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Everything posted by Herbs73

  1. He went off like a steam train,
  2. Not managed much fishing lately due to work but yesterday came free so i grabbed the opportunity. Picked up my couzin David at 5am amd was driving out Brightlingsea harbour by 5.30. We headed for the priory spit hoping for smoothounds with an hour Before higj water left, but jt was a bit slow, David had 1 houmd at 6lb and i had a couple of doggies. We fished it down for an hour so and them moved up on to the gunfleet where it picked up a bit i had 1 bass at 3lb and 4 hounds around ths 6&7 lb mark amd a small tope, David didnt get a bite which caused him some consternation, he put it down to the side of the boat i was fishing from unitl the tide turned again and the boat swung round amd i carried on catching and he didnt. We fished the tide back up for a few hours then moved back to the priory where there was now 3 charters and 2 privateers and we were straigjt into the hounds. My total was 12 hounds with the biggest at 13lb and David had 4. Bait was ragworm amd squid. Great day especially winding up David about his poor fishing skills.
  3. your mate Darren with the kenzakis
  4. i’ve just payed Darren mate, over to you 👍👍
  5. i found it and i’ve messaged him. 👍
  6. i just saw his details flash up and i can’t find them now. how did you send them?
  7. Cheers Jon, yes i’m in Brightlingsea, If it doesn’t out you out to much Harwich is pretty easy for me or if your friend is in Brightlingsea. which ever is easier for you ?
  8. if they are still available i’ll take them.
  9. are they the newer super kenzakis ?
  10. about the same as my marks then,
  11. possibly, i’ve not entered yet though
  12. I’ve got a pair of team daiwa uptiders for tope which I love
  13. I don’t know much about Rhino, what’s better about them than the ugly stick
  14. if i fish your marks with the same rods then just maybe i’ll start to feel like you
  15. Morning guys I’m in the market for a pair of new 12-20 rods, I don’t want to break the bank so a max of £150 each. Any recommendations. Tia
  16. there must be some sort of system on the market that alerts you when someone’s on your mark, bit like a ring doorbell ?
  17. i hope you’ve set him right ?
  18. bloody hell, i bet that put a bend in his rod.
  19. 16.5 lb in brightlingsea ? i havnt heard about that one, my mate had a 6 and a 7.5 down the pyefleet last weekend which i thought was pretty good.
  20. Hi guys, work commitments have kept me from going fishing lately but managed an early one this morning, We knew it was going to be blowy so we headed down a little creek called the Pyefleet. fished from 5am to 11am in shallow water and managed half a dozen small bass and three small thorn backs between the 2 of us. Not the most eventful days fishing but it was nice to get out.
  21. Herbs73


    270 mile south of Tallahassee, both in Florida though.
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