jigs. Neil had a scad if I remember correctly, and Leo had a PB which I'll leave to Neil to share the details of 👍.
    It didn't take long for the fish box to fill up and we called it a day after one of our crew nearly vomited himself overboard... #somepeoplearejustnotcutoutforboating

    So, a great day's fishing snatched from the jaws of defeat. JAWS will have to wait until next season however.
    A big thank you to @Odyssey for hosting and skippering 👍.
  10. Like
    Geoff reacted to captin slows old outlaw in pond fish for free   
    no problems yet , just tring to give the fish, frogs and visiters more room, 4 quibik mters is a lote of water.
    i took advice froom a few books , the net and a very helpfull retailer.
    the hole was there allready, i just shaped it , flatend it and lined it with olld carpet pond liner underlay ect. oh and old tarpolling i had layling around.
  11. Like
    Geoff reacted to captin slows old outlaw in pond fish for free   
    john i know that i am an ideat to a lot of peopple.
    but i am over sized on filtration and uv acording to those that know better than me. 
    i have 2 ponds the smaller pond acts as a filta for sludge if it gets past my dustbin sicise filta, which is feed from the large pond via a uv light,
    the large pond has a seperate smaller filta with a uv light. wateris aprox 4 quibik mt deponding on rain or drought. i test vfor ph ect , once a week in the summer and less in winter. this year i invested in plunts that help with the quolty of the water.
    thank you for you tips and i am looking forward to any  more that you might have. 
    i find that the fish help me to relax and chill out
    but anybody have any idears i am allways ready to listen
    again thanks jon, your input is allways valued
  12. Agree
    Geoff reacted to captin slows old outlaw in pond fish for free   
    i just have to many fish and nead to make some room. if i have to many in there i can get problems with there health ect
  13. Agree
    Geoff got a reaction from JonC in pond fish for free   
    Take no notice of these mickey takers Pete - they will be asking for free delivery next! I think that was a very nice gesture that you made. Geoff.  🙂
  14. Like
    Geoff reacted to captin slows old outlaw in pond fish for free   
    pond fish come and collect thay are free, i nead to reduce the amount i have in the pond.
  15. Like
    Geoff reacted to Odyssey in Wish   
    a guy walks into a bar one day and he can’t believe his eyes. There, in the corner, there’s this one-foot-tall man, in a little tuxedo, playing a tiny grand piano.
    So the guy asks the bartender, “Where’d he come from?”
    And the bartender’s, like, “There’s a genie in the corner of the bar who grants wishes.”
    So the guy runs into the corner of the bar and, sure enough, there’s this genie. And the genie’s, like, “Your wish is my command.” So the guy’s, like, “O.K., I wish for lots of cash. Suddenly there is big puff of smoke and the bar is full of cats.
    The guy goes and complains to the bartender and says what’s wrong with the genie. The bartender replies, he’s a bit hard of hearing, I didn’t wish for a 12inch pianist….
  16. Like
    Geoff reacted to Odyssey in Weekend weather   
    I’ve posted a new joke in hopes I may score more…
  17. Sad
    Geoff reacted to Malc in Stormy weather!   
    Apparently the pier structure (wall possibly)  has also been damaged so not good for those who regularly fish there or those who can't access beaches and rock ledges.
  18. Haha
    Geoff got a reaction from mike farrants in A short weather window   
    FTFY Mike. Geoff.  🙂
  19. Agree
    Geoff got a reaction from GPSguru in A short weather window   
    FTFY Mike. Geoff.  🙂
  20. Like
    Geoff reacted to Odyssey in 50W reel wanted   
  21. Agree
    Geoff reacted to GPSguru in A short weather window   
    Agreed, also fresh plaice is high on my eating agenda.
  22. Haha
    Geoff got a reaction from Andy135 in 50W reel wanted   
    FTFY Luke, but probably your best joke on the forum yet! Geoff.  😉
  23. Haha
    Geoff got a reaction from Odyssey in 50W reel wanted   
    FTFY Luke, but probably your best joke on the forum yet! Geoff.  😉
  24. Like
    Geoff reacted to GPSguru in Sunday 15th Oct - Weymouth & Portland   
    Correct, this time of the year I use a 2 jig rig. 30lb mono with a blood loop 3” above the lead for the cuttle jig, and another blood loop about 3ft from the lead for the squid. We always get cuttle on the bottom jig and squid on the top jig, so it works a treat.
  25. Like
    Geoff reacted to mike farrants in Sunday 15th Oct - Weymouth & Portland   
    Sunday was forecast for light winds off the the land, so had to get out - took the other half out on pugwash in search of some squid.
    She really doesn't like fish or fishing, but was willing to spend a few hours afloat as long as she didn't have to do anything!
    11am start and we were off out the harbour in glorious sunshine, as we approached Portland's north entrance i chucked the Squid jigs down feeling hopeful, 
    being restless the mackerel feathers soon went over the side too  - i had an old set that were busted up and now only 2 hooks remained, but i thought with the Mrs on board that would mean less 'flapping' - wasnt long before i was into a 'full string' of 2. happy blank saved.
    I switched to a slow jig while we drifted near the wall hoping for a bass/pollock/wrasse but nothing. 
    moving slightly inside portland harbour i suddenly saw movement on the squid rod - bang first squid landed - only a small one - but target achieved
    Almost immediately the feathers went - Tub Gurnard - happy days!

    then i had another larger squid, 

    the next drift we had company - the guy that runs Chesil bait and tackle was out in his boat - saw him land a few cuttle and i saw him get an inky shot right in the kisser (haha)
    I soon was into another squid which was followed right up to the surface by a cuttle - i couldn't get him with the net though. I sent the jigs straight back down and was immediately into another - I thought it might be the cuttle taking them on the drop - but it was a 4th squid.

    wasn't long before 2.30pm came around and we headed in as i wanted to watch the rugby at 4pm. 
    a great few hours afloat bait freezer topped up (and an excellent game of rugby!)

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